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Презентация по теме "Язык еды"

Презентация работы ученика 4 класса по теме "Язык еды"

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Language of meal Выполнил ученик 4В класса МБОУ лицей №104 Титов Егор

Language of meal

Выполнил ученик 4В класса

МБОУ лицей №104 Титов Егор

Words for different meals In the order that we eat them, breakfast is the meal that we have in the morning as the first meal of the day,  lunch is what we eat in the middle of the day  dinner is our evening meal.

Words for different meals

In the order that we eat them,

  • breakfast is the meal that we have in the morning as the first meal of the day,

  • lunch is what we eat in the middle of the day

  • dinner is our evening meal.

What is dinner ? In the UK , ‘dinner’ - the meal that is eaten in the middle of the day In the US , ‘dinner’ can mean a large meal eaten in the middle of the day or in the evening e.g. Sunday dinner, Christmas dinner or Thanksgiving dinner

What is dinner ?

  • In the UK , ‘dinner’ - the meal that is eaten in the middle of the day
  • In the US , ‘dinner’ can mean a large meal eaten in the middle of the day or in the evening

e.g. Sunday dinner, Christmas dinner or Thanksgiving dinner

 TEA ‘ Tea’ is used especially if the meal is of a simple type, prepared for children, often eaten early in the evening. (e.g.) Have the children had their tea?  ‘ Tea’ may also refer to a small meal in the afternoon, in which tea is drunk and often a slice of cake eaten.


  • Tea’ is used especially if the meal is of a simple type, prepared for children, often eaten early in the evening.

(e.g.) Have the children had their tea?

  • Tea’ may also refer to a small meal in the afternoon, in which tea is drunk and often a slice of cake eaten.
Supper  It has two meanings. ‘ Supper’ was used, especially in the past, to refer to a very small meal that was eaten before bed.  Nowadays, it is sometimes used instead of ‘dinner’, meaning the main meal in the evening:  (e.g.) We’re having some friends  over for supper .  


It has two meanings.

  • Supper’ was used, especially in the past, to refer to a very small meal that was eaten before bed.

  • Nowadays, it is sometimes used instead of ‘dinner’, meaning the main meal in the evening:

(e.g.) We’re having some friends

over for supper .  

Brunch Brunch is a meal sometimes eaten in the late morning that is breakfast and lunch combined, ‘br’ + ‘unch’.


  • Brunch is a meal sometimes eaten in the late morning that is breakfast and lunch combined, ‘br’ + ‘unch’.
Snack A snack is a very small meal, often eaten between meals or instead of a bigger meal (e.g.) Let’s have a quick snack before we go.


  • A snack is a very small meal, often eaten between meals or instead of a bigger meal

(e.g.) Let’s have a quick snack before we go.

Packed lunch/BOX lunch A packed lunch  (also called a  box lunch  in the US) is a light meal that is put in a container to be taken and eaten somewhere else (e.g.) He takes a packed lunch to school.

Packed lunch/BOX lunch

  • A packed lunch (also called a  box lunch  in the US) is a light meal that is put in a container to be taken and eaten somewhere else

(e.g.) He takes a packed lunch to school.

Buffet Sit-down  Buffet is a meal at which people can choose their food from a number of dishes on a table: a wedding buffet/a buffet-style breakfast.  Sit-down is a  style of meal in which food is served to people who are sitting at a table.

Buffet Sit-down

Buffet is a meal at which people can choose their food from a number of dishes on a table: a wedding buffet/a buffet-style breakfast.

Sit-down is a style of meal in which food is served to people who are sitting at a table.

Barbecue (BBQ) or Cookout A barbecue (in the UK) or cookout (in the US) is a meal prepared and eaten outside,, usually with a group of people.

Barbecue (BBQ) or Cookout

  • A barbecue (in the UK) or cookout (in the US) is a meal prepared and eaten outside,, usually with a group of people.
Takeaway or takeout is a meal cooked and bought at a shop or restaurant but taken somewhere else, often home, to be eaten/ (e.g.) Let’s have Chinese takeout for dinner tonight.

Takeaway or takeout

  • is a meal cooked and bought at a shop or restaurant but taken somewhere else, often home, to be eaten/

(e.g.) Let’s have Chinese takeout for dinner tonight.

 We hope this post hasn’t made you feel too hungry!     Thanks for your attention!

We hope this post hasn’t made you feel too hungry!  

  • Thanks for your attention!
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