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«the global english quiz»

План-конспект внеклассног мероприятия по английскому языку в 11 классе

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Конспект внеклассного мероприятия

по английскому языку


Андронова Е.В.,

учитель английского языка



Тема: «The Global English Quiz»

Форма: игра



– воспитание любознательности, интереса к изучению английского языка

– развитие умения работать в командах

– воспитание активности в решении задач


– развитие логики, способности к критическому мышлению, умозаключению

– развитие языковой догадки, чувства языка

– развитие наблюдательности, внимания, памяти

– углубление познавательной мотивации


– содействие расширению кругозора

– актуализация знаний о страноведении англоговорящих стран, истории Англии и Америки, особенностях английского языка

Формировать УУД:

- ЛичностныеУУД:  самостоятельность, самоорганизация, ценностное отношение к совместной познавательной деятельности, самооценка.

-  Регулятивные УУД: целеполагание, прогнозирование.

- Коммуникативные УУД: учебное сотрудничество; построение речевых высказываний; умение слушать и слышать.

- Познавательные УУД: расширение кругозора учащихся через лингвострановедческую



Знать известные достопримечательности Лондона.Уметь применять изученную лексику в английской речи.

Личностные: самоорганизация, ценностное отношение к совместной познавательной деятельности, самооценка.


Регулятивные: целеполагание, прогнозирование; 
Коммуникативные: умение (работать в парах, помогать друг другу), умение высказать свои мысли на английском языке;

Познавательные: моделирование, умение структурировать и обобщать знания.


  • Игровое поле, фишки, кубик

  • Вопросы викторины

  • Оформление кабинета: плакаты с изображением достопримечательностей Англии и Великобритании, буквы английского алфавита

Использованная литература:

  • Crazy English (тематический альманах журнала Speak Out)

  • What are the British like? (тематический альманах журнала Speak Out)

  • Let’s go to London (тематический альманах журнала Speak Out)

Подготовительный этап: учащиеся повторяют страноведческий материал по учебнику О.В.Афанасьевой, И.В.Михеевой “English VI”.

Ход мероприятия:

1. Приветствие:

Teacher: Good morning, girls! I’m glad to see you. Today our lesson will be unusual. We are going to play a game. It is called “Global English Quiz”.

2. Объяснение правил игры:

Teacher: Our game will be called “The Global English Quiz”. In this picture-map you can see the path which you should go through from the START up to the FINISH. You are to divide into 4 teams. The rules of the game are simple: one member of the team casts the cube and makes as many steps on the map as the figure on the cube shows. Then this team gets a question which must be answered. If the answer is correct the team doesn’t change its position on the map. If the team is mistaken, then it goes back to the previous position on the map and the other team begins to play. If one team is mistaken and the other knows the right answer, this team can get one point as a bonus and make one step forward. In this case you should keep silence and raise your hand. The team which reaches the FINISH first wins the game.

Don’t hurry! Discuss the questions carefully within the team. To answer these questions you should know the peculiarities of the English language and the history and the culture of the English-spoken countries. Some questions may seem to be difficult, try to guess using your grey cells. You can get the answer logically. Good luck! Go!

3. Основной этап игры:

Участники команд бросают кубик, отвечают на вопросы и передвигают свои фишки на игровом поле по направлению к финишу.

Вопросы викторины:

Вопросы задаются с тремя вариантами ответов, указанными в скобках. Правильные ответы выделены).

