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Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку, посвящённое М.А. Шолохову «Наш великий земляк»

Мероприятие создаст условия для обучения иноязычной культуре общения, способствует развитию навыков аудирования, чтения, говорения.

Описание разработки

Цель – создать условия для обучения иноязычной культуре общения.



Совершенствовать употребление лексики по теме «Чтение» и «Известные люди».

Развивать навыки аудирования, чтения, говорения.


Демонстрировать значение английского языка в диалоге культур.

Обучать сравнивать факты, обобщать, делать вывод, логично мыслить.

План-конспект мероприятия.

I. Организационный момент.

I want you to watch the film and to say who we are going to speak about.

Просмотр видео о М. А.Шолохове.

This year we celebrate the 110th anniversary of Sholokhov’s birthday. We will show you what you know about this writer and give you a chance to learn more about him. At the end of our work you’ll do the test to check if you’ll have listened and worked carefully.

II. Рассказ о М. А. Шолохове (фото Писателя).

Sholokhov was born in the Kamenskaya region of Russia, in the "land of the Cossacks". His father was a farmer, cattle trader, and miller. Sholokhov's mother came from Ukrainian peasant stock and was the widow of a Cossack. Sholokhov attended schools in Karghin, Moscow, Boguchar, and Veshenskaya until 1918, when he joined the side of the revolutionaries in the Russian civil war. He was only 13 years old.

Sholokhov began writing at 17. In 1922 Sholokhov moved to Moscow to become a journalist, but he had to support himself through manual labour. His first work to appear in print was the satirical article (1922).

In 1924 Sholokhov returned to Veshenskaya and devoted himself entirely to writing. In the same year he married Maria Petrovna Gromoslavskaia; they had two daughters and two sons.

His first book Tales from the Don, a volume of stories about the Cossacks of his native region during World War I and the Russian Civil War, was published in 1926. In the same year Sholokhov began writing the Quiet Don which earned the Stalin Prize and took him fourteen years to complete (1926-1940). It became the most-read work and won the 1965 Nobel Prize in Literature. Virgin Soil Upturned, which earned the Lenin Prize, took 28 years to complete. The short story The Fate of a Man (1957) was made into a popular Russian film and his unfinished novel They Fought for Their Country is about the Great Patriotic War.

During World War II Sholokhov wrote about the Soviet war efforts for various journals.

III. Выступление о том, как люди увековечили память о великом писателе.

How do people honour M. A. Sholokhov?

They opened museums in the houses where M. A. Sholokhov lived.

1 слайд

Kruzhilin is an ordinary village in the Upper Don, world-known as the native place of Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov.

Хутор Кружилинский, обычный хутор на Верхнем Дону, известен всему миру как родина Михаила Александровича Шолохова.

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In 1910 the Sholokhovs moved to the village of Karghin where at the age of 7 Misha went to school.

В 1910 семья Шолохова переехала в хутор Каргин, где Миша в 7 лет пошёл в школу

3 слайд

In the autumn of 1926 Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov and his family moved to Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya. In 1928 they bought a house.

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку Наш великий земляк посвящённое М. А. Шолохову

Осенью 1926 года М. А. Шолохов и его семья переехали станицу Шолоховская и 1929 году купили дом.

4 Слайд

It is a typical Cossack ‘kuren” (house) built early in the XX century.

Это типичный казачий курень, построенный в начале ХХ века

5 слайд

In the house there is a sitting-room, the writer’s study and a room of his mother, Anastasiya Danilovna. In the study of M.A. Sholokhov the memorial things are collected: books, a writing-table with a desk-set, a kerosene lamp, a bookcase, an armchair, a sofa.

В бывшем кабинете М. А. Шолохова собраны мемориальные вещи: книги, рабочий стол с письменными принадлежностями, керосиновая лампа, книжный шкаф, кресло, диван.

6 слайд

The mansion was built in 1949 instead of the old pre-war house.

The house-museum is unique. Everything belonged to the Sholokhovs.

Особняк построен в 1949 году взамен старого довоенного дома.

Дом-музей уникален тем, что каждая вещь здесь подлинная, полностью сохранена вся обстановка, принадлежавшая семье Шолоховых.

