Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Презентации  /  7 класс  /  Travelling around the world (презентация)

Travelling around the world (презентация)

Цель: предполагается, что к окончанию урока учащиеся смогут осуществлять перенос знаний по теме "Travelling around the world" в изменённую ситуацию.

Описание разработки

Обуающая цель: предполагается, что к окончанию урока учащиеся смогут осуществлять перенос знаний по теме “Travelling around the world” в изменённую ситуацию

Развивающая цель: создать условия для развития творческих способностей учащихся, умению анализировать, обобщать, делать выводы.

Воспитательная цель: способствовать уважению к мнению другого человека; росту интереса к изучению английского языка, воспитанию конкурентоспособной личности.

Форма урока: урок -соревнование.

Тип урока: урок формирования знаний, умений и навыков

Оборудование: ноутбук, телевизор, презентация, раздаточный материал.

Ход урока.

1) Начало урока.

Приветствие. Определение темы урока. Сообщение цели урока.

Good morning, pupils! Good morning, dear guests! Today we have a special lesson in a form of a competition between two teams. You are going to work in teams. You will have special tasks. Welcome to our game.СЛАЙД №1

Before beginning I`ll divide you into 3 groups, for that there are some papers. You must come here, and take one of it and take your seat at the table.

СЛАЙД № 2 So, your group is divided into 3 teams, they are named in honor of the English speaking countries: England, America, Australia. Now each team has to choose the leader. You have 1 minute on it. Well. Are you ready? I see that you are ready. Let’s begin. We’ve got 5 tasks. Raise your hand if you know the answer. If your answer is correct your team will get 1 point. At the end of the lesson we’ll count your points and see who the winner is.

But mind the rules: СЛАЙД № 3

Don’t shout!

Raise your hand when you want to answer!

Remember, that you can bring your team a number of points!

It’s time for the game and I wish all of you good luck!

2) Основной этап.


Let’s try to guess the topic of our lesson. I have prepared a crossword puzzle for you. If you guess all the words correctly, you will be able to name the topic of our lesson.

1. You buy it, if you want to go by bus, or by plane, or by car. (a ticket)

2. A grey animal, likes cheese, but it’s bigger than a mouse. (a rat)

3. A means of transport which you can see at the railway station. (a train)

4. Tomato, cucumbers are… (vegetables)

Travelling around the world (презентация)

5. Name the antonym to the world “old”. (new)

6. It’s a sour yellow fruit. (a lemon)

7. What can birds and planes do, but people can’t? (to fly)

8. Where can you see a lot of planes? (an airport)

9. What do monkeys like to eat? (bananas)

10. Football, tennis are… (games)


Today we are going to speak about travelling and tourism. I doubt anyone can imagine modern life without travelling and holidays are a wonderful chance to relax, have fun and explore new places and countries. Could you tell me what makes реоple spend time and money on travelling and sightseeing? What are the reasons for travelling?

Students: СЛАЙД 8

-to have a rest;

-to learn a lot of new and interesting things about foreign people and foreign


-to see different ways of life;

-to practice language;

-to try different food;

-to meet people, to make friends.

Teacher: I absolutely agree with you! Travelling broadens our mind. So let’s begin our journey.


1) There are some flags and the names of countries on the blackboard. Your task is to match them.

2)  СЛАЙД № 10

Listen to the next task. I will tell the country and you should name its capital.

Great Britain - London, India - New Delhi, Japan - Tokyo, France - Paris, Canada - Ottawa, Egypt - Cairo, Spain- Madrid, Russia - Moscow, Italy – Rome.

Физкультминутка Цель: снятие мышечного напряжения, эмоциональная разрядка.


Let’s have a short rest.

Close your eyes. Imagine that you’re sitting on a sunny beach. Relax. Feel the sun. Listen to the sea. Eat your favourite fruit. M-m-m it is very tasty. Relax. Return to our lesson, please.


Pack your luggage if:

1. you’re going to camp in Scotland;

2. you’re going to see famous places in France;

3. you’re going to have holidays in Australia.

Take only 10 necessary items with you - 1) passport 2) ticket 3) …


Now let’s listen tj the song. Have you listened to it?

