
Past Continuous

тесты по теме Past Continuous

Содержимое разработки

1. Составьте предложения в the Past Continuous Tense.

  1.  I/to go home/at 4 o’clock yesterday.

  2.  We/to play basketball/at 6 o’clock last Sunday.

  3.  She/to talk with her friend/for forty minutes yesterday.

  4. You/to wash the window/in the afternoon yesterday.

  5.  Nick/to ride his bike/all the evening.

  6. Sheila and Dora/to wait for a bus/for half an hour.

  7.  They/to prepare for the party/all day yesterday.

  8.  I/to learn the poem/for an hour.

  9. Dick/to paint the walls in his room/from 2 to 6 o’clock last Wednesday.

  10.  Eve and Tony/to skate/all day last Saturday.

2 Поставьте глагол в Past Сontinious

  1.  Alison … (to have) lunch at two o’clock yesterday.

  2.  Edward and Henry … (to play) the guitar all the evening.

  3.  Ben … (to run) in the park in the morning yesterday.

  4.  I … (to speak) to the manager from three to half past five last Thursday.

  5. My grandparents … (to drive) to Poltava at this time yesterday.

  6.  Lucy … (to iron) clothes from 4 to 6 o’clock last Saturday.

  7. You … (to sleep) for three hours in the afternoon.

  8.  Julia … (to listen) to news at this time yesterday.

  9. My mother … (to dust) the furniture when I came home yesterday.

  10. We … (to play) on the playground all day last Sunday.

  11.  You … (not to listen) to the radio, you … (to read) the letter from your niece.

  12.  Clara … (to take) a bath at nine o’clock yesterday evening.

  13.  Monica and her friend … (to have) coffee in the sitting-room.

  14.  Our Granny … (not to plant) tomatoes in the garden.

  15.  Dick … (to carry) his bag towards the hotel room.

  16.  Sally and Frank … (not to decorate) the classroom, they … (to prepare) a wall newspaper.

  17. The professor … (to give) a lecture but some students … (not to listen) to him.

  18. The nurse … (not to take) his temperature, she … (to give) him an aspirin.

  19. The train … (to arrive) at the station at seven o’clock.

  20.  Olga … (not to wait) for us yesterday evening.

3 Сделайте предложения отрицательными

  1.  The teacher was explaining the exercise to the pupils.

  2.  Amanda was travelling around Africa at that time.

  3.  We were having a Music lesson at ten o’clock yesterday.

  4.  I was doing the shopping yesterday.

  5.  Martin was visiting his aunt at this time yesterday.

  6.  The girls were preparing for the concert.

  7. They were flying to Wales at 6 o’clock yesterday.

  8. It was raining hard all day last Tuesday.

  9.  Mike and Jess were walking in the park last evening.

  10.  He was choosing the books in the library then.

4 Сделайте предложения вопросительными

  1. We were having lunch in the canteen.

  2. She was singing a lovely song.

  3. You were speaking to your boss.

  4. George was sitting in the armchair by the fireplace.

  5. Jane and Margaret were going to the airport.

  6. The baby was crying.

  7. It was getting dark.

  8. We were waiting for my cousin.

  9. The woman was watching the children on the playground.

  10.  The tourists were taking photos in front of the palace.

Курсы профессиональной переподготовке

Учитель, преподаватель английского языка

Продолжительность 300 или 600 часов
Документ: Диплом о профессиональной переподготовке
13800 руб.
от 3450 руб.
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