7-11 слайд

On the ground floor there is a hall, a study and reception-room, a dining-room, where all the family gathered.

На первом этаже - прихожая, кабинет-приемная, столовая, где за столом собиралась вся семья.

Just here the writer created his second book of the novel Virgin Soil Upturned, the story The Fate of a Man, worked over the chapters of the novel They Fought for Their Country.

Именно здесь писателем была создана вторая книга романа «Поднятая целина», написан рассказ «Судьба человека», шла работа над главами романа «Они сражались за Родину». 

12 слайд

M. A. Sholokhov died on February, 21, 1984. He was buried in the garden by his house on the high bank of the Don.

Шолохов скончался 21 февраля 1984 года. Похоронен писатель в саду возле своего дома, на берегу реки Дон.

13 слайд

Every year in Vyoshenskaya the Festivals “Vyoshenskaya Spring” are held in honour of M. A.Sholokhov. Here you can listen to wonderful Cossack songs.

Каждый год в станице Вёшенская  в честь великого писателя проходит фестиваль «Вёшенская весна», где можно услышать казачьи песни.

(исполнение казачьей песни).

14 Слайд

In Vyoshenskaya there is a monument, which was built in honour of the great writer. 

В станице Вёшенская возведён памятник великому писателю.

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The famous Don sculptor N. V. Mozhaev created a number of sculptures dedicated to  M. A. Sholokhov. “Grigoriy and Aksinya” monumental and decorative sculpture based on works by Mikhail Sholokhov is set on the bank of the Don River, in the centre of the village Vyoshenskaya.

Весь материал - в документе.

Содержимое разработки

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку «Наш великий земляк» (посвящённое М.А. Шолохову).

Цель – создать условия для обучения иноязычной культуре общения.



Совершенствовать употребление лексики по теме «Чтение»и «Известные люди».

Развивать навыки аудирования, чтения, говорения.


Демонстрировать значение английского языка в диалоге культур.

Обучать сравнивать факты, обобщать, делать вывод, логично мыслить.


Воспитывать чувство гордости за культурное наследие нашей страны.

Развивать способности сообща преодолевать трудности.

План-конспект мероприятия.

I. Организационный момент.

I want you to watch the film and to say who we are going to speak about.

Просмотр видео о М. А.Шолохове.

This year we celebrate the 110th anniversary of Sholokhov’s birthday. We will show you what you know about this writer and give you a chance to learn more about him. At the end of our work you’ll do the test to check if you’ll have listened and worked carefully.

II Рассказ о М. А. Шолохове (фото Писателя).

Sholokhov was born in the Kamenskaya region of Russia, in the "land of the Cossacks". His father was a farmer, cattle trader, and miller. Sholokhov's mother came from Ukrainian peasant stock and was the widow of a Cossack. Sholokhov attended schools in Karghin, Moscow, Boguchar, and Veshenskaya until 1918, when he joined the side of the revolutionaries in the Russian civil war. He was only 13 years old.

Sholokhov began writing at 17. In 1922 Sholokhov moved to Moscow to become a journalist, but he had to support himself through manual labour. His first work to appear in print was the satirical article (1922).

In 1924 Sholokhov returned to Veshenskaya and devoted himself entirely to writing. In the same year he married Maria Petrovna Gromoslavskaia; they had two daughters and two sons.

His first book Tales from the Don, a volume of stories about the Cossacks of his native region during World War I and the Russian Civil War, was published in 1926. In the same year Sholokhov began writing the Quiet Don which earned the Stalin Prize and took him fourteen years to complete (1926-1940). It became the most-read work and won the 1965 Nobel Prize in Literature. Virgin Soil Upturned, which earned the Lenin Prize, took 28 years to complete. The short story The Fate of a Man (1957) was made into a popular Russian film and his unfinished novel They Fought for Their Country is about the Great Patriotic War.

During World War II Sholokhov wrote about the Soviet war efforts for various journals.

III Выступление о том, как люди увековечили память о великом писателе

How do people honour M.A.Sholokhov?

They opened museums in the houses where M.A.Sholokhov lived.