Your task is to put in the words.

3) Заключительный этап. Рефлексия.

Look at the paper! There are different types of faces. Choose the one that characterizes your state at the lessonI would like to thank you for being active and creative during this lesson. It's time to know the winners of our competition. The game is over. Let us count the points. So the winner is the team …. Our congratulations! Good luck!

Содержимое разработки

Welcome to our game.

Welcome to our game.

Choose the leader  Your group is divided into 3 teams, they are named in honor of the English speaking countries: England America Australia

Choose the leader

Your group is divided into 3 teams, they are named in honor of the English speaking countries:




  But mind the rules: Raise your hand when you want to answer!   Remember, that you can bring your team a number of points!   Don’t shout!

  But mind the rules:

  • Raise your hand when you want to answer!
  • Remember, that you can bring your team a number of points!
  • Don’t shout!


guess the topic of our lesson 1)You buy it, if you want to go by bus, or by plane, or by car. 2) A grey animal, likes cheese, but it’s bigger than a mouse. 3) A mean of transport which you can see at the railway station. 4) Tomato, cucumbers are… 5) Name the antonym to the world “old”. 6) It’s a sour yellow fruit. 7) What can birds and planes do, but people can’t? 8) Where can you see a lot of planes? 9) What do monkeys like to eat? 10) Football, tennis are… 9 A 6 1 8 7 3 T L N 2 I L V R 5 E 4 G 10

guess the topic of our lesson

1)You buy it, if you want to go by bus, or by plane, or by car.

2) A grey animal, likes cheese, but it’s bigger than a mouse.

3) A mean of transport which you can see at the railway station.

4) Tomato, cucumbers are…

5) Name the antonym to the world “old”.

6) It’s a sour yellow fruit.

7) What can birds and planes do, but people can’t?

8) Where can you see a lot of planes?

9) What do monkeys like to eat?

10) Football, tennis are…























TASK №2 Could you tell me what makes реоple spend time and money on travelling and sightseeing? What are the reasons for travelling?


Could you tell me what makes реоple spend time and money on travelling and sightseeing? What are the reasons for travelling?

ADD YOUR IDEAS: REST -to have a… -to learn… things about foreign people and foreign countries; -to see different ways of… -to practice …  -to try different… -to meet... A LOT OF INTERESNG AND NEW LIFE LANGUAGE FOOD MEET PEOPLE AND NEW FRIENDS



  • -to have a…
  • -to learn…

things about foreign people and foreign countries;

  • -to see different ways of…
  • -to practice … 
  • -to try different…
  • -to meet...






TASK 3 1)There are some flags and the names of the countries on the blackboard. Your task is to match them. 2) Name its capitals.


1)There are some flags and the names of the countries on the blackboard. Your task is to match them.

2) Name its capitals.

Name its capitals.   Great Britain - London  India - New Delhi  Japan - Tokyo France - Paris Canada - Ottawa  Egypt - Cairo  Spain- Madrid  Russia - Moscow  Italy – Rome.

Name its capitals.

  • Great Britain - London
  • India - New Delhi
  • Japan - Tokyo
  • France - Paris
  • Canada - Ottawa
  • Egypt - Cairo
  • Spain- Madrid
  • Russia - Moscow
  • Italy – Rome.
Physical minute  Close your eyes. Imagine that you’re sitting on a sunny beach. Relax. Feel the sun. Listen to the sea. Eat your favourit fruit. M-m-m it is very tasty. Relax. Return to our lesson, please.

Physical minute Close your eyes. Imagine that you’re sitting on a sunny beach. Relax. Feel the sun. Listen to the sea. Eat your favourit fruit. M-m-m it is very tasty. Relax. Return to our lesson, please.

TASK № 4 Pack your luggage if: 1) you’re going to camp in Scotland; 2) you’re going to see famous places in France; 3) you’re going to have holidays in Australia. Take only 10 necessary items with you -   1)passport  2)ticket 3)…

TASK № 4

Pack your luggage if:

1) you’re going to camp in Scotland;

2) you’re going to see famous places in France;

3) you’re going to have holidays in Australia.

