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План проведения урока по английскому языку "Sights of London"

Урок сформирует комплекс лингвострановедческих знаний о национально-культурных особенностях Великобритании.

Описание разработки

Основные цели урока:

Образовательная – формирование комплекса лингвострановедческих знаний о национально-культурных особенностях Великобритании. Изучение новой лексики по теме урока.

Развивающая – развитие навыков устной речи, а также осмысленного использования лексики в диалогической и монологической речи. Формирование правильного произношения и относительной беглости устного высказывания.

Воспитательная – воспитание уважения к культуре страны изучаемого языка. Воспитание культуры общения и поведения.

Ход урока.

1. Организационный момент.

Минибеседа о готовности студентов к уроку, создание деловой, доброжелательной атмосферы.

2. Основной этап.

Преподаватель (Пр) : London is the world into itself, unique and different from the rest of Britain and the other cities of the world. It is said that all Britain can be divided into two parts: London and the rest of it. Some our students “have visited London” and want to share with their impressions about interesting sights of the UK’s capital. Слайд презентации 1.

Студенты, начинают свои рассказы, используя фотоматериалы видов Лондона.

Westminster Abbey is a fine Gothic building. It’s the work of many hands & different ages. It is a royal church. Here you can see the tombs of many British Kings and Queens. Famous poets & writers as Ch. Dickens, W. Shakespeare, Byron & others are buried there.

This place is called the Poet’s Corner. For hundreds of years the Abbey was the home of Benedictine monks. They cultivated farmland around the Abbey. You can see their cloisters & visit the 900 year-old Abbey garden, where the monks grew medicinal herbs. Concerts are now held there in summer. The Abbey has been the scene of every royal coronation since William the Conqueror in 1066. Queen Elizabeth the Second was crowed there in 1953. Фотоматериалы.

St. Paul’s Cathedral is the work of the famous architect Sir Christopher Wren. It is the huge dome with a golden ball & the cross on the top. The interior of the Cathedral is very beautiful. It’s full of monuments. Фотоматериалы

Trafalgar Square was constructed to commemorate the victory of Admiral Lord Nelson at Trafalgar in 1805. The square’s most famous landmark is Nelson’s Column. There are four bronze lions around it, cast from captured French cannons of battleships. Nelson’s statue is over 5m high, about three times his real height.

Every year a huge Xmas tree stands in the square from mid-December, when the Ambassador of Norway switches on the lights. Carols are sung around it every evening until Xmas. Фотоматериалы.

Piccadilly Circus is the meeting point of 6 streets. This street is famous for the central fountain on the top of which stands a statue of Eros, the Greek God of love.

The best-known streets in London are Fleet Street where many newspapers have their offices, Whitehall with important Government offices. It’s the political center of the UK. Downing Street is London residence of Prime Minister.

Пр: Of course, London is full of things to see and I want to suggest your attention a presentation “Sights of London”. Аудиозапись сопровождает презентацию.

Tower Bridge built in 1894 is still in daily use. Even today Tower Bridge regulates a large part of the impressive traffic of the Port of London. Due to a special mechanism, the main traffic-way consisting of two parts fixed to two hinges at the ends can be lifted up. In this way the entrance and departure of extremely large vessels is possible and allows them to reach the Pool of London.

План проведения урока по английскому языку Sights of London

London has many big parks, full of trees, flowers and grass. Sit on the grass in the middle of Hyde Park and you will think that you are in the country, miles away. Hyde Park was once the part of a wild and ancient forest, inhabited by wolves, wild bulls and boars. It was fenced off as a royal deer park in Tudor times and later opened to the public. Фотоматериалы, слайды 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

Buckingham Palace is the official home of the Queen. It’s a busy royal office and state occasions are held there. There are about 600 rooms at the palace on three main floors. When the Queen is staying the Royal Standard flag is flown above the central balcony. Five regiments of Foot Guard mount regular guard outside the palace.

The Guard is changed in the palace forecourt when the Queen is in the residence. The ceremony lasts for about half an hour. Then the flags, the soldiers’ uniforms, the cheering crowds all sparkle in the sunshine – if it’s not raining of course. Слайды 7, 8, 9, 10.

The Tower of London was begun by William the Conqueror in 1078 as a castle and palace. Since then it has been expanded and used as an armoury, a zoo, a royal mint and a notorious prison. The Crown Jewels are kept in the Jewel House at the Tower. A group of ravens live at the Tower.

