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Разработка урока по английскому языку "The Leader of the Nation"

Занятие поможет развить навыки работы с информацией при подготовке и защите проекта, позволит проверить знания учащихся по теме «Политическая система США».

Описание разработки


1. развивать навыки работы с информацией при подготовке и защите проекта;

2. проверить знания учащихся по теме «Политическая система США»;


T1: Good morning, everybody! I’m sure we’re ready to start our final lesson on the topic “The US Governing and American Presidents

T2: We hope you’ll enjoy your work and the guests will be involved in the process as well.

T1: Let’s begin with the general information on the topic.

T2: Look at the screen! As you probably have already guessed this tree is a symbol of American Government. What do the branches mean?

T1: What about the trunk? What do you remember about the Parliament?

T2: What will you tell about the Supreme Court?

T1: And what’s the main law of the country? Why are the Americans especially proud of it?

T2: The last branch we haven’t mentioned before is … (President). How many presidents were in American history? When are the next Presidential elections?

T1: Well done! You’re in the topic. But the main aim of our today’s lesson is a virtual session of American Congress. It’ll be a great chance for you to demonstrate your skills in critical thinking, your ability to choose and present information on the topic.

T2: Let your speaking skills and deep knowledge of the topic help you to support your ideas. Let’s start our game.

All of you are American senators taking part in US Congress session. You are representative of different parties. Our meeting is led by a Speaker.

Разработка урока по английскому языку Интегрированный урок английского языка

II The Speaker’s Part.

Speaker: Ladies and gentlemen, senators! Welcome to our conference!

I’m your speaker at the meeting today, a congressman from Virginia.

The main aim for us today is to choose “The Leader of the Nation”

As you know, within three months voting, we’ve got four main, honourable candidates, who have been chosen by citizens of our country.

They are George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Delano Rosevelt and John Kennedy. They’ll be presented by parties. Let me introduce them:

Democratic Party presents Washington,

Republican Party – Lincoln,

Whigs – Roosevelt,

And Federals presents Kennedy.

2) The Game

Speaker: Well, before we’ll start our main part of the meeting, we’d like you to check your knowledge of.

True / False statements.

George Washington.

People respected George Washington for his wisdom, honesty and bravery. True.

After the Revolutionary War George Washington wanted to serve his country in Virginia Militia.

False. He wanted to retire and to live in the Mount Vernon.

George Washington was born in a teacher’s family.

False. He was born in Planter’s family.

The first President had three children.

False. He didn’t have his own children.

Abraham Lincoln

Abe’s father advised him to become a lawyer. False. His friend…

Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation in1864.

False. In 1863

The 16-th President was born in a very poor family. True

President Lincoln was shot in Washington. True.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

Весь материал - в документе.

Содержимое разработки

Интегрированный урок английского языка в 8 классе

“The Leader of the Nation”

Цели:1.развивать навыки работы с информацией при подготовке и защите проекта;

2. проверить знания учащихся по теме «Политическая система США»;


T1: Good morning, everybody! I’m sure we’re ready to start our final lesson on the topic “The US Governing and American Presidents”

T2: We hope you’ll enjoy your work and the guests will be involved in the process as well.

T1: Let’s begin with the general information on the topic.

T2: Look at the screen! As you probably have already guessed this tree is a symbol of American Government. What do the branches mean?

T1: What about the trunk? What do you remember about the Parliament?

T2: What will you tell about the Supreme Court?

T1: And what’s the main law of the country? Why are the Americans especially proud of it?

T2: The last branch we haven’t mentioned before is … (President). How many presidents were in American history? When are the next Presidential elections?

T1: Well done! You’re in the topic. But the main aim of our today’s lesson is a virtual session of American Congress. It’ll be a great chance for you to demonstrate your skills in critical thinking, your ability to choose and present information on the topic.

T2: Let your speaking skills and deep knowledge of the topic help you to support your ideas. Let’s start our game.

All of you are American senators taking part in US Congress session. You are representative of different parties. Our meeting is led by a Speaker.

II The Speaker’s Part

Speaker: Ladies and gentlemen, senators! Welcome to our conference!

I’m your speaker at the meeting today, a congressman from Virginia.

The main aim for us today is to choose “The Leader of the Nation”

As you know, within three months voting, we’ve got four main, honourable candidates, who have been chosen by citizens of our country.

They are George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Delano Rosevelt and John Kennedy. They’ll be presented by parties. Let me introduce them:

Democratic Party presents Washington,

Republican Party – Lincoln,

Whigs – Roosevelt,

And Federals presents Kennedy.

