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Сценарий спектакля для 6 класса "The Forest Tale"

В рамках спектакля в игровой форме создаются ситуации максимально приближенные к действительности, в которых учащиеся могут использовать изученный материал.

Действие происходит в лесу. Зверюшки-дети ведут здоровый образ жизни, их мамы счастливы, но доктору некого лечить и он думает о переезде в другое место. В лесу появляется новый обитатель, который ест сладости, не делает зарядку, поздно ложится. Дети начинают подражать ему и у доктора появляется работа.


Содержимое разработки

Сценарий спектакля для 6 класса The Forest Tale

О. И. Сватиньш,

МБОУ г. Шахты Ростовской

области «Лицей №3

им. академика В.М. Глушкова»

учитель английского языка.

Цели мероприятия:

-в рамках спектакля в игровой форме создать ситуации, когда в условиях максимально приближенных к действительности учащиеся могут использовать изученный материал;

-стимулировать интерес учащихся к самостоятельному решению проблем.



-расширять активный словарь;

-развивать умения, составляющие лингвистическую компетенцию: сопоставление языковых явлений в изучаемом и родном языках;

-развивать информационную и социокультурную компетенции.


-развивать умения во всех видах речевой деятельности, умения планировать речевое и неречевое поведение (умение работать в паре/ в группе);

-развивать способности прогнозировать результаты;

-развивать воображение при моделировании ситуаций общения;

-развивать творческие способности учащихся.


-воспитывать интерес к изучению иностранного языка;

-способствовать осознанию возможностей самореализации средствами иностранного языка;

-воспитывать чувство товарищества;

-воспитывать чувство личной ответственности.

Форма проведения: спектакль.

Оснащение: стол, стулья, костюмы, таблички с обозначениями места разыгрывания сцены ( The Hospital; The Hares’ House; the Foxes’ House; The Beavers’ House; The Squirrels’ House), вязание, чемоданчик врача, спортивная сумка, мяч.

Действующие лица:



Белки (мама и сын)

Зайцы (мама и сын)

Бобры (мама и сын)

Лисичка 1

Лисичка 2





Scene 1 – In the Hospital.

The Doctor is sitting alone at the table.

Narrator: In one fairy forest there lived some fairy inhabitants. Everything went well there and everyone except one person was happy. Who was it? Why wasn’t he happy? Let’s see.


Mrs Squirrel:


Mrs Squirrel:


Mrs Squirrel:


Mrs Squirrel:


Mrs Squirrel:


Mrs Squirrel:


Mrs Squirrel:


Mrs Squirrel:


Mrs Squirrel:


Mrs Squirrel:


I’m so sad. Everybody is healthy in our forest. It’s great. But I like to treat and give good advice… Oh, I hear somebody’s steps. Maybe it’s a patient.

Good morning Doctor!

Good morning Mrs Squirrel. Come in. Sit down, please.

Thank you.

Is anything wrong with you?

Oh, now I’m fine.

What a pity …


I meant to say I’m so glad to hear that. And how is your son?

He’s fine thanks. I just was passing and decided to see you.

Are there no problems at all?

No, my dear Sonny cleans his teeth twice a day. He goes to bed in time and does his morning exercises.

He should go in for sport.

He does.

He must eat more fruit and vegetables.

Thank you Doctor. He does just so.

Mrs Squirrel, I’m going to leave the forest.

Oh dear! Why?

I have nothing to do here.

I’ m sorry to hear this. We will miss you.

Me too. But maybe I will be useful in some other forest.

Narrator: And the Doctor has left the forest. He had nothing to do there, indeed. Make sure of it yourselves.

Scene 2 – In the Hares’ House.

Mrs Hare is cooking her son has come with a ball.

Hare Son:

Mrs Hare:

Hare Son:

Mrs Hare:

Hare Son:

Mrs Hare:

Oh, Mummy, I’m so hungry. What shall we have for dinner?

Cabbage and carrot.