The tradition goes that if they disappear the building will collapse. The Beefeaters (Yeoman Warders) guard the Tower; they used to be the monarch’s private bodyguards. “Beefeater” was a medieval nickname for well-fed servants. They wear a Tudor style uniform of blue or red. Слайд 11, 12, 13. 

Big Ben is the name of the huge clock (and the great bell) in one of the tall towers of the Houses of Parliament. The Clock Tower overlooking Westminster Bridge is 316 ft high and 40 ft square. People are allowed to get inside the Tower so that they can see the works of Big Ben. Слайды 14, 15.

The Big Red London Bus. Since 1911 the big red motor bus has been London’s “king of the road”. Every day thousand of Londoners use the big red buses to move – often slowly – around town; and lots of tourists know that one day London bus will pass and offer a wonderful way to see the sights of Britain’s capital city. Many people think London is all grey, but in fact, London’s favourite colour is red. The double-deckers are red, the telephone boxes are all bright red colour. Слайд 16.

Пр: Please, make up the shorts dialogues about famous places of London.

На основе материала презентации студенты составляют диалоги и озвучивают их. Слайд заключительный 17.

Весь материал - в документе.

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ГБПОУ Краснодарский технический колледж Краснодарского края

Мультемедийный урок по теме Sights of London

Преподаватель иностранного языка Глуханько Л.Е.

план проведения мультимедийного урока по теме

Достопримечательности Лондона”

Sights of London

Основные цели урока: Образовательная – формирование комплекса лингвострановедческих знаний о национально-культурных особенностях Великобритании. Изучение новой лексики по теме урока.

Развивающая – развитие навыков устной речи, а также осмысленного использования лексики в диалогической и монологической речи. Формирование правильного произношения и относительной беглости устного высказывания.

Воспитательная – воспитание уважения к культуре страны изучаемого языка. Воспитание культуры общения и поведения.

Оборудование: мультимедийная установка, презентация Power Point, фотоматериалы, англо-русские словари.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент. Минибеседа о готовности студентов к уроку, создание деловой, доброжелательной атмосферы.

2. Основной этап. Преподаватель (Пр): London is the world into itself, unique and different from the rest of Britain and the other cities of the world. It is said that all Britain can be divided into two parts: London and the rest of it. Some our students “have visited London” and want to share with their impressions about interesting sights of the UK’s capital. Слайд презентации 1.

Студенты, начинают свои рассказы, используя фотоматериалы видов Лондона.

Westminster Abbey is a fine Gothic building. It’s the work of many hands & different ages. It is a royal church. Here you can see the tombs of many British Kings and Queens. Famous poets & writers as Ch. Dickens, W. Shakespeare, Byron & others are buried there. This place is called the Poet’s Corner. For hundreds of years the Abbey was the home of Benedictine monks. They cultivated farmland around the Abbey. You can see their cloisters & visit the 900 year-old Abbey garden, where the monks grew medicinal herbs. Concerts are now held there in summer. The Abbey has been the scene of every royal coronation since William the Conqueror in 1066. Queen Elizabeth the Second was crowed there in 1953. Фотоматериалы.

St. Paul’s Cathedral is the work of the famous architect Sir Christopher Wren. It is the huge dome with a golden ball & the cross on the top. The interior of the Cathedral is very beautiful. It’s full of monuments. Фотоматериалы

Trafalgar Square was constructed to commemorate the victory of Admiral Lord Nelson at Trafalgar in 1805. The square’s most famous landmark is Nelson’s Column. There are four bronze lions around it, cast from captured French cannons of battleships. Nelson’s statue is over 5m high, about three times his real height. Every year a huge Xmas tree stands in the square from mid-December, when the Ambassador of Norway switches on the lights. Carols are sung around it every evening until Xmas.Фотоматериалы.

Piccadilly Circus is the meeting point of 6 streets. This street is famous for the central fountain on the top of which stands a statue of Eros, the Greek God of love.

The best-known streets in London are Fleet Street where many newspapers have their offices, Whitehall with important Government offices. It’s the political center of the UK. Downing Street is London residence of Prime Minister.

Пр: Of course, London is full of things to see and I want to suggest your attention a presentation “Sights of London”. Аудиозапись сопровождает презентацию.

Tower Bridge built in 1894 is still in daily use. Even today Tower Bridge regulates a large part of the impressive traffic of the Port of London. Due to a special mechanism, the main traffic-way consisting of two parts fixed to two hinges at the ends can be lifted up. In this way the entrance and departure of extremely large vessels is possible and allows them to reach the Pool of London.

