Уроки по информатике Прочее
Уроки по информатике Прочее и другие полезные материалы для учителя информатики, которые вы можете выбрать и скачать бесплатно в этом разделе.
Презентация на тему "Связывание таблиц. Контроль целостности данных. Типы данных"
Данная разработка представляет собой презентацию на тему "Связывание таблиц. Контроль целостности данных. Типы данных" по дисциплине "Базы данных". Она...
My favourite profession
My Favourite Profession My childhood dream is to become a translator. This is a useful and interesting profession. It is needed in journalism, in politics, and in many other...
Computer configuration
A personal computer (PC) is a multi-purpose computer whose size, capabilities, and price make it feasible for individual use.[1] PCs are intended to be operated directly by an end...
Personal computer
The first interpretation of the word computer appeared in 1897 in the Oxford English Dictionary. Its compilers then understood the computer as a mechanical computing device.
Windows operating system
The history of Windows operatıng system.Microsoft Windows is a family of operating system.
Persian laguage
Old persian language and new, how did the Persian language change
Operating system Windows
Article about Operating system Windows. A Windows operating system with a capital W is a series of operating systems developed by Microsoft in the 1980’s and continues to be...
The History of the Computer Mouse
Today, the mouse is an essential input device for all modern computers but it wasn't so long ago that computers had no mouse and no graphical user interface. Data was entered...
The ‘world’s tiniest computer
Not to be outdone by the “world smallest computer” IBM revealed in March, a team at the University of Michigan is calling IBM’s bluff with an even smaller...
General description of educational object
Информатика для школьников старших классов.