2) The Game

Speaker: Well, before we’ll start our main part of the meeting, we’d like you to check your knowledge of

True / False statements.

George Washington

  1. People respected George Washington for his wisdom, honesty and bravery. True.

  2. After the Revolutionary War George Washington wanted to serve his country in Virginia Militia.

False. He wanted to retire and to live in the Mount Vernon.

  1. George Washington was born in a teacher’s family.

False. He was born in Planter’s family.

  1. The first President had three children.

False. He didn’t have his own children.

Abraham Lincoln

  1. Abe’s father advised him to become a lawyer. False. His friend…

  2. Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation in1864.

False. In 1863

  1. The 16-th President was born in a very poor family. True

  2. President Lincoln was shot in Washington. True.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy

  1. John Kennedy was the only child in his family. False. He had many brothers.

  2. John F. Kennedy took part in the World War II. True

  3. John F. Kennedy was elected a President in 1962. False. In 1960

  4. Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested on charges for the murder of the President. True

Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

  1. F.D.R. has been the President of the USA for 2 terms. False.3 terms.

  2. Theodor Roosevelt was a cousin of F.D.R. True

  3. He worked closely with Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin in World War II, but died just as victory was in sight. True

  4. Roosevelt was born on January 30, 1882, in the Hudson Valley town of Hyde Park, New York. True


All representatives of the parties will prove their choice. Remember to keep to the time –limit. It is only three minutes.

Dear senators, you have the right to ask questions in the end of speaking. Let’s begin:

Democratic Party will start. Please. The first President known to all Americans as “The Father of the Nation” was George Washington. George was born in Virginia in a planter’s family. When the boy was eleven his father died. The family had a lot of land but not enough money to send George to school in England as rich families used to do at that time. The boy went to a private school and later, two private teachers taught him to be a soldier and a Virginia gentleman.

George Washington began his career in the service of his country as a major in the Virginia militia and later became Commander in Chief of the Colonial Army during the Revolutionary War. And all the steps of his career you can see at our slide.

In 1759 George Washington got married young widow Martha Custies. Unfortunately George Washington didn’t have his children, but he adopted Martha’s children – John and Martha. George Washington was a good father fir them.

The Electoral College elected George Washington as the first President of Us in 1789 and he was again elected in 1791. He was the only President who got 100% of electoral votes. Another man who got fewer votes was John Adams, became Vice President.

The last year of his life George Washington spent in his estate Mount Vernon, where he died at the age of 67. And it was his idea to build the White House.

George Washington was the first President who supported abolition of slavery and also gave freedom to his own slaves.

George Washington initiated “The treaty of Tripoli” that settled the War with Muslims at Sea. After his retirement George Washington was asked to prepare to the War with France. The War didn’t materialize, but George Washington was preparing for it until his death.

Vote for the first President of America!!!!He really deserves to be “The Leader of the Nation”

Speaker: ……time…. Thanks.

Dear senators, have you got any questions.

Republicans next…


Abraham Lincoln was born on February, 12-th, 1809, in the state of Kentucky.

His family lived in poverty. He liked to read books. He was a magnificent speaker. In 1842 he married Mary Todd. She was the first lady of the US from 1861 to 1865. He took part in the Civil War. Civil War became the most bloody military conflict in the history of the US.

Abraham Lincoln has prevented disintegration of the US and has brought the considerable contribution to formation of the American nation.

In his presidency the transcontinental railway to the Pacific Ocean has also been laid, the new bank system was created; the agrarian problem was solved,

On May 20-th, 1862, Abraham Lincoln signed the Certificate about Gomsted. Each citizen of the USA who was reaching 21 years and not at war on the party of Confederation could receive a ground no more than 160 acres.

Abraham Lincoln had four sons Robert Todd Lincoln was the first son. He was an American lawyer and Secretary of War. He was the only of Lincoln’s four sons to live to adulthood. Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln hated slavery. In 1863 he signed The Emancipation Proclamation - the document that made all slaves free. This was a great event in the history of the United States.

In 1864 he had re-elected for the second term, but it wasn’t long. In 1865 John Booth shot in President in Ford’s Theatre, Washington.

After Lincoln’s death, the US economy for a long time was the fastest drawing economies in the world, which allowed the country at the beginning of the XX century to leave the world leaders.

In many ways his personal qualities allowed to unite the country. Lincoln adhered to strict moral principles of morality.

To this day Abraham Lincoln is one of the most intelligent presidents of

the US.

In appreciation of the American people, in Washington to 16-th president Lincoln Memorial was erected. Abraham Lincoln is one of the four presidents that determined the historical development of the USA.

