Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Уроки  /  10 класс  /  Урок английского языка по теме «Экология»

Урок английского языка по теме «Экология»

Урок научит школьников бережно относиться к окружающей среде.

Описание разработки

Проведению урока-конференции по теме «Экология» предшествовала большая подготовительная работа. Был использован дополнительный материал из различных пособий, газет и журнала «Иностранные языки в школе»


научить школьников бережно относиться к окружающей среде.

Оборудование: лозунги (Nature is the source of people’s life. Environmental protection concerns everyone. The protection of nature means the protection of our Motherland), плакаты, видеофильмы, аппаратура.

Ход урока.

Музыкальный фон. Четыре ученика по очереди читают стихотворение “Hug the Earth” (by Lorraine Bayes).

Walking along feeling free

Feeling the Earth here with me

And I love her, she loves me.

I hug the Earth, the Earth hugs me.

She’s our friend,

We’d like to be together forever.

The Earth is a garden.

It’s a beautiful place.

For all living creatures,

For all the human race.

Helping Mother Earth

We can peacefully roam.

We all deserve a place

We can call our home.

Food is a treasure from the soil and the sea.

Clean, fresh air from the plants and the trees.

The warmth of the sun giving life each day.

Turns water into rain, it’s nature’s way.

And I would like to thank you. Mother Earth,

I like to see you dressed in green and blue

I want to be by you.

Вступительное слово учителя:

Comrades, today we have our conclusion lesson on the topic “Ecology”. We shall discuss many important problems connected with our topic. With the help of the film you will exchange your opinions about the global problem, how to protect our Earth, how to prevent further pollution of the atmosphere, what urgent and necessary measures to undertake.

Now watch the film about ecology, please.

(Начиная с пятого-шестого кадра, шесть учеников читают стихотворение по очереди, по две строчки каждый.)

What Have They Done to the World?

Урок английского языка по теме Экология

What have they done to the seas, my friend?

What have they done to the seas?

What have they done to the rivers, my friend?

What have they done to the trees?

What have they done to our land, my friend?

This land which is ours from our birth.

What have they done to our forests, my friend?

What have they done to the earth?

What have they done to the skies, my friend?

Skies that are blue and so clear.

What have they done to the skies, my friend?

What have they done to the air?

Teacher: Comrades, just now you saw a film about the environmental situation in our country. As this problem is global, I want you to discuss it. Please, be active in the discussion. Who wants to be first?

P: I want to be the first. The film and the words of the poem impressed me greatly. I am upset because just now we saw many polluted parts of our country. Now we know that railways are also one of the sources of pollution. Every day I hear the noise of locomotives, of passing, trains as I live near railway. We breathe the air polluted by the waste of the railway transport. It’s very dangerous for the health of people, especially for those whose houses are near the railway track. This problem is global, so let’s speak out and discuss it. Friends, I am interested in the issue of why environmental problems have become exceptionally acute in our country.

Teacher: Who would like to discuss it?

P: For a long time too little attention was paid to the environment/ today the situation is quite different. People all over the world are worried about what is happening to the environment because of modern industry and the need more energy. Newspapers and magazines write about water pollution, air pollution and soil pollution.

People have been polluting the world around them for thousands and thousands of years. But in the past, there were not many people and loots of room in the world, so they could move to another place when their settlements became dirty. Now many parts of the world are overcrowded, people live in big cities and mush of the waste, especially waste from factories, electric power stations, the chemical industry and heavy industry is very dangerous. Fish dies in the lakes, rivers and seas, forest trees die too. Mush of this dangerous waste goes into the air and is carried by winds for great distances.

P: I would like to add something. The ecological situation has become very strained. In towns and cities there are many sources of environment pollution. Because of economic difficulties the Ministry stinted on measures to protect the environment from industrial pollution, as a result half of water sources are polluted with communal and industrial waste.

Teacher: What other problem would you like to be discussed?

P: People of the whole world must take urgent measures to protect environment from further pollution of the soil, water, air. Your opinion, please.

P: The Earth is our home. We must take care of it. The importance of this task is pointed out by the ecologists, scientists who study the relations between living thing and their environment. Each of us must do everything possible to keep the land, air and water clean. Of course people undertake some measures to protect the environment, but this activity is complicated by the economic difficulties.

