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The Tower of London (презентация)

Презентация познакомит с интересными фактами из истории Тауэра.

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In the book dedicated to 900th  anniversary of the Tower, the Duke of Edinburgh wrote about it:

«The Tower throughout its history was the castle, the palace, the Royal  treasury, the armory,  the mint, the prison, the observatory and the zoo».

The first Royal family lived in the well-protected White Tower, the thickness of its walls is 15 feet.

Today the Tower, which isn’t the palace or the prison now, keeps traditional features such as soldiers’ clothes and the ceremony at the Tower.

In 1834 the Royal zoo moved away, and only black ravens stayed in the Tower.

The Tower of London (презентация)

Most of the Royal jewellery was returned to Great Britain and is used for sacred moments of coronation.

The Tower Bridge was build in gothic style in 1894.

More than 1 million pounds  were spent on its building, and it has been raised 1 million times for ships.

People could visit the bridge in 1982 for the first time. Visitors could cross it using the path between the  two towers.

Interesting Facts about the Tower.

The thickness of the walls of the Tower is about 4.6 metres, so it is not surprising that nobody could assault it.

Содержимое разработки

The Tower of London  In the book  dedicated  to 900 th anniversary of  the Tower , the Duke of Edinburgh wrote  about it: « The Tower throughout its history was  the castle , the palace , the Royal treasury , the armory , the mint , the prison , the observatory and the zoo » .

The Tower of London

In the book dedicated to 900 th anniversary of the Tower , the Duke of Edinburgh wrote about it: « The Tower throughout its history was the castle , the palace , the Royal treasury , the armory , the mint , the prison , the observatory and the zoo » .

The first Royal family lived in  the well-protected White Tower , the thickness of its walls is 15 feet .

The first Royal family lived in the well-protected White Tower , the thickness of its walls is 15 feet .

Today the Tower , which isn’t the palace or  the prison now , keeps traditional features such as soldiers’ clothes and the ceremony at the Tower . 

Today the Tower , which isn’t the palace or the prison now , keeps traditional features such as soldiers’ clothes and the ceremony at the Tower

In 1834 the Royal zoo  moved away , and only  black ravens stayed  in the Tower .

In 1834 the Royal zoo moved away , and only black ravens stayed in the Tower .

Most of the Royal jewellery was returned to Great Britain and  is used for sacred  moments of coronation .

Most of the Royal jewellery was returned to Great Britain and is used for sacred moments of coronation .

The Tower   Bridge was  build  in gothic style in 1894. More than 1 million  pounds were  spent on  its building , and  it  has been raised 1 million times for ships . People could visit the bridge in 1982 for the first time.  Visitors could cross  it  using the path  between the  two towers .

The Tower   Bridge was build in gothic style in 1894. More than 1 million pounds were spent on its building , and it has been raised 1 million times for ships . People could visit the bridge in 1982 for the first time. Visitors could cross it using the path between the two towers .

The thickness of the walls of the Tower is about 4.6 met re s, so it is not surprising that nobody could assault it .

The thickness of the walls of the Tower is about 4.6 met re s, so it is not surprising that nobody could assault it .

1 . T wo young Prince s were immured  by their uncle, who wanted to become the king. 2. The oldest part of the Tower  is the square White Tower , it was built  in 1078 . 3. The cellar which had the area  of 3,3 square metres was called « Little fan » . Nobody could lay or stand there . 4. Later the tower was surrounded by a double wall , like many other castles . The inner wall has 13 towers , including Bloody, Bosham, Wakefield .

1 . T wo young Prince s were immured by their uncle, who wanted to become the king.

2. The oldest part of the Tower is the square White Tower , it was built in 1078 .

3. The cellar which had the area of 3,3 square metres was called « Little fan » . Nobody could lay or stand there .

4. Later the tower was surrounded by a double wall , like many other castles . The inner wall has 13 towers , including Bloody, Bosham, Wakefield .

London! Thank you for attention!!


Thank you for attention!!

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Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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