
Healthy way of life.

Healthy way of life. Методическая лексическая разработка по теме: «Здоровый образ жизни» для 8-10 классов.

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Методическая лексическая разработка по теме: «Здоровый образ жизни» для 8-10 классов.

Healthy way of life.

Lexical material to the topic.

Tell me what you eat, and I’ll tell you what you are.

( Anthelme Brillat – Savarin )

  1. The song “ I like food”:

I like food,

I like eating lots and lots of food.

Bread and jam, and meat, and fish,

Cakes and biscuits too,

Beans and mustard, eggs and chips,

Mutton steaks, potatoes, peas,

And salted mushrooms too.

  1. Lexics to the topic:

Crisps –salad –ketchup -chocolate cake – steak –strawberry - milk-cereal –hamburger –soup -hot chocolate -carrot juice –grapes -sweets-yoghurt –doughnuts –watermelon -fruit salad –apple –corn - lettuce-orange –tomato –lemon –melon –pea –pineapple –peach -pear- plum-banana –pumpkin –cabbage –potato –pancakes.

( You may take any words you like ).

3. Cross the odd words out. Give reasons as in the example.

0. cake –(milk) –cheeseburger – pancakes ( the rest are pastry )

1). Apple juice –nuts –coffee –tea

2). Doughnut –peach –lemon –watermelon

3). Ice-cream –chocolate cake –spaghetti –apple pie

4). Lettuce –steak –cabbage –carrots

5). Hamburger –banana –hot dog –pizza

Keys: 1). Nuts –the rest are drinks

2). Doughnut –the rest are fruits

3). Ice-cream –the rest are pastry

4). Steak –the rest are vegetables

5). Banana –the rest are pastry

4. Put the words into the appropriate columns.

Carrot juice, hamburgers, cereal, hot dog, grapes, crisps, sweets, yoghurt, doughnuts, watermelon, chocolate, fruit salad

  1. Healthy 2. – unhealthy

5. Cooking methods.


= steamed = boiled = toasted = grilled = fried = roasted =baked = raw =smoked =stewed =cooked

2). Match these methods with the appropriate words :

= bread =meat =fish =rice =vegetables =mutton =eggs =hare =fruit =mushrooms =sausage

Keys: baked mushrooms; boiled mutton; stewed fruit; roasted hare; fried eggs; cooked sausage; smoked fish; raw vegetables; grilled meat; steamed rice; toasted bread;

6. Useful phrases.

= healthy ( unhealthy ) food = low-fat foods = fatty foods = junk food = vegetarian = dieter = junk-food lover = fussy eater = fizzy drinks = fast food = be on a diet = have a snack between meals = skip breakfast = be rich in vitamins = eating habits = steamed vegetables = get rid of = tea break = have a sweet tooth = have eat-a-sweet-time = be hungry = be thirsty = first / second / third /main course

7. What food and drink would be suitable for ……. ( and why?)

1). Vegetarian

2). Dieter

3). Junk-food lover

4). Fussy eater

8. What do you usually eat and drink …….

= at home = at school = at a fast-food restaurant = on a picnic

9. Healthy food – any topic you like.

10. Speaking: give a 2-minute talk on “Food and drinks”. Remember to say:

* what your favourite food / drinks are

* what food /drinks you don’t like

* what you eat in a typical day

* Is your diet healthy or unhealthy ?

11. True ( T ) or false ( F ) ?

1). All foods are good for you.

2). Vitamins and minerals help you to keep healthy.

3). Fruit and vegetables are full of sugar and fat.

4). Sweets, crisps and cola keep you healthy.

5). You should eat a variety of foods to stay healthy.

6). You shouldn’t eat a lot of sweets.

12. Writing ( 200-250 words ). Comment on the following statement:

These days more and more people are eating unhealthy food. A lot of people say that advertising junk food on TV should be forbidden.

Plan: 1). Introduction ( state the problem ).

2). Arguments for.

3). Arguments against.

4). Conclusion.

These theme stages can be used at any “ Healthy Food “ lesson.

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Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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