Развитие функциональной грамотности учащихся через чтение текстов
Циплухина Олеся Николаевна
Учитель английского языка второй категории
Актуальность темы обусловлена целями и задачами современного образования: формирование компетенций, позволяющих учащимся эффективно участвовать в жизни социума, формирование такого направления функциональной грамотности, как грамотности чтения, которое является необходимым условием социализации учащихся посредством формирования навыка работы с информацией, заключенной в текстах разного типа и формата.
Главное – развивать умение каждого ребенка мыслить с помощью таких логических приемов, как анализ, синтез, сравнение, обобщение, классификация, умозаключение, систематизация, отрицание, ограничение.
Все методы, используемые педагогом, должны быть направлены на развитие познавательной, мыслительной активности, которая в свою очередь направлена на отработку, обогащение знаний каждого учащегося, развитие его функциональной грамотности.
Мною был разработан комплекс упражнений по работе с текстом “Starting a new school” (учебник Laser A2, издательство Macmillan) , направленных на развитие функциональной грамотности.
Unit 6. Doing it right.
Starting a new school.
There are many reasons for starting at a new school. Perhaps one of your parents has got a new job and you have moved house. Or perhaps it’s just time for you to leave primary school and start secondary school. The first term is always difficult and you’ll probably be nervous. You’ll be lonely and it’ll be hard to make friends. We’ve got some great advice for pupils just like you.
You should make sure you know your new school. When do you do each subject? Which teachers do you have? Do you have to wear school uniform, or can you wear your own clothes? Learn the school rules and you’ll know what you must and mustn’t do.
Don’t forget to call your old friends. You must stay in touch with your classmates from your old school. They can really help you when you’re unhappy. One day, you’ll have a new group of friends, but your old group of friends is still important. You can use email and the telephone to chat.
You shouldn’t change to get other people to like you. You have to be yourself. Remember that other people will like you for who you are.
You should join school clubs or school teams. It’s a great way to meet people outside the classroom with the same interests as you. And you’ll have fun.
После прочтения текста учитель может предложить следующие виды заданий:
The first words of some paragraphs are given. Complete them using the main idea of the text:
There are many reasons …..
The first term ……
Make sure …….
Don’t forget ……
You shouldn’t ……..
Join …….
Paraphrase the sentences using synonyms or antonyms:
-There are many reasons for studying at a new school.
-The first term is always easy.
-You will be calm.
-You should know your subjects and teachers.
-You must learn school laws.
-You have to communicate with your old friends.
-Be yourself.
-Become a member of school clubs or teams.
3. Group work:
Look at the following word combinations and think of a story that might combine them all. You may reorder them in any way you want and you can use any form of the verb:
One day, make friends, change school, timetable, school uniform, stay in touch, a new group of friends, be yourself, join clubs.
4.Complete the table:
Dos | Don’ts |
1 | 1 |
2 | 2 |
3 | 3 |
4 | 4 |
5. Speak about advantages and disadvantages of changing school.
6. Talk about a perfect school (school as you want it to be)
7. Group work : make up a cluster :
School rules for students school rules for teachers
8. Pair work: role play: an old student gives pieces of advice and a new comer asks questions
9. Debates on the theme “We need school rules: yes or no?”
10. Using the pictures make up a story (based on the text):