Teacher: One more for the discussion, please;

P: In many towns and cities concentration of harmful substances in the air is over 10 times the admissible level. Do you know why?

P: In many towns and cities concentration of harmful substances in the air is over ten times the admissible level because with the development of civilization man’s interference in nature began to increase. Large cities with thousands of smoky industrial enterprises appear all over the world today. The by-products of their activity pollute the air we breathe. Environmental problems are very acute in densely populated regions. Every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere with about 1000 million tons of dust and other harmful substances. Many cities suffer from smog. Vast forests are cut and burn in fires. Their disappearance upsets the oxygen balance. As a result some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants disappear forever, a number of rivers and lakes dry up.

P: I want to add some more facts. The railway transport is also the source of pollution, especially locomotives. One locomotive exhausts as much harmful waste into air as 40 or 50 cars.

Teacher: Comrades, please suggest one more problem.

P: The environmental safety of nuclear and hydroelectric power engineering is beginning to assume paramount importance. Can you explain why?

P: The ecological situation has become very acute. It is because of nuclear and hydroelectric power engineering which is a very dangerous. People’s careless interaction with it caused environmental disasters. The most horrible disaster which happened in April 1986 befell Belarus and Ukraine and their people. As the result of the Chernobyl tragedy abou1 18% of territory of Belarus and Ukraine was polluted with radioactive substances. Great damage has been done to the republics agriculture, forests and people’s health.

P: I want to add some more facts.

The environmental safety of nuclear and hydroelectric power engineering is beginning to assume paramount importance, because when people build and exploit hydroelectric power stations they change the structure and properties of the soil and water.

Teacher: What other problem would you like to discuss?

Учащийся предлагает такую проблему для обсуждения: «Why have people become more environment-conscious in recent years? »

P: People have becoecme more environment-conscious in recent years because now nature is in a very dangerous situation. Many parts of the world are overcrowded. Most of the people live in big cities. They suffer from smog. The waste of the enterprises is very dangerous. The waste gets into the soil, water, air and of course this affects the health of people. The Earth is our home, and we must take care of it for ourselves and for the next generations. This means keeping the environmental clean. Therefore Russia is cooperating in the field of environmental protection with other countries.

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Содержимое разработки

Урок английского языка по теме

«Экология» в X классе


Шебелян С.О., учитель английского

языка МОУ - Лицей №2

г. Саратова

Проведению урока-конференции по теме «Экология» предшествовала большая подготовительная работа. Был использован дополнительный материал из различных пособий, газет и журнала «Иностранные языки в школе»

Цель: научить школьников бережно относиться к окружающей среде.

Оборудование: лозунги (Nature is the source of people’s life. Environmental protection concerns everyone. The protection of nature means the protection of our Motherland), плакаты, видеофильмы, аппаратура.

Музыкальный фон. Четыре ученика по очереди читают стихотворение “Hug the Earth” (by Lorraine Bayes).

Walking along feeling free

Feeling the Earth here with me

And I love her, she loves me.

I hug the Earth, the Earth hugs me .

She’s our friend,

We’d like to be together forever.

The Earth is a garden.

It’s a beautiful place.

For all living creatures,

For all the human race.

Helping Mother Earth

We can peacefully roam.

We all deserve a place

We can call our home.

Food is a treasure from the soil and the sea.

Clean, fresh air from the plants and the trees.

The warmth of the sun giving life each day.

Turns water into rain, it’s nature’s way.

And I would like to thank you. Mother Earth,

I like to see you dressed in green and blue

I want to be by you.

Вступительное слово учителя:

Comrades, today we have our conclusion lesson on the topic “Ecology”. We shall discuss many important problems connected with our topic. With the help of the film you will exchange your opinions about the global problem, how to protect our Earth, how to prevent further pollution of the atmosphere, what urgent and necessary measures to undertake.

Now watch the film about ecology, please.

(Начиная с пятого-шестого кадра, шесть учеников читают стихотворение по очереди, по две строчки каждый.)

What Have They Done to the World?

What have they done to the seas, my friend?