It’s great! I like cabbage and carrot.

You are a good boy. There are a lot of vitamins in vegetables.

I know. In cabbage you can find vitamin C. Vitamin C is for healthy bones and teeth. It helps the body to fight infection. And in carrot you can find vitamin A. It’s necessary to strengthen your eyes and help you grow.

Oh, my dear, what a clever boy you are. I’m so happy to have such a son.

Scene 3 – In the Beavers’ House.

Mrs Beaver is knitting her son is going to leave with a sports bag.

Mrs Beaver:

Beaver Son:

Mrs Beaver:

Beaver Son:

Mrs Beaver:

Beaver Son:

Mrs Beaver:

Beaver Son:

Mrs Beaver:

Mrs Beaver:

Oh, my dear, where are you going?

For swimming of course, Mummy.

But the weather is co cold.

Big deal. I think any weather is good for swimming.

I’m afraid you will catch a cold.

Don’t worry, Mummy, I won’t because I never miss trainings.

All right. You may go then.

Bye-bye, Mummy.


(Beaver Son is leaving)

He is so strong and healthy. I’m proud of my son.

Scene 4 – In the Foxes’ House.

Two young Foxes are chattering.

Fox 1:

Fox 2:

Fox 1:

Fox 2:

Fox 1:

Fox 2:

Fox 1:

Fox 2:

Fox 1:

Fox 2:

Fox 1:

Fox 2:

Fox 1:

Fox 2:

Fox 1:

Fox 2:

Fox 1:

Fox 2:

Fox 1:

We’ve got a newcomer in our forest.

Really? Who is he?

His name is Tiger. He is old Mrs Tigress’s grandson.

What does he look like?

He is handsome.

Is he big?

No, he isn’t.

Is he small?

He isn’t small either.

I think he is as big as Jaguar or a bit smaller.

Is he thin?

No, he isn’t.

Is he fat like a Bear?

No, he’s much thinner.

What is he like?

He’s cheerful and sociable, but it seems to me that he’s too bossy.


Stop asking me about him. You will get acquainted with him very soon.


Scene 5 – Young animals have gathered to meet the newcomer.

Narrator: In several days all young inhabitants of the forest gathered to spend time together and to chat.


























Fox 1:

Some of the animals:



Fox 1:

Foxes 1, 2:





I always do what I like.

And what do you like.

I like to watch TV at night.

And when do you go to bed?

I go to bed very late?

How can you get up early in that case?

I never get early.

When do you get up?

Oh, I get up in the afternoon.

Haven’t you heard the proverb “Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise.”


How can you do your morning exercises if you don’t get up in the morning?

I never do such stupid things.

But doing morning exercise helps to be to keep fit.

I’m fit without any exercises.

Do you go in for sport?

What a bore! I hate trainings. I like to run jump and play when I want.

What is your favourite food?

Chocolate, chips, biscuits, cakes…

Such food is bad for you.

Not a bit.

Don’t you like fruit and vegetables?

They are not so tasty as sweets and cakes.

My mum wouldn’t allow me to go to bed late and to eat such food.

And my mum.

And ours.

Are you all babies?


Don’t you think it’s not honest for parents to make all the rules?

It’s an interesting idea.

It’s time for us to go home.



Let’s make some rules for our parents. The first rule …

Don’t think that you are always right because a lot of time the children are right.

Don’t talk to a child as he is a little kid.

Don’t make a child to do that he doesn’t like.

Narrator: So they made some rules for their parents and decided to start a new life.

Scene 6 – In the Hare’s house.

Hare Son:

Mrs Hare:

Hare Son:

Mrs Hare:

Hare Son:

Mrs Hare:

Hare Son:

I don’t want to eat cabbage and carrot.


I feel sick of them.

What do you want my dear?

Chips, chocolate, sweets and cakes.

But such food is bad for you!

Not a bit. Everybody eats it and is all right.

Scene 7 – In the Beaver’s house.