1 слайд

Kruzhilin is an ordinary village in the Upper Don, world-known as the native place of Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov.

Хутор Кружилинский, обычный хутор на Верхнем Дону, известен всему миру как родина Михаила Александровича Шолохова.

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In 1910 the Sholokhovs moved to the village of Karghin where at the age of 7 Misha went to school.

В 1910 семья Шолохова переехала в хутор Каргин, где Миша в 7 лет пошёл в школу

3 слайд

In the autumn of 1926 Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov and his family moved to Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya. In 1928 they bought a house.

Осенью 1926 года М. А. Шолохов и его семья переехали станицу Шолоховская и 1929 году купили дом.

4 Слайд

It is a typical Cossack ‘kuren” (house) built early in the XX century.

Это типичный казачий курень, построенный в начале ХХ века

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In the house there is a sitting-room, the writer’s study and a room of his mother, Anastasiya Danilovna. In the study of M.A. Sholokhov the memorial things are collected: books, a writing-table with a desk-set, a kerosene lamp, a bookcase, an armchair, a sofa.

В бывшем кабинете М.А. Шолохова собраны мемориальные вещи: книги, рабочий стол с письменными принадлежностями, керосиновая лампа, книжный шкаф, кресло, диван.

6 слайд

The mansion was built in 1949 instead of the old pre-war house.

The house-museum is unique. Everything belonged to the Sholokhovs.

Особняк построен в 1949 году взамен старого довоенного дома.

Дом-музей уникален тем, что каждая вещь здесь подлинная, полностью сохранена вся обстановка, принадлежавшая семье Шолоховых.

7-11 слайд

On the ground floor there is a hall, a study and reception-room, a dining-room, where all the family gathered.

На первом этаже - прихожая, кабинет-приемная, столовая, где за столом собиралась вся семья.

Just here the writer created his second book of the novel Virgin Soil Upturned, the story The Fate of a Man, worked over the chapters of the novel They Fought for Their Country.

Именно здесь писателем была создана вторая книга романа «Поднятая целина», написан рассказ «Судьба человека», шла работа над главами романа «Они сражались за Родину».

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M.A. Sholokhov died on February, 21, 1984. He was buried in the garden by his house on the high bank of the Don.

Шолохов скончался 21 февраля 1984 года. Похоронен писатель в саду возле своего дома, на берегу реки Дон.

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Every year in Vyoshenskaya the Festivals “Vyoshenskaya Spring” are held in honour of M. A.Sholokhov. Here you can listen to wonderful Cossack songs.

Каждый год в станице Вёшенская в честь великого писателя проходит фестиваль «Вёшенская весна», где можно услышать казачьи песни.

(исполнение казачьей песни).

14 Слайд

In Vyoshenskaya there is a monument, which was built in honour of the great writer.

В станице Вёшенская возведён памятник великому писателю.

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The famous Don sculptor N. V. Mozhaev created a number of sculptures dedicated to M. A. Sholokhov. “Grigoriy and Aksinya” monumental and decorative sculpture based on works by Mikhail Sholokhov is set on the bank of the Don River, in the centre of the village Vyoshenskaya.

Известный донской скульптор Н. В. Можаев создал ряд скульптур, посвящённых творчеству М. А. Шолохова. «Григорий и Аксинья», монументально-декоративная скульптура по мотивам произведений М. А.  Шолохова установлена на берегу реки Дон, в центре станицы Вёшенская.

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Sculpture "Shchukar" is set in 1982 in the city of Rostov-on-Don in the waterfront, near the river station.

Скульптурная композиция «Дед Щукарь» установлена в 1982 году в городе Ростове-на-Дону, в районе Набережной, у речного вокзала.  

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Sculpture “Nakhalyonok” is set in 1982 in the city of Rostov-on-Don in the waterfront, near the River station

Скульптурная композиция «Нахалёнок» установлена в городе Ростове-на-Дону, в районе Набережной, у речного вокзала.  

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Silver coin was issued to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the writer.

Была выпущена серебряная монета в честь 100 годовщины писателя.

Some stamps were released in honour of Sholokhov.

В честь Шолохова было выпущено несколько марок.