What have they done to the seas?

What have they done to the rivers, my friend?

What have they done to the trees?

What have they done to our land, my friend?

This land which is ours from our birth.

What have they done to our forests, my friend?

What have they done to the earth?

What have they done to the skies, my friend?

Skies that are blue and so clear.

What have they done to the skies, my friend?

What have they done to the air?

Teacher: Comrades, just now you saw a film about the environmental situation in our country. As this problem is global, I want you to discuss it. Please, be active in the discussion. Who wants to be first?

P: I want to be the first. The film and the words of the poem impressed me greatly. I am upset because just now we saw many polluted parts of our country. Now we know that railways are also one of the sources of pollution. Every day I hear the noise of locomotives, of passing, trains as I live near railway. We breathe the air polluted by the waste of the railway transport. It’s very dangerous for the health of people, especially for those whose houses are near the railway track. This problem is global, so let’s speak out and discuss it. Friends, I am interested in the issue of why environmental problems have become exceptionally acute in our country.

Teacher: Who would like to discuss it?

P: For a long time too little attention was paid to the environment/ today the situation is quite different. People all over the world are worried about what is happening to the environment because of modern industry and the need more energy. Newspapers and magazines write about water pollution, air pollution and soil pollution. People have been polluting the world around them for thousands and thousands of years. But in the past, there were not many people and loots of room in the world, so they could move to another place when their settlements became dirty. Now many parts of the world are overcrowded, people live in big cities and mush of the waste, especially waste from factories, electric power stations, the chemical industry and heavy industry is very dangerous. Fish dies in the lakes, rivers and seas, forest trees die too. Mush of this dangerous waste goes into the air and is carried by winds for great distances.

P: I would like to add something. The ecological situation has become very strained. In towns and cities there are many sources of environment pollution. Because of economic difficulties the Ministry stinted on measures to protect the environment from industrial pollution, as a result half of water sources are polluted with communal and industrial waste.

Teacher: What other problem would you like to be discussed?

P: People of the whole world must take urgent measures to protect environment from further pollution of the soil, water, air. Your opinion, please.

P: The Earth is our home. We must take care of it. The importance of this task is pointed out by the ecologists, scientists who study the relations between living thing and their environment. Each of us must do everything possible to keep the land, air and water clean. Of course people undertake some measures to protect the environment, but this activity is complicated by the economic difficulties.

Teacher: One more for the discussion, please;

P: In many towns and cities concentration of harmful substances in the air is over 10 times the admissible level. Do you know why?

P: In many towns and cities concentration of harmful substances in the air is over ten times the admissible level because with the development of civilization man’s interference in nature began to increase. Large cities with thousands of smoky industrial enterprises appear all over the world today. The by-products of their activity pollute the air we breathe. Environmental problems are very acute in densely populated regions. Every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere with about 1000 million tons of dust and other harmful substances. Many cities suffer from smog. Vast forests are cut and burn in fires. Their disappearance upsets the oxygen balance. As a result some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants disappear forever, a number of rivers and lakes dry up.

P: I want to add some more facts. The railway transport is also the source of pollution, especially locomotives. One locomotive exhausts as much harmful waste into air as 40 or 50 cars.

Teacher: Comrades, please suggest one more problem.

P: The environmental safety of nuclear and hydroelectric power engineering is beginning to assume paramount importance. Can you explain why?

P: The ecological situation has become very acute. It is because of nuclear and hydroelectric power engineering which is a very dangerous. People’s careless interaction with it caused environmental disasters. The most horrible disaster which happened in April 1986 befell Belarus and Ukraine and their people. As the result of the Chernobyl tragedy abou1 18% of territory of Belarus and Ukraine was polluted with radioactive substances. Great damage has been done to the republics agriculture, forests and people’s health.

P: I want to add some more facts.

The environmental safety of nuclear and hydroelectric power engineering is beginning to assume paramount importance, because when people build and exploit hydroelectric power stations they change the structure and properties of the soil and water.

Teacher: What other problem would you like to discuss?

