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Конкурс эрудитов по теме "Австралия"

Конкурс эрудитов по теме: "Австралия" для учащихся 7 классов. Можно использовать для закрепления пройденного материала по теме "Австралия" (Unit VIII).


Содержимое разработки

Конкурс эрудитов по теме:

Australia” (7 класс)

Речевые функции: answering questions.

Цели: практическая: совершенствование лексических навыков по теме;

образовательная: систематизация знаний об истории, культуре, географических особенностях Австралии;

развивающая: развитие памяти, скорости реакции, внимания, логического мышления, совершенствование навыков языковой догадки;

воспитательная: формирование стремления расширять кругозор и повышать уровень эрудиции; развитие умения работать в команде.

Сопутствующие задачи: развитие умений чтения, восприятия и понимания речи на слух, монологической и диалогической речи.

Лексика: climate, landscape, continent, desert, central, etc.


1) комплекты карточек с половинками слов;

2) карточки с буквами “T” и “F” для каждой команды;

3) карточки с вопросами и вариантами ответов для задания .”Cunning “Strine”;

4) тексты с пропущенными словами (задание “Missing words”);

5) наглядный материал (изображения австралийских животных, карта Австралии и др.);

6) контурные карты Австралии;

7) аудиозаписи (австралийская народная мелодия, звук кукабарры);

8) диплом для команды-победителя;

9) карточки для проведения рефлексии.

Ход мероприятия

1. Организационный этап

(Звучит австралийская народная мелодия)

Teacher: Good afternoon! Please, listen to the music and look at the pictures! What can you see in them? What country are we going to speak about?

Today we’re going to hold a contest. Let’s divide into two teams!

(учащиеся делятся на две команды, презентуют названия команд и капитанов).

- I see you are eager to compete. Try to be as quick and smart as you can. Let’s go!

2. Конкурс эрудитов

Task 1. “Mixed Halves”. There are 20 parts of 10 words. Try to combine them into the words. Read the words. You’ll get 1 point for each word and 2 bonus points if your team is the first to fulfil the task without mistakes.

  • Cli-mate

  • Land-scape

  • Conti-nent

  • De-sert

  • Ko-ala

  • Cent-ral

  • Terri-tory

  • Tempe-rature

  • Mi-ning

  • Kan- garoo

Task 2. “True or false?” Listen to the sentences. If they are true, raise the card with the letter “T”. If they are false, raise “F”- cards. Each right answer costs 1 point.

  1. Canberra is the home of Australia’s government. (T)

  2. Sydney is the capital of Australia. (F)

  3. The word “Canberra” means “a lovely place”. (F)

  4. There are 12 million trees in Canberra. (T)

  5. Australia is famous for its gold mining. (T).

  6. The Australian natives are Indians. (F)

  7. Australia is not a city. (T)

  8. There are 200 species of kangaroos in Australia. (F)

  9. Australians celebrate Christmas in winter (F)

  10. Australia was discovered by Captain James Cook in 1770. (T).

  11. There are a lot of national buildings in Canberra (T).

  12. It often rains in Australia. (F).

  13. There are 10 sheeps in Australia for each person who lives there (T).

  14. Ayers Rock, or Uluru, that is situated in Australia is the largest piece of rock in the world (T).

  15. The climate of Australia is cool and wet (F).

Task 3.”Cunning “Strine”. ”Strine” is the Australian variant of English. Choose the British equivalents to the words used in “strine”. You’ll be awarded 1 points for each right answer plus 2 bonus points for the team to fulfil the task the first and correctly).

1) arvo

a) arrive;

b) evening;

c) afternoon.

2) Crook

a) bad;

b) ill;

c) ugly.

3) A Barbie

a) a doll;

b) a beautiful girl;

c) a barbecue.

4) Footy

a) football;

b) on foot;

c) barefoot.

5) A station

a) a railway station;

b) a bus stop;

c) a big farm.

6) Tucker

a) a turkey;

b) a trick;

c) food.

7) Bonzer

a) bronze;

b) very big;

c) very good.

8) Bush

a) countryside;

b) a plant;

c) a basket.

9) Lolly water

a) sweet drink;

b) cold tea;

c) tea with lemon.

