Промежуточный контроль 3 класс
ФИ ______________________________ класс __________
1 Прослушай 3 диалога и соотнеси их с картинками
1 | Who is Rick? Who is Mark? Who is Steve? |
2. Прочитай текст и обведи номера неверных утверждений.
Pete and Meg Brown have a farm. It is not very big. It is by the pond. They have three sheep, two pigs, a horse and a big black dog. Its name is Rex. The dog is four, it is strong. Their son Tom likes to play with Rex. They can run, jump and swim well. They like to swim in the afternoon.
1. The farm is by the lake.
2. Pete and Meg have seven pets.
3. They have two sons.
4. Rex is old and weak.
5. The dog can swim
3. Выбери и обведи верные прилагательные.
1. My dad is very (fat / tall).
2. This car is (slow / strong).
3. Sally has a grey (high / long) coat.
4. I can see Kate with her (new / young) doll.
5. My room is (clean / weak).
6. Those windows are (dirty / short).
4. Составь предложения из слов.
1. well, Tom, skate, can
2. Mary, little, read, can’t.
3. we, fourteen, chicks, have.
5. Подбери верные ответы к вопросам.
1. What colour is this flower ? a) I can’t see it.
2. Can you see sparrows by the bench? b) No, it is thin.
3. Where is the rainbow? c) It’s bright blue.
4. Is your cat fat? d) Yes, they are very funny.
6. Выбери и обведи верные местоимения
1. We have two balls. (Their / Our) balls are new.
2. A sparrow has wings. (Its / his) wings are not long.
3. (I / My) doll is new. (It / She) is cute.
4. My parents have a car. (Her / Their) car is new.