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Промежуточная контрольная работа по английскому языку для 8 класса

Промежуточная контрольная работа по английскому языку (1 полугодие) для 8 класса УМК Комаровой

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Промежуточная контрольная работа по английскому языку за 1 полугодие

УМК Комарова Ю.А., Ларионова И.В. 8 класс I – вариант.

I. Match the headings (A to F) to the paragraphs (1 to 5). There is one extra heading. Choosing the Right Gift A) Children and teenagers В) Shopping for women C) Expensive isn’t always best D) The easy way out E) Shopping for pleasure F) The wrong gift

1  Imagine spending all this time, money and effort in choosing the perfect gift for your friend and as soon as she sees it, the disappointment she feels is so great that no degree of politeness on her part can hide her reaction! You’ll probably feel quite embarrassed because of her reaction. Well, there are certain things you can do to avoid such embarrassment. 2  To begin with, it is said that mothers, sisters, girlfriends, daughters and so on are more difficult to shop for, so do a little research before making your choice of gift. Pay attention to what the girl or lady you want to buy a gift for usually buys for herself. Think of her hobbies and interests or ask her to describe some of the best gifts she’s ever received. These should lead you towards a good choice. 3 Next, come the young generation. Buying a gift for a toddler or a child is as easy as choosing something for your adolescent friend or relative. After all, kids need toys and clothes while teens are happy with CDs or a pair of trendy jeans, right? Not necessarily! The little ones usually end up with too many toys or clothes, and teens go through so many mood swings and changes that you never know what makes them happy. Again, just ask what they’d like! 4 Of course, choosing the right present doesn’t have to be so stressful. What matters is not the amount of money that goes into your gift but whether your choice reflects your feelings for the person who receives it. Buying a pricey stereo or piece of jewellery may not be fully appreciated if they are just displays of wealth rather than caring.
5 Naturally, there will be times when you simply don’t know what to choose. If that’s the case, the simplest way to avoid giving the wrong present or worrying too much about what to choose is a gift certificate or something more general, like a big bunch of flowers or a nice box of chocolates. Presents like that are most often welcome, so you can’t really go wrong!

II. Put in the verbs in the correct form. 1) Yesterday I … (be) in your zoo.
2) Mike … already … (take) this book.
3) My sister … not … (speak) English.
4) I … (look) for my report for half an hour. 5) He hate ( listen) to classic music. III. Choose the correct item. 1. Olivia isn’t as ... her older sister. (sociable) 2. That is ... team in the championship league. (bad) 3. The other teams in the championship were …than our team. (lucky) 4. It was …. exam I've ever passed. (difficult) 5. He said that the basketball team lost too … matches last year. (much many) IV. Participle I or Participle II ? 1. She is interested/interesting in music. She thinks any type of music is interesting/interested. 2. My dog has got an annoying/annoyed habit. It eats father’s shoes. He gets really annoyed/annoying. 3. Are you excited/exciting about the holiday? New York is a very excited/exciting place. V. Translate the following sentences, please. 1. Раньше в путешествиях использовали дорожные чеки. 2. Храните деньги в сберегательной кассе! 3. Я редко использую наличные, часто плачу картой. 4. Мобильные телефоны – лучшее средство связи. 5. Они ограбили банк, пока менеджер обедал.

Промежуточная контрольная работа по английскому языку за 1 полугодие

УМК Комарова Ю.А., Ларионова И.В. 8 класс II – вариант.

I. Read the short biography of a famous person (1-5) and match with the name (A-F). There is one extra name. A. Dmitri Mendeleev B. Sergey Korolyov C. Leo Tolstoy D Mikhail Kalashnikov E. Peter the Great F. Pyotr Tchaikovsky 1.He/ She is a Russian general and military inventor. He/ She invented the sub-machine gun, which came into production in the late 1940s. Due to its simplicity of design, it has become the world’s most prolifically produced weapon. He/ She expressed regret at its wide proliferation.

2.He/ She is a Russian Chemist. He/ She formulated the Periodic Law and standardised the Periodic Table of Elements, which is still used today. He/ She wrote Principles of Chemistry (1868–1870) a classic textbook for many decades.

3.He/ She is the Tsar of all Russia (1682 – 1721) and Emperor of All Russia (1721-1735). Through successful wars, he/ she expanded the Russian empire and shaped modern Russia. He/she also implemented elements of the social and cultural changes of the European enlightenment and founded many Russian government institutions.

4.He/ She is a Russian writer and moral philosopher. His/ her famous works include the epic novels War and Peace and Anna Karenina. He/ She was born in a noble Russian family, but his/her experiences of serving in the army converted him/her to a form of Christian pacifism / anarchist-socialist. His/ Her writings on non-violent resistance were influential to others, such as Gandhi and Martin Luther King. 5.He/ She is a Russian composer. He/ She was the greatest composer of the Romantic period. He/ She also composed music celebrating Russian nationalism, such as the 1812 Overture. Also he/ she wrote ballet compositions such as – Swan Lake and Nutcracker. II. Put in the verbs in the correct form.

1)There … (be) a lot of animals in the forest. 2) We … (do) this exercise. Give us the next one. 3) I thought I … (lose) my book. 4) We …(play) football last year. 5) He … (go) to visit his grandparents every week. III. Choose the correct item. 1.Hot dogs are …. than hamburgers. (good) 2. This is the … kitchen I've ever seen. (dirty) 3. It was …. restaurant I've ever been to.) (expensive) 4. How …….people went to the meeting at school? (much/many) 5. Our team lost …. matches because they played badly. IV. Participle I or Participle II ? 1. The game was boring/bored. I became bored/boring after a party. 2. We were worried/worrying about our missing dog. It was a worried/worrying situation. 3. It was a frightened/frightening story. I was frightened/frightening from the beginning to the end.

V. Translate the following sentences, please. 1. Спортсмен выиграл в забеге и получил приз. 2. Я использую интернет-гаджеты с детства. 3. Щедрый брат подарил 20 фунтов трудолюбивому студенту. 4. Преступники сбежали из банка, украв монеты. 5. Туфли очень дорогие, я не намерен тратить деньги.

Работа включает в себя следующие задания: 

1. Грамматика: использование наречий, употребление временных форм, разделительный тип вопросов;

2. Лексика: лексичекий запас по теме "Шоппинг";

3. Практика языка: подстановка подходящих по смыслу слов в текст.

4. Чтение и перевод предложений с английского на русский язык

II. Read the short biography of a famous person (1-8) and match with the name (A-G). There is one extra name.

Промежуточная контрольная работа по английскому языку за 1 полугодие

УМК Комарова Ю.А., Ларионова И.В. 8 класс II – вариант.

Промежуточная контрольная работа по английскому языку за 1 полугодие

УМК Комарова Ю.А., Ларионова И.В. 8 класс II – вариант.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Теоретические и практические основания методической деятельности преподавателя иностранного языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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