10) A Sheila

a) a beautiful woman;

b) an old woman;

c) a young woman.

Task 4. “Australian animals”. Answer the questions, naming the Australian animal or bird. One right answer equals 2 points.

  1. What animal is the symbol of Australia? (The kangaroo)

  2. How is the Australian wild dog called? (The dingo)

  3. Which animals of Tasmania disappeared in the 20th century? (Tasmanian wolves)

  4. Which animals of Tasmania is very wild and naughty? (The Tasmanian devil)

  5. What Australian animals are called “brumbries”? (Wild horses)

  6. What animals are very dangerous and eat several tourists every year? (Crocodiles)

  7. Whose baby will only get out of its mummy’s pouch if it feels safe? (Koala)

  8. What Australian bird can imitate human’s laugh? (The kookaburra; the mockingbird). (перед вопросом команды прослушивают звуки кукабарры).

Task 5. “Missing words”. Complete the text about Australia with the missing words. Your team will get 2 points for each correct word (plus 2 bonus points for the team to fulfil the task the first and correctly).

There are six states in Australia and two territories. Canberra is the (1) _____________ of the country. Each Australian state has its own (2) _____________ , and its own capital city.

Australia has three different (3) _____________ . In the North the weather is tropical – hot and wet. In the centre, the climate is very dry, and the land is mainly desert. In the South, it is mild – with cool winters and warm (4) _____________ .

The (5) _____________ of the continent is about 8 million square kilometres, but deserts take 2 million kilometres in central Australia. Mountains run from the north to the south of the east coast. They divide the green, wet coast of eastern Australia from the hot, dry lands in the (6) _____________.

Australia is famous for gold (7) _____________ , wheat and fruit growing, sheep and cattle farming and the production of minerals, oil, wool, meat and sugar. The continent of Australia is (8) _____________ by oceans and seas. So the country is known for marine fishing. Australian wildlife and the beautiful landscape of the country bring millions of tourists and millions of dollars too.

Most people in Australia speak (9) _____________ . Many people from Asia, America and Europe have come to the continent to settle there. Australia is a very hospitable country and the (10) _____________ of Australia are open and friendly.

The keys:

1) capital; 2) government; 3) climates; 4) summers; 5) population; 6) centre; 7)mining; 8) surrounded; 9) English; 10) people.

Task 6. “The map of Australia”. Write down the names of Australian states on the map. The team that will be the first to do it right will get 5 points, the second team – only 3 points (in case the task is done correctly).

Task 7. “Speaker’s contest” (only for the captains). Each captain has got 3 minutes (maximum) to speak on one of the offered topics concerning Australia. For their speech each captain can get from 1 to 5 points.

The topics:

1) The geographical position of Australia.

2) The climate of Australia.

3) Australian animals.

4) Australian industry.

3. Подведение итогов. Рефлексия

Teacher: I’d like to tell that both teams has performed very well and shown deep knowledge of Australian geography, history and culture. But the score tells that the team … is the winner. Let’s congratulate the winners and award them with a diploma!

Did you like the contest? Do you agree with the results? Please, underline the right words to express your opinion about the quiz and your feelings!





















.”Cunning “Strine”

”Strine” is the Australian variant of English. Choose the British equivalents to the words used in “strine”. You’ll be awarded 2 points for each right answer.

1) arvo

a) arrive;

b) evening;

c) afternoon.

2) Crook

a) bad;

b) ill;

c) ugly.

3) A Barbie

a) a doll;

b) a beautiful girl;

c) a barbecue.

4) Footy

a) football;

b) on foot;

c) barefoot.

5) A station

a) a railway station;

b) a bus stop;

c) a big farm.

6) Tucker

a) a turkey;

b) a trick;

c) food.

7) Bonzer

a) bronze;

b) very big;

c) very good.

8) Bush

a) countryside;

b) a plant;

c) a basket.

9) Lolly water

a) sweet drink;

b) cold tea;

c) tea with lemon.

10) A Sheila

a) a beautiful woman;

b) an old woman;

c) a young woman.

Missing words”

Complete the text about Australia with the missing words

There are six states in Australia and two territories. Canberra is the (1) _____________ of the country. Each Australian state has its own (2) _____________ , and its own capital city.

