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План-конспект урока английского языка "Соединенное Королевство. Добро пожаловать в Британию"

Материал поможет провести обобщение знаний по данной теме.

Описание разработки


1. активизировать употребление лексики по теме «UK»;

2. организовать монологическую речь учащихся;

3. организовать диалогическую речь учащихся;

4. практиковать учащихся в аудировании и чтении;

5. развивать языковую догадку, познавательную активность, расширять  страноведческий кругозор учащихся.

Воспитательная задача: развитие внимания и мышления учащихся.

Оснащение урока: предметные картинки, карточки со словами, аудиоприложение (CD MP3).

Ход урока.

I. Good morning, children! Sit down! Let`s begin our lesson. At the lesson we`ll spear about the geographical and political outlook of the UK, London`s history, London`s places of interest, English weather, climate, habits and customs.

II. Listen and repeat the proper names: the United Kingdom, The British Isles, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales, the Union Jack, London, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Belfast, English, Scottish, Welsh, Irish.

III. Answer the questions about the geographical situation of the UK.

1 Where is the UK situated?

2. How many countries are there in the UK?

3. Name them.

4. What are their capitals?

5. Name the capital of the UK?

6. What languages are spoken in these countries?

7. How many people live in Britain?

8. What is the Union Jack?

9. What do you know about it?

IV. Complete the sentences about the political system of the UK.

1. In Britain the Queen is … (the Head of State).

2. The Queen is … (a symbol of the country history and its traditions).

3. The real power in the country belongs … (to the British Parliament and to the British Government).

4. The British Parliament consists of … (two «houses»).

5. The House of Lords doesn`t have much … (power).

6. The House of Commons makes … (laws).

7. The members of the House of Commons are … (elected).

8. The members of the House of Lords are … (permanent).

9. The British people … (650 members of the House of Commons every five years).

V. Name the British towns (word cards).

Lon  don

Bel  fast

Man  chester

Bris tol

Liver  pool

New  castle

Cam  bridge

VI. London history in brief.

1. What city is the largest one in Britain and one of the largest in the world?

2. How old is London?

3. What is the Celtic name of London?

4. What does the Celtic name mean?

5. What are the ancient British people?

Llyn - din lceni (a river place)

VII. Let`s visit one of the travelling agencies in London. You`ll be guides. Prove that London is one of the most interesting cities in the world. Listen to stories attentively and name the best guide.

VIII. Londoners are proud of their parks.

1. Name three well - known parks.

2. What do the English children like to do in the parks?

Let`s sing the song `The Mulberry Bush`.

IX. What do you know about climate, weather and nature in Britain?

X. Give the Russian equivalent to the English proverb «So many countries, so many customs».

English tea is very popular all over the world. What can you tell us about the English tea tradition.

XI. Let`s speak about Londoners, their lives, activities, hobbies.

XII. Work in pairs. You`ve made reports about Britain. Read them to your friends and say what they are about in 2 - 3 sentences.

XIII. Let`s sum up. Dear children, you`ve worked very hard in the lesson. Your knowledge of English and the UK is rather good. You`ve got excellent marks.

I wish you visit the United Kingdom of Great Britain and the Northern Ireland.

Good – bye, children!

Содержимое разработки

План-конспект обобщающего урока английского языка по теме «The UK. Welcome to Britain» для учащихся 7 класса учителя английского языка МБОУСОШ № 68 имени Н.И. Долгих Светиковой Н.Г.


1. активизировать употребление лексики по теме «UK»;

2. организовать монологическую речь учащихся;

3. организовать диалогическую речь учащихся;

4. практиковать учащихся в аудировании и чтении;

5. развивать языковую догадку, познавательную активность, расширять

страноведческий кругозор учащихся.

Воспитательная задача: развитие внимания и мышления учащихся.

Оснащение урока: предметные картинки, карточки со словами, аудиоприложение (CD MP3).

Ход урока.

I. Good morning, children! Sit down! Let`s begin our lesson. At the lesson we`ll spear about the geographical and political outlook of the UK, London`s history, London`s places of interest, English weather, climate, habits and customs.

II. Listen and repeat the proper names: the United Kingdom, The British Isles, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales, the Union Jack, London, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Belfast, English, Scottish, Welsh, Irish.

III. Answer the questions about the geographical situation of the UK.

1 Where is the UK situated?

2. How many countries are there in the UK?

3. Name them.

4. What are their capitals?

5. Name the capital of the UK?

6. What languages are spoken in these countries?

7. How many people live in Britain?

8. What is the Union Jack?

9. What do you know about it?

IV. Complete the sentences about the political system of the UK.

1. In Britain the Queen is … (the Head of State).

2. The Queen is … (a symbol of the country history and its traditions).

3. The real power in the country belongs … (to the British Parliament and to the British Government).

4. The British Parliament consists of … (two «houses»).

5. The House of Lords doesn`t have much … (power).

6. The House of Commons makes … (laws).

7. The members of the House of Commons are … (elected).

8. The members of the House of Lords are … (permanent).

9. The British people … (650 members of the House of Commons every five years).

V. Name the British towns (word cards).

Lon don

Bel fast

Man chester

Bris tol

Liver pool

New castle

Cam bridge

VI. London history in brief.

1. What city is the largest one in Britain and one of the largest in the world?

2. How old is London?

3. What is the Celtic name of London?

4. What does the Celtic name mean?

5. What are the ancient British people?

Llyn-din lceni (a river place)

VII. Let`s visit one of the travelling agencies in London. You`ll be guides. Prove that London is one of the most interesting cities in the world. Listen to stories attentively and name the best guide.

VIII. Londoners are proud of their parks.

1. Name three well-known parks.

2. What do the English children like to do in the parks?

Let`s sing the song `The Mulberry Bush`.

IX. What do you know about climate, weather and nature in Britain?

X. Give the Russian equivalent to the English proverb «So many countries, so many customs».

English tea is very popular all over the world. What can you tell us about the English tea tradition .

XI. Let`s speak about Londoners, their lives, activities, hobbies.

XII. Work in pairs. You`ve made reports about Britain. Read them to your friends and say what they are about in 2-3 sentences.

XIII. Let`s sum up. Dear children, you`ve worked very hard in the lesson. Your knowledge of English and the UK is rather good. You`ve got excellent marks.

I wish you visit the United Kingdom of Great Britain and the Northern Ireland.

Good – bye, children!

Курсы повышения квалификации

Повышение эффективности овладения учащимися грамматическими средствами в современном иноязычном образовании в условиях ФГОС

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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План-конспект урока английского языка "Соединенное Королевство. Добро пожаловать в Британию" (14.92 КB)

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