Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Уроки  /  8 класс  /  Plants and animals

Plants and animals

Grade:8 kaz


Theme: Animals and Plants

Objectives: 1.To enrich pupils’ knowledge about living plants and animals;

2.Develop speaking and writing skills. Develop memory and attention.

3. To understand and love the nature;

Cultural: bringing up them to love English languages

The type of the lesson: mixed

The kind of the lesson: demonstrative lesson

The visual aids of the lesson: the pictures of plants and animals.crossword. book.

The Outline of the lesson

I. Organization moment II. Checking up homework III. Main part

IV.Feedback and Reflection IV. Giving homework and Assessment V. Saying good-bye


Содержимое разработки

Grade:8 kaz


Theme: Animals and Plants

Objectives: 1 .To enrich pupils’ knowledge about living plants and animals;

2 .Develop speaking and writing skills. Develop memory and attention.

3. To understand and love the nature;

Cultural: bringing up them to love English languages

The type of the lesson: mixed

The kind of the lesson: demonstrative lesson

The visual aids  of the lesson:  the pictures of plants and animals.crossword. book.

The Outline of the lesson

I.    Organization  moment
II.   Checking up homework
III.  Main part

IV.Feedback and Reflection
IV. Giving homework and Assessment
V.  Saying good-bye

The Procedure  of the lesson


T: - Good morning, learners!

L: - Good morning teacher

T:-How are you?

L:-We are fine thank you, and you?

T:- I’m too!

T: - What date is it today?

T:- What day is it today?

Come to the blackboard please all of you and divide into 2 group. You must to take cards if you take animals card you must to sit at animals group

1st team Animals 2nd team Plants

II.Checking up homework

Learn by heart some animals and plants .

III.Warm-up activity.Answer the questions

-What animals and plants do you know?

-Which of them are your favourite? Why?

IV. New words:

Include [in`klu:d] кірістіру- включать

Species [`spi:ʃi:z] түрлері - разновидность

Discover [di`skɅvә]табу- открывать

Air [eә(r)] ауа- воздух

Desert [`dezәt]шөл - пустыня

Soil [sɔil] топырақ - почва

Root [ru:t]түбір - корнеплоды

Insect [`insekt]жәндік - насекомое

Move [mu:v]көшу - двигаться

Common [`kɔmәn]ортақ -общий

Earth [Ɛ:Ɵ]жер - земля

Discovery [di`skɅv(ә)ri]жаңалық - открытие

Breathe [bri:ᵭ]тыныс алу - дыхание

Support [sә`pɔ:t]қолдау - поддерживать

Carbon dioxide [`ka:b(ә)n dai`ɔksaid] Көмір қышқыл газы – углекислый газ

Write down new words in your dictionary

I give you evaluation sheet paper, you must assess each groups work

Exercise 3.Match the following words with their meanings in English. Group work

1.Include – to contain something as a part

2.Species- a plant or animal group having much in common

3.Discover- to find out

4.Insect- a small animal that has six legs and often has wings

Exercise 4.Reading and Speaking

Animals and Plants

2.Answer the questions on the text Animals and Plants.

1.What do living things include?

2.Can we say that we have already studied all the plants and animals that live in our planet? What groups of animals do you know?

3.In what way are plants and animals different?

4.The text says that some plants are very tiny and some are very big. Is that true about animals? Can you give examples?

5.Why can`t we live without plants and animals? In what ways do we use them?

6.What is carbon dioxide?

7.Do you know any plants that catch and eat insects?

8.Can you name any plants that can travel from place to place?

9.What animals never leave their places?

10.Can you name some plants that grow very tall and live a long life?

Time to relax.Lets play the game Who is quicker?


XI.Conclusion: Dear learners, today you are so active. Thank you! 

Home tasks: Retell the text Animals and Plants. And Ex:3.

«Мақтажан» жалпы орта метебі коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесі

Open Lesson

The theme: Animals and Plants.

Күні: 15.01.18.

Сыныбы: 8 «ә» қазақ.

Дайындаған: Абдраманова А.

2017-2018 оқу жылы.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Интерактивные методы в практике школьного образования

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
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