Australia has three different (3) _____________ . In the North the weather is tropical – hot and wet. In the centre, the climate is very dry, and the land is mainly desert. In the South, it is mild – with cool winters and warm (4) _____________ .

The (5) _____________ of the continent is about 8 million square kilometres, but deserts take 2 million kilometres in central Australia. Mountains run from the north to the south of the east coast. They divide the green, wet coast of eastern Australia from the hot, dry lands in the (6) _____________.

Australia is famous for gold (7) _____________ , wheat and fruit growing, sheep and cattle farming and the production of minerals, oil, wool, meat and sugar. The continent of Australia is (8) _____________ by oceans and seas. So the country is known for marine fishing. Australian wildlife and the beautiful landscape of the country bring millions of tourists and millions of dollars too.

Most people in Australia speak (9) _____________ . Many people from Asia, America and Europe have come to the continent to settle there. Australia is a very hospitable country and the (10) _____________ of Australia are open and friendly.

Missing words

Complete the text about Australia with the missing words.

There are six states in Australia and two territories. Canberra is the (1) _____________ of the country. Each Australian state has its own (2) _____________ , and its own capital city.

Australia has three different (3) _____________ . In the North the weather is tropical – hot and wet. In the centre, the climate is very dry, and the land is mainly desert. In the South, it is mild – with cool winters and warm (4) _____________ .

The (5) _____________ of the continent is about 8 million square kilometres, but deserts take 2 million kilometres in central Australia. Mountains run from the north to the south of the east coast. They divide the green, wet coast of eastern Australia from the hot, dry lands in the (6) _____________.

Australia is famous for gold (7) _____________ , wheat and fruit growing, sheep and cattle farming and the production of minerals, oil, wool, meat and sugar. The continent of Australia is (8) _____________ by oceans and seas. So the country is known for marine fishing. Australian wildlife and the beautiful landscape of the country bring millions of tourists and millions of dollars too.

Most people in Australia speak (9) _____________ . Many people from Asia, America and Europe have come to the continent to settle there. Australia is a very hospitable country and the (10) _____________ of Australia are open and friendly.

The geographical position of Australia.

The climate of Australia.

Australian animals.

Australian industry.

1) During the contest I was active / passive.

2) I’m satisfied / dissatisfied with my work.

3) The quiz was interesting / boring.

4) The tasks were easy / difficult for me.

5) The material is / isn’t useful for me.

6) Now I feel happy / sad / excited / depressed / proud.

7) I would like / wouldn’t like to take part in such quizzes again.

1) During the contest I was active / passive.

2) I’m satisfied / dissatisfied with my work.

3) The quiz was interesting / boring.

4) The tasks were easy / difficult for me.

5) The material is / isn’t useful for me.

6) Now I feel happy / sad / excited / depressed / proud.

7) I would like / wouldn’t like to take part in such quizzes again.

1) During the contest I was active / passive.

2) I’m satisfied / dissatisfied with my work.

3) The quiz was interesting / boring.

4) The tasks were easy / difficult for me.

5) The material is / isn’t useful for me.

6) Now I feel happy / sad / excited / depressed / proud.

7) I would like / wouldn’t like to take part in such quizzes again.

1) During the contest I was active / passive.

2) I’m satisfied / dissatisfied with my work.

3) The quiz was interesting / boring.

4) The tasks were easy / difficult for me.

5) The material is / isn’t useful for me.

6) Now I feel happy / sad / excited / depressed / proud.

7) I would like / wouldn’t like to take part in such quizzes again.

1) During the contest I was active / passive.

2) I’m satisfied / dissatisfied with my work.

3) The quiz was interesting / boring.

4) The tasks were easy / difficult for me.

5) The material is / isn’t useful for me.

6) Now I feel happy / sad / excited / depressed / proud.

7) I would like / wouldn’t like to take part in such quizzes again.

1) During the contest I was active / passive.

2) I’m satisfied / dissatisfied with my work.

3) The quiz was interesting / boring.

4) The tasks were easy / difficult for me.

5) The material is / isn’t useful for me.

6) Now I feel happy / sad / excited / depressed / proud.

7) I would like / wouldn’t like to take part in such quizzes again.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Организация и сопровождение олимпиадной деятельности учащихся

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
1000 руб.
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