Цель урока: выучить слова по заданной теме, уметь высказывать свое мнение о проблемах экологии. Практиковать словообразование по схеме v - n - adj.
Задачи урока:
1. практиковать в речи лексику по теме, уметь образовывать слова с помощью суффиксов;
2. развивать диалогическую речь и монологическую речь;
3. воспитывать уважение к стране изучаемого языка, культуру речи.
Оборудование урока: учебник, интерактивная доска, словарь.
Ход урока
- Greetings.
- Good morning, dear children!
- What date is it today? Who is absent today?
- We are beginning our lesson with this song:
If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands! (clap) - (clap)
If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands! (clap) - (clap)
If you’re happy and you know it, and you really want to show it,
if you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands! (clap) - (clap)
If you’re happy and you know it, slap your knees! (slap) - (slap)
If you’re happy and you know it, slap your knees! (slap) - (slap)
If you’re happy and you know it, and you really want to show it,
if you’re happy and you know it, slap your knees! (slap) - (slap)
- Warm up: Association
- Checking homework: read the text and put the English equivalents on cards.
Ecology is the study that helps to сохранить вселенную, its plants and animals. It is also supposed to study the окружающую среду and the relationship between human activities and природой. Until recently this relationship was in balance. However, at present times we have to face such ecological problems as кислотный дождь, глобальное потепление, loss of rare species, ozone reduction, etc. Многие ученые think that it is connected with industrial boom and development of civilization in the world. Building numerous factories people have started to interfere intensively in nature. Every year world industry загрязняет the atmosphere with tons of dust and other вредными веществами. As a result many species of animals and plants исчезают forever, including fish and birds. Many large cities страдают от фабричного смога. Their activity pollutes the воздух, the воду, the леса and the почву. Apart from factories there are lots of vehicles in the streets of every more or less developed city. It includes cars, motorbikes, buses, minivans, trucks and other types of transport which use fuel. First of all, they exhaust токсические газы into the air. Secondly, they are considered to be the main noise offenders in the city. This problem progresses as the number of cars increases from year to year. As a result the уровень вредных веществ in the air also increases. Another problem which is worth mentioning is the вырубка деревьев. Trees are a source of кислорода and clean air. So, by doing this people simply violate the биологический баланс. All the above mentioned ecological problems are the result of man’s беззаботное взаимодействие with nature. In my opinion, environmental protection should become of a global concern and serious measures should be taken to create экологическую безопасность.
T - Cl - S
- Speaking:
Have you ever been to the Aral Sea?
Have you ever heard about the Aral Sea?
Where is it located?
What sea is it now?
What’s the problem of the Aral region?
Is the problem of the Aral Sea only the problem of Kazakhstan?
T - S
- Vocabulary: desert, reduction –сокращение, irrigation - орошение, shrinkage - , disaster - бедствие, pollutant - загрязнитель, cause - случай, pour - литься, damage – повреждать, ущерб, contain - содержать, soil - почва.
Pronunciation S - Cl - T
- Physical break “ Head and shoulders”
- The work in groups/ Reading ex6p80
Ask the questions about Aral Sea
1 group N2
2 group N1
G - T - S
- Grammar. Writing. Word formation ex 11p81
Verb |
Noun |
Adjective |
Shrink |
shrinkage |
shrinking |
reduce |
reduction |
reduced |
pollute |
pollution |
- |
employ |
employment |
employable |
environ |
environment |
environmental |
appear |
appearance |
- |
disappear |
disappearance |
- |
S - S
8. Homework: ex12, 13 p82 - 83 complete and learn.
9. Conclusion “Method Insert”.