III Беседа по теме.

- Hello, I am from New York. My name is Mister Brown. I’m very interested in Russian traditions and it’ll be great to learn more about famous people of Russia. Can you answer some of my questions?

- Yes. I’ll do it with pleasure

- I love reading books by M. A. Sholokhov. I want to know all about him.

Where was he born?

- He was born in the village Kruzhilin. It is near Veshenskaya.

- Yes, I know that Veshenskaya is a wonderful place and it is famous because of Sholokhov. And what were his parents?

- Oh, they were peasants.

- What family did he have?

- His family was rather large.

-What books did he write?

-He wrote the books Virgin Soil Upturned, The Fate of a Man, They Fought for Their Country, The Quiet Don.

-Which book is the most famous one?

- “The Quiet Don” is one of his famous books.

-What did he write about?

-He wrote about life of ordinary people, their traditions, life problems.

-What characters did he create?

-We know Grigoriy and Aksiniya, Grandfather Schukar, Nakhalyonok.

-What was the writer awarded with for the novel The Quiet Don?

-He was awarded with the Nobel prize.

- How do people honour M.A.Sholokhov?

- Russian people

  • built monuments in honour of M.A.Sholokhov

  • released stamps in honour of M.A.Sholokhov

  • issued coins in honour of M.A.Sholokhov

  • named streets in honour of him

  • opened museums

  • hold festivals in honour of the great writer.

Thank you. Now I know enough to write an article about the Great Russian writer M. A. Sholokhov.

IV Совершенствование навыков перевода.

Представьте, что вы – корреспондент молодежной газеты и пишите очерк в память о М. А. Шолохове. Многое в нашей стране посвящено ему, но всё же надо использовать материал из зарубежной прессы. Вы сможете составить очерк без нареканий, если хорошо переведёте данное высказывание писателя. Работаем в группах.

“I was born on the Don, grew here, went to school, developed into a personality and writer… Being a patriot of my powerful Country, I am proud to say I am a patriot of my native Don land…”

Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov

V Заключительный этап мероприятия.

Андрей Ост

Он создал мир - пером павлиньим
Прекрасный мир своей строки.
В нем облака на фоне синем
И сад цветущий у реки.

Он прожил жизнь. Не ради славы
Вел поиск творческих идей
Не ради денег и забавы..
На благо внуков и детей

Он разделил свои чернила
На сотни, тысячи листов
И в них вложил большую силу -
Надежду, Веру и Любовь!

He created the world - a peacock feather

The wonderful world of his line.

It clouds on a blue background

And blooming garden by the river.

He lived his life. Not for fame

Led the search for creative ideas

Not for money and fun ..

For the benefit of children and grandchildren

He divided his ink

Hundreds of thousands of sheets

And they put more power -

Hope, Faith and Love!

Student’s card.

Circle the right variant.

  1. M. A. Sholokhov was born in the village Kruzhilin /Karghin / Vyoshenskaya.

  2. His parents were peasants/doctors/clerks.

  3. His family was rather large/small/unfriendly to him.

  4. He wrote “Virgin Soil Upturned/ “Cherry garden”/“The Fate of a Man”/”Step”/ “They Fought for Their Country”/ “The Quiet Don”/ “Farewell to arms”

  5. “The Quiet Don”/ “Cherry garden”/ “Step” is one of his famous books.

  6. He wrote about life of ordinary people/ famous people/ their traditions/ unreal events/life problems.

  7. We can’t but know Grigoriy and Aksiniya/ Onegin/ Grandfather Schukar/ Nakhalyonok/ Bazarov.

  8. He was awarded with the Nobel prize/Lenin prize/Hero of Socialist Labor

9. Russian people

    • built monuments in honour of M.A.Sholokhov

    • released stamps in honour of M.A.Sholokhov

    • issued coins in honour of M.A.Sholokhov

    • named streets in honour of him

  • opened museums

  • hold festivals in honour of the great writer.

Translate from English into Russian.

“I was born on the Don, grew here, went to school, developed into a personality and writer… Being a patriot of my powerful Country, I am proud to say I am a patriot of my native Don land…”

Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov


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