  1. What language did William the Conqueror speak? (French, English, German)

  2. Which is the capital of Canada? (Montreal, Ottawa, Adelaide)

  3. What is the capital of Australia? (Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne)

  4. Which famous fast food comes from Germany? (pizza, hamburger, sandwich)

  5. What country are “opera”, “soprano”, “piano” from? (Italy, Spain, Portugal)

  6. Which word is most frequently used in conversations? (Yes, no, I)

  7. Which words are most frequently used in written English? (boy, girl, love; money, business, bank; a, the, and)

  8. What do the British say before a meal? (Bon appetite, Bless you, nothing)

  9. What is the correct question tag in this polite request: Open the window, ____ you? (will, do, please)

  10. What should you say in English if someone sneezes? (How’s it going?; Bless you; Can I help you?)

  11. What is the polite response to “Thank you very much”? (Of course; The same to you; You’re welcome)

  12. To tell someone who you are on the phone, which of the following is the most natural? (It’s Tom; I’m Tom; Tom speaking)

  13. What is the family name of the present royal family? (Smith, Tudor, Stuart, Winsor)

  14. When did Queen Elizabeth II become Queen? (1952; 1962; 1972; 1982)

  15. What city did Princess Diana die in? (London, Paris, Madrid, Rome)

  16. Where are the British monarchs crowned? (St Paul’s Cathedral, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, House of Parliament)

  17. Which British monarch reigned for the longest period? (Queen Victoria, Elizabeth I, Henry VIII, George V)

  18. How many wives did Henry VIII have? (10, 8, 6, 4)

  19. Who built the first bridge across he Thames? (the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans)

  20. What’s another name for “The City of London”? (The Square Mile, the Square Kilometer, the Centre)

  21. What is Big Ben? (a clock tower, a clock face, a bell)

  22. What’s the name of the man who wanted to blow up Parliament in 1605? (Boy Hawkes, Gay Forks, Guy Fawkes)

  23. When did the Great Fire of London break out? (in 1066, 1666, 1766)

  24. What’s the name of Shakespeare’s famous theatre? (The World, the Globe, the Universe)

  25. Which is the largest and oldest museum in Britain? (the British Museum, the National Gallery, Madame Tussaud’s)

  26. In Cockney rhyming slang what does “loaf of bread” mean? (head, bed, red)

  27. In Cockney “I don’t Adam and Eve you” means I don’t … (love you, understand you, believe you)

  28. Which London park is famous for its Speakers’ Corner where you can make any speech you like? (St James’s Park, Hyde Park, Regent’s Park)

  29. What are the famous guards of the Tower of London called? (beefeaters, bobbies, pearlies)

  30. Ben Nevis is (a famous footballer, a sort of whiskey, a mountain)

  31. The British flag is often called (the Union Jack, the Stars and Stripes, the Maple Leaf)

  32. The capital of Northern Ireland is (Dublin, Cardiff, Belfast)

  33. Britain’s national drink is (Coca-Cola, tea, coffee)

  34. The colour that represents Ireland is (green, red, yellow)

  35. How many states are there in the USA? (48, 50, 52)

  36. When did Christopher Columbus discover America? (in 1492, 1592, 1692)

  37. Which is the birthday of the United States celebrated? (on December, 25th; July, 4th; March, 8th)

  38. The “Big Apple” is a popular nickname – but what for? (Los Angeles, New York, Chicago)

  39. The symbol of the USA is named (Uncle Ben, Uncle Tom, Uncle Sam)

  40. How often do American people choose a new President? (every 4 years, every 5 years, every 3 years)

  41. What do American people call their police officers? (bobbies, cops, dogs)

  42. How many native words are there in the English language? (70%, 50%, 30%)

  43. Which is the most common letter in English? (e, a, i)

  44. Which is the least common letter in English? (x, q, z)

  45. The famous British newspaper which is printed on pink paper is (the Times, the Guardian, the Financial Times)

Игра ведется до тех пор, пока одна из команд не дойдет до финиша. Если остается достаточное количество вопросов, игру можно продолжить для определения команд, занявших второе и третье место. Затем подводятся итоги игры.

4. Заключительный этап игры:

Teacher: Children, look! The 1st (2nd …) team has reached the FINISH. You are the winners! Congratulations! The winners of our game get excellent marks for their good work.

Thank you for your work today, children. Did you like our lesson? Have learnt anything new about the English-spoken countries and the English language? Were the questions interesting for you?

Good. And now the lesson is over. Good-bye!

Курсы повышения квалификации

Исследовательская деятельность учащихся

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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