Abraham Lincoln was honest and very brave to abolish slavery in spite of the threats to his life. He was killed for his courage act.

We are sure that Abraham Lincoln must become

The Leader of the Nation.

Speaker: Thanks… Any questions?...

Whigs next…

Whigs: “In politics nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way”,- said FDR.

“Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the threat of creative effort” said Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

The thirty – second president of the USA was born in 1882 and died in 1945. He was the only child of James and Sarah Roosevelt. Both parents loved him very much.

Franklin was taught by private teachers. When he was 14 he went to preparatory school. Then he finished high school and later graduated Harvard. Next he went to a law school at Columbia University.

While he was at Harvard he made contact with his distant cousin Eleanor. And then she became his wife.

FDR’s career began at the age of 29 when he became a US senator from New York. In 1932 he was elected President of the USA. The country was in economic depression. There was a banking crisis. Roosevelt declared a “bank holiday” and closed all the banks until the accounting books could be examined. The financially sound banks were given money by Government to reopen. He helped his countrymen. He created jobs for people building roads, bridges and schoolhouses. The economy began to recover. Roosevelt organized a program called Social Security.

In 1936 FDR was re-elected. He received 523 electoral votes and Alfred Landon received only 8. It proves that people loved and trusted him

Roosevelt solved people from economic depression and the Second World War. He fought with illness, which made him disabled. But he served the country until the end, because he was a person with powerful spirit, brave honest and wise.

Only our candidate must become “The Leader of The Nation”. And I stress it again; only one President in the US history had been elected for three terms. And it is Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Speaker: Thanks. Any questions?

Federals next…

Federals: Having become a President of the USA, Kennedy, or JFK, as Americans called him, made a lot important things for his country. They were: rose of economy, fight with mafia and improving relationship with the USSR. He worked hard. I want to remind you he is a “Founder of Peace Corps” and he sent US army to Vietnam. He encouraged space investigations. The first Man stepped on the moon during his presidency. His words “Don’t ask what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country” – are famous all over the world and they characterize him. He solved the problem with lubing crisis. Don’t you think after that JFK worth to become “The Leader of the Nation”

Kennedy was very rich and it played a good role in his election. He used father’s friends, money and mass media; he quickly took all votes from his enemy – Nickson. He was encouraged and people trusted him. Because of his encourage, father’s ideas and hard work of his brother Bob he became a President in 1961.

John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas at 12.30 p.m. He was shot once to the upper back and with the final shot to the head. He was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald. Soon the killer was arrested and also killed by Jack Ruby, the same thing happened to Jack Ruby.

As you know there are two versions of these assassinations: the first one is the killer Lee Harvey Oswald, the second – it was a party of people.

In spite of his career was extremely short, it was fascinating. He really did a lot for his country and he could do much more.

So, we think that our candidate JF Kennedy deserves to be “The Leader of the Nation”

Speaker: OK. It is high time to start our voting. Dear senators you have four cards of different colours : green , yellow, red, blue. Each colour corresponds one of the four presidents, you can see it at the slide.

5) Kazakhstani delegation

Kazakhstani delegation

Kazakhstan is situated in the center of Asia. Kazakh is a state language. English is an international language. National currency of Kazakhstan is tenge. The Republic celebrates its Independence Day on December,16. Last year the people of Kazakhstan celebrated the twentieth anniversary of Independence. The Republic celebrates Nauryz , the beginning of the year, the Day of Capital, on the 6-th of July. It is a birthday of our President.

The first President of Kazakhstan is Nursultan Nazarbayev was elected in 1991. He is a very wise politician . People of more than nationalities live in our country very friendly. A lot of things have changed since he became President. We’ve overcome the crisis but for the funds Samryk Kazyna, it could be hard to do it. According to the program “The Road Map” a lot of school and hospitals have been reconstructed and newly built.

The Government cultivates main branches of social economical policy of the state, its defensive capacity, safety, guaranteeing public order and organizes their realization. It introduces bills to Mazhilis and guaranteeing fulfillment of laws. The Government organizes order of the state property.

The capital of Kazakhstan is Astana. Astana is the centre of political life of Kazakhstan. The residence of the President, the Parliament and the Government are located there. There are many buildings: universities, houses, schools and so on. It is considered to be that Kazakhstan has 2 capitals. The southern capital is Almaty. Almaty is one of the most attractive cities in Eurasian continent. So, we have a lot of beautiful cities. We are very proud of our country.

Welcome to Kazakhstan

4) Voting

5) Session closing

The speaker: The results of our voting are…

George Washington,


Whigs – Roosevelt,

And Federals presents Kennedy

III Conclusion

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