Mrs Beaver:

Beaver Son:

Mrs Beaver:

Beaver Son:

Mrs Beaver:

Why don’t you go in for swimming, dear?

The weather is bad, Mum.

But you’ve never missed trainings.

Trainings! What a bore! I will swim when I want.

I can believe that this is my son.

Scene 8 – In the Squirrel’s house.

Mrs Squirrel:

Squirrel Son:

Mrs Squirrel:

Squirrel Son:

Mrs Squirrel:

Why don’t you do your morning exercises, Sonny?

I don’t want, Mum. It’s waste of time.

But morning exercises help to keep fit.

One can be fit without any exercises. Sleeping in the morning helps me better.

What has happened to him?

Narrator: Time went on and very soon all things changed.

Scene 9 – Worried mothers are talking in the Squirrel’s house.

Mrs Hare:

Mrs Squirrel:

Mrs Hare:

Mrs Squirrel:

Mrs Hare:

Mrs Beaver:

Mrs Squirrel:

Mrs Hare:

Mrs Beaver:

Mrs Squirrel:

Mrs Hare:

Mrs Squirrel:

Mrs Beaver:

Mrs Squirrel:

Mrs Hare:

Mrs Squirrel:

Mrs Hare:

Mrs Squirrel, I don’t know what to do. My son fell ill.

What’s the matter?

He has a toothache and a stomachache.

I’m sorry to hear that. My son doesn’t feel well either.

What shall we do?

Good morning, Mrs Squirrel. Good morning, Mrs Hare.

Good morning, Mrs Beaver.

Good morning. You don’t look happy today.

My dear boy has got a cold. He has got a high temperature. He is coughing and sneezing and his nose is running.

I’m sorry to hear that.

Me too.

Mrs Hare’s son has got a toothache and a stomachache and my Sonny doesn’t feel well. He is weak and sad.

What shall we do?

I think we must send a telegram to our Doctor.

Do you know his address?

Yes, I’ve got a letter from him.

Our children will be saved!

Scene 10 – The Doctor is in the Beaver’s house.


Beaver Son:


Mrs Beaver:


Beaver Son:


How are you?

I don’ feel well.

(Doctor is examining him)

He has got a high temperature. You should give him this medicine and herb tea. And this syrup is for a cough.

Thank you, Doctor.

You must stay in bed now but when you get well you should have trainings regularly. It will help you to be healthy and strong.

Look here, Doctor. Little Tiger never trains but he is healthy and strong.

I’m in doubt.

Narrator: Then the Doctor came to the hospital to help other patients. He prescribed medicine and gave useful advice. And all his little patients told him about little Tiger, who didn’t take care about his health but was in good form.

Scene 11 – In the Hospital.



Fox 1:


Fox 2:

Fox 1:

Fox 2:

Fox 1:


Fox 2:

Fox 1:


Fox 2:

Fox 1:

What a wonderful child is that little Tiger. He doesn’t go in for sport. He never does his morning exercises. He goes to bed late, ear chips and chocolate and so on… I can’t believe he is healthy. I think he needs a medical check.

(There’s a knock at the door.)

Come in.

Good afternoon, Doctor.

Good afternoon.

Oh, Doctor! Little Tiger is so ill.

He couldn’t come. He is in bed.

He feels awful.

You must help him.

Of course, I will.

We will tell you the way to his house.

It’s over there.

Thank you, dear Foxes. Good bye.

You’re welcome. Good bye.

Good bye Doctor.

Scene 12 – In the Tiger’s house.


Little Tiger:


Little Tiger:

Good afternoon.

Good afternoon, Doctor.

What’s the matter with you?

I’ve got a terrible headache, a toothache, a stomachache and a backache.


Mrs Squirrel:


Very soon all the inhabitants of the forest were healthy and happy.

And Doctor was happy.

Because everybody was healthy.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Теоретические и практические основания методической деятельности преподавателя иностранного языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
1000 руб.
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