Take only 10 necessary items with you -  

1)passport  2)ticket 3)…

One Way Ticket Билет в один конец

  • One way ticket  one way ticket.  One way ticket  one way ticket.  One way ticket to the blues.  Choo choo train  tuckin' down the track  gotta travel on it  never comin' back  ooh got a one way ticket to the blues.  Bye bye love  my babe is leavin' me  now lonely tear drops  are all that I can see.  got a one way ticket to the blues  gonna take a trip to lonesome town  gonna stay at heartbreak hotel.  A fool such as I there never was  I cry my tears away.  One way ticket  one way ticket.  One way ticket  one way ticket.  One way ticket to the blues.  Choo choo train  tuckin' down the track  gotta travel on it  never comin' back  ooh got a one way ticket to the blues.  Gotta go on  gotta truck on  got a one way ticket to the blues.  I gotta take a trip to lonesome town  gonna stay at heartbreak hotel  a fool such as I there never was  I cry my tears away.  One way ticket  one way ticket.  One way ticket  one way ticket.  One way ticket to the blues.  Choo choo train  tuckin' down the track  gotta travel on it  never comin' back  ooh got a one way ticket to the blues.  Got my ticket...  One way ticket...
  • Билет в один конец  Билет в один конец  Билет в один конец  Билет в один конец  Билет в один конец, в печаль.  Поезд, поезд  Мчится по железной дороге,  Я путешествую по ней  И никогда не вернусь обратно.  У меня билет в один конец, в печаль.  Прощай, прощай, любовь,  Мой малыш бросает меня.  Теперь одинокие слезы -  Это все, что я вижу.  У меня билет в один конец, в печаль.  Я собираюсь поехать в одинокий город  И остановиться в отеле разбитых сердец.  Таких дур, как я, там никогда не было.  Я плачу и слезы капают.  Билет в один конец  Билет в один конец  Билет в один конец  Билет в один конец  Билет в один конец, в печаль.  Поезд, поезд  Мчится по железной дороге,  Я путешествую по ней  И никогда не вернусь обратно.  У меня билет в один конец, в печаль.  Я еду...  Еду по железной дороге...  У меня билет в один конец, в печаль.  Я собираюсь поехать в одинокий город  И остановиться в отеле разбитых сердец.  Таких дур, как я, там никогда не было.  Я плачу и слезы капают.  Билет в один конец  Билет в один конец  Билет в один конец  Билет в один конец  Билет в один конец, в печаль.  Поезд, поезд  Мчится по железной дороге,  Я путешествую по ней  И никогда не вернусь обратно.  У меня билет в один конец, в печаль.  У меня есть билет.  Билет в один конец...
My Trip   I like travelling. We can travel by bicycle, by car, by bus, by plane, by train, by ship. I find a train-trip the most enjoyable. First we plain a trip. We go to the booking-office and book tickets. It's impossible to buy tickets in summer because many people want to travel. We pack our suitcase. We take some clothes, something to eat and to read, everything we need. That's why our suitcase is heavy. We catch a taxi and get to the railway station early to catch a train. There we can see many trains. There are a lot of people on the platform. Some of them are passengers, some see their friends and relatives off. I get on to the train. I have a lower berth, it's very comfortable. I think my trip will be enjoyable and interesting.

My Trip

I like travelling. We can travel by bicycle, by car, by bus, by plane, by train, by ship. I find a train-trip the most enjoyable. First we plain a trip. We go to the booking-office and book tickets. It's impossible to buy tickets in summer because many people want to travel. We pack our suitcase. We take some clothes, something to eat and to read, everything we need. That's why our suitcase is heavy. We catch a taxi and get to the railway station early to catch a train. There we can see many trains. There are a lot of people on the platform. Some of them are passengers, some see their friends and relatives off. I get on to the train. I have a lower berth, it's very comfortable. I think my trip will be enjoyable and interesting.

Marks and homework)))

Marks and homework)))

Look at the board! There are different types of faces. Choose the one that characterizes your state at the lesson

Look at the board! There are different types of faces. Choose the one that characterizes your state at the lesson

Курсы повышения квалификации

Проектная деятельность учащихся

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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