London has many big parks, full of trees, flowers and grass. Sit on the grass in the middle of Hyde Park and you will think that you are in the country, miles away. Hyde Park was once the part of a wild and ancient forest, inhabited by wolves, wild bulls and boars. It was fenced off as a royal deer park in Tudor times and later opened to the public.Фотоматериалы, слайды 2, 3,4,5,6.

Buckingham Palace is the official home of the Queen. It’s a busy royal office and state occasions are held there. There are about 600 rooms at the palace on three main floors. When the Queen is staying the Royal Standard flag is flown above the central balcony. Five regiments of Foot Guard mount regular guard outside the palace. The Guard is changed in the palace forecourt when the Queen is in the residence. The ceremony lasts for about half an hour. Then the flags, the soldiers’ uniforms, the cheering crowds all sparkle in the sunshine – if it’s not raining of course.Слайды 7, 8, 9, 10.

The Tower of London was begun by William the Conqueror in 1078 as a castle and palace. Since then it has been expanded and used as an armoury, a zoo, a royal mint and a notorious prison. The Crown Jewels are kept in the Jewel House at the Tower. A group of ravens live at the Tower. The tradition goes that if they disappear the building will collapse. The Beefeaters (Yeoman Warders) guard the Tower; they used to be the monarch’s private bodyguards. “Beefeater” was a medieval nickname for well-fed servants. They wear a Tudor style uniform of blue or red. Слайд 11, 12, 13.

Big Ben is the name of the huge clock (and the great bell) in one of the tall towers of the Houses of Parliament. The Clock Tower overlooking Westminster Bridge is 316 ft high and 40 ft square. People are allowed to get inside the Tower so that they can see the works of Big Ben. Слайды 14, 15.

The Big Red London Bus. Since 1911 the big red motor bus has been London’s “king of the road”. Every day thousand of Londoners use the big red buses to move – often slowly – around town; and lots of tourists know that one day London bus will pass and offer a wonderful way to see the sights of Britain’s capital city. Many people think London is all grey, but in fact, London’s favourite colour is red. The double-deckers are red, the telephone boxes are all bright red colour. Слайд 16.

Пр: Please, make up the shorts dialogues about famous places of London.

На основе материала презентации студенты составляют диалоги и озвучивают их. Слайд заключительный 17.

Пр: There is a sonnet by William Wordsworth composed upon Westminster Bridge in 1803:

Earth has not any thing to show more fair:

Dull would he be of soul who could pass by

A sight so touching in its majesty:

This City now doth like a garment wear

The beauty of the morning; silent, bare,

Ships, towers, domes, theatres and temples lie

Open unto fields and to the sky;

All bright and glittering in the smokeless air.

Never did sun more beautifully steep

In his first splendor, valley, rocks or hill:

He never saw, I never felt calm so deep!

The river glideth at his own sweet will:

Dear God! The very houses seem asleep;

And all that mighty heart is lying still!

Студенты могут сделать свои литературные переводы сонета.

Затем звучит сонет в переводе В.В. Левика:

Нет зрелища пленительней! И в ком

Не дрогнет дух бесчувственно-упрямый

При виде величавой панорамы,

Где утро – будто в ризы все кругом

Одело в Красоту. И каждый дом,

Суда в порту, театры, башни, храмы,

Река в сверканье этой мирной рамы,

Все утопает в блеске голубом,

Нет, никогда так ярко не вставало,

Так первозданно солнце над рекой,

Так чутко тишина не колдовала,

Вода не знала ясности такой.

И город спит. Еще прохожих мало,

И в сердце мощном царствует покой.

Для контроля понимания темы урока студентам предлагается ответить на следующие вопросы:

1. When and with what aim was the Tower of London built?

2. Why does the Tower of London attracts of sightseers?

3. Who is the architect of St. Paul’s Cathedral?

4. What do you know about the Palace of Westminster?

5. What governmental office is situated in Westminster?

6. What is called “Big Ben”?

7. What is Piccadilly Circus famous for?

8. What can you say about Buckingham Palace?

9. What is in Downing Street at number 10? Who occupies this house?

10. What is Hyde Park famous for?

11. What other parks do you know?

3. Заключительный этап урока: краткий анализ работы каждого студента. Выставление оценок. Задание к следующему уроку. Рекомендации к его выполнению.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Система работы с высокомотивированными и одаренными учащимися по учебному предмету

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
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