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Разработка урока по теме "Космос" 11 класс

Разработка к тексту Spotlight on Russia "Space" 11 класс.


Содержимое разработки

Урок № Английский язык

11 класс Учитель» Ступицкая Я.А

Тема урока: « Космос»

Цель: Развитие речевой компетенции в области чтения, аудирования и устной речи.


Воспитательная: воспитывать сознательное отношение к учебе.

Развивающая цель: развивать память, внимание, мышление

Тип занятия: урок комплексного применения компетенций

Материальное обеспечение урока: УМК “Spotlight”, 11кл. Ваулина Ю.Е.., презентация.

Ход урока

    1. Организационный момент. Тема, цели.

Good afternoon, children. I’m glad to see you. Take your seats, please. Today we’ll read about pioneers who led the way to space.

Речевая зарядка.

But before we begin our work, tell me please, would you like to go into space? What do you think about space tourism?

Фонетическая зарядка.

Transcribe some words from the text and read them. Let’s check up your prononciation: human, flight, research, legend, achievement.

    1. Основная часть.

Работа с текстом Spotlight on Russia с.8.

Читать и переводить текст. Space

Подбор эквивалентов:

The next task is to find in the text the English equivalents for the following words and word combinations:

Distinguished history in space

Send a sattelite

Launch a space station

Manned missions

Many spacewalks

Living quarters

Crew members

выдающаяся космическая история

отправить спутник

запустить космическую станцию

пилотируемые полетов

выходы в открытый космос

жилые помещения

члены экипажа

Ответы на вопросы по тексту.

Listen to me very attentively and be ready to answer my questions:

    • When did Russia send the first artificial satellite?

    • Was Russia the 1st country which sent a man into the space?

    • How long was MIR in orbit?

    • How long have MIR been built?

    • When was MIR launched into the space (1986)?

    • Who were the 1st crew members?

    • What was Kristall?

    • When was MIR taken out of orbit? And why?

    • Whe are the remains of MIR now?

  1. согласись/опровергни.

True or false? The next task is to agree or disagree with the following sentences.

You may use these phrases:

I’m afraid that’s wrong.

According to the story…

That’s right.

That’s not quite true to the text.

  1. Mir took 20 year to build.(F).

  2. Russia was the 1st country to send a satellite into space.(T)

  3. Mir was weighting 10 tones.(F)

  4. Mir was put in space in 1986. (T)

  5. The 1st crew members were Leonid Kizim and Vladimir Soloviev. (T)

  6. Kvant was used as micro-gravity research laboratory. (F)

  7. Spektr and Prioda were Earth observation platforms. (T)

  8. Mir was taken out of orbit in 2001 because of space disaster. (F)

  9. Remains of Mir is now in space. (F)

  1. перевод предложений.

And now, please, translate my sentences from Russian into English:

  1. Это первая страна, которая отправила спутник в космос

  2. В течение этого времени, было много пилотируемых полетов в и из него и много выходов в открытый космос.

  3. Еще шесть модулей были запущены отдельно и добавлялись к основному модулю

  1. Частичный пересказ текста.

‘I give you the shuts of paper. There are phrases from the text there. Retell these parts of the text, using these words and phrases: distinguished history, launch space station, manned mission, spacewalks, Kvant, Kristall, taken out, on the bottom of pacific ocean/

  1. дополни предложения.

All the rest will complete my s-ces:

    • Russia has a long…

    • Mir took …

    • A further six modules…

Thank you Let’s listen to your retellings.

    1. Заключительная часть.

Thank you for your work today. You did well. Did you like this text?

Домашнее задание.

Your home task will be to tell more information about famous cosmonaut.

The lesson is over. I wish you good luck. Good-bye.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Проектная деятельность учащихся

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
1000 руб.
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