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Контрольная работа по английскому языку Spotlight 2 четверть 5 класс


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Контрольная работа за 1 полугодие 5 класс

Вариант 1.

Фамилия Имя________________________________________

Задание 1. Угадай животное по описанию(dog,giraffe,tiger,elephant,monkey).

1. It’s a big animal. It is a wild animal. It lives in Africa. It’s grey. It has got big ears and a long nose. It likes eating grass.

2. It’s a wild animal. It lives in the jungle. It’s black and orange. It has got a long tail and a short neck. It has sharp teeth. It can run well. It eats meat. We can see it at the Zoo.

3. It’s a wild animal. It’s not big. It’s brown. It has got a long tail. It can jump and climb. It’s funny animal. It lives in the jungle. It eats bananas.

4. It’s a domestic animal. It’s not big. It’s a clever animal. It can run, jump and play. It likes eating meat and bones.

5. It’s a wild animal. It has got a long neck. It lives in Africa. It likes eating grass.

Задание 2. Закончи фразу словами watch, get, have, go, work

  1. _____________to bed

  2. _____________up

  3. _____________TV

  4. _____________jogging

  5. _____________on my computer

Задание 3. Поставь глаголы в Present Progressive.

1. The taxi driver ________________________(drive) a taxi at the moment.

2. Ann and Lin _________________________(talk) every day.

3. Children __________________________(go) to school now.

4. I _____________________________(do) my homework at the moment.

5. She often _________________________(work) on my computer.

Задание 4. Напиши цифрами, который час.

1. Twelve fourty-five o clock________

2. Thirteen thirty o clock_____________

3. Twenty-two fifteen o clock__________

4. Seventeen ten o clock___________

5. One fifty o clock_______________

Контрольная работа за 1 полугодие 5 класс

Вариант 2.

Фамилия Имя________________________________________

Задание 1. Угадай животное по описанию( dog,giraffe,tiger,elephant,monkey).

1 It’s a wild animal. It has got a long neck. It lives in Africa. It likes eating grass.

2. It’s a wild animal. It lives in the jungle. It’s black and orange. It has got a long tail and a short neck. It has sharp teeth. It can run well. It eats meat. We can see it at the Zoo.

3. It’s a wild animal. It’s not big. It’s brown. It has got a long tail. It can jump and climb. It’s funny animal. It lives in the jungle. It eats bananas.

4. It’s a domestic animal. It’s not big. It’s a clever animal. It can run, jump and play. It likes eating meat and bones.

5. It’s a big animal. It is a wild animal. It lives in Africa. It’s grey. It has got big ears and a long nose. It likes eating grass.

Задание 2. Закончи фразу словами watch, get, have, go, work

  1. _____________ on my computer

  2. _____________ TV

  3. _____________ up

  4. _____________jogging

  5. _____________ to bed

Задание 3. Поставь глаголы в Present Progressive или в Present Simple.

1. Alice _________________________________(eat) breakfast at the moment.

2. The doctors never______________________________(play) computer games.

3. Children _______________________________(wait) for the ambulance now.

4. I _____________________________________( drink)now.

5. He always ____________________________________(say) goodbye to the children.

Задание 4. Напиши словами, который час.

1. Eleven fourty-five o clock____________

2. Fifteen thirty o clock______________

3. Twenty-three fifteen o clock_______________

4. Sixteen ten o clock_______________

5. Nine fifty o clock___________________

Курсы повышения квалификации

Проектная деятельность учащихся

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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Контрольная работа по английскому языку Spotlight 2 четверть 5 класс (16.02 KB)

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