Учащийся предлагает такую проблему для обсуждения: «Why have people become more environment-conscious in recent years? »

P: People have become more environment-conscious in recent years because now nature is in a very dangerous situation. Many parts of the world are overcrowded. Most of the people live in big cities. They suffer from smog. The waste of the enterprises is very dangerous. The waste gets into the soil, water, air and of course this affects the health of people. The Earth is our home, and we must take care of it for ourselves and for the next generations. This means keeping the environmental clean. Therefore Russia is cooperating in the field of environmental protection with other countries.

P: I want to add this. The pollution of the air, oceans, seas, lakes, the destruction of the ozone layer can lead our planet to a global catastrophe, and therefore the people of all countries must do everything to save the Earth.

Teacher: Please, suggest a problem for discussion.

P: Why is it necessary for young people to participate in the environmental movement?

P: It’s necessary for young people to participate in the environmental movement to save our Earth from catastrophe. We know about the Chernobyl tragedy, we know the ecological situation of our planet. We must act immediately to stop the pollution of the environment, we must keep it clean. We must take care of it for ourselves and for the next generations. Each of us must do everything possible to keep the land, air and water clean. Our Earth is in a very dangerous situation. There are many places on our planet which need immediate help and of course we must do everything possible to save our Earth.

Teacher: Comrades, you know how dangerous the ecological situation of our Earth is. What do people do and what must they do to protect nature from further pollution, to keep people healthy? Who would like to begin?

(Учащиеся друг за другом высказываются о мерах, которые принимаются или должны быть приняты.)

Привожу их ответы.

  1. People actively cooperate in solving ecological problems.

  2. Different agreements are signed to prevent the pollution of seas and oceans. The aim of agreements is to prevent oil pollution of the seas and oceans, to organize rational fishing and the preservation of marine life.

  3. People plant gardens, orchards, future forests. They take part in Bird Day and Forest Day. At schools there are new lessons in ecology. Children are taught to take café of nature.

  4. A global strategy of nature protection has been worked out by large international organizations. One of its fundamental provisions is to transfer the industry to low and non-waste technologies.

  5. Scientific researchers of some universities work at the problem of harmful substances. Such work is done in many other scientific centres of our country. It is very important to unite the efforts of all scientists working at this problem.

  6. The government takes urgent measures to build purifying systems to avoid the pollution of rivers.

  7. Some ecologically harmful plants must be removed from the city.

  8. Green zones must be created.

  9. The greenery must be protected and increased.

  10. Pollution control systems must be introduced.

  11. Purifying systems for cleaning and trapping harmful substances must be widely used.

  12. Noise must be reduced.

  13. Clean air programmes must be worked out for cities.

  14. Every city must begin the clean air campaign.

  15. Smoke control orders must be introduced into various parts of the city.

  16. The factories and plants must be redesigned and modified.

  17. Modern technology enables the city air, to trap harmful substances released into the air with smoke and to purify them by special filters.

  18. There are more than 300 nature centres in the British cities and more than 30 are in London. Children visit centres with there teachers. They study and enjoy nature. In Britain there are a lot of environment groups: “Friends of the Earth”, “Greenpeace”, “London Wildlife Trust”. British

children learn about a lot about the Earth at school. They have special environmental education. Even though they are children and they can’t do much about pollution or energy waste, there are a lot of ways in which they can help to save the Earth. It’s very good example for schoolchildren of all countries of our planet to follow.

Teacher: Comrades, as active participants of the ecological commission you may be invited to take part in a conference on the protection of nature in one of the cities of our country. I want you to write reports entitled “Environmental Problems of Our Region” for the conference. Please, write down your hometask.

(Учащиеся записывают домашнее задание)

Teacher: After the discussion of the ecological problems I want you to sing the song which sounds as a call to the peoples of the whole world to save the Earth.

(Учащиеся хором поют песню “Kids for Saving Earth Promise Song”.)

Kids for Saving Earth Promise Song

The earth is my home.

I promise to keep it healthy and beautiful.

I will love the land, the air, the water

and all leaving creatures.

I will be a defender of my planet,

united with friends.

I will save the Earth.

United with friends, I promise to keep it,

United with friends, I will love the land,

United with friends, I’ll be a defender,

I will save the Earth.

I will save the Earth.

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Методика обучения английскому языку как второму иностранному

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
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