Venerable Sergius of Radonezh
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Гор Лесосибирска
Шалыгина ГМ
2019 декабрь
Venerable Sergius of Radonezh
(September 25/October 8)
Словарь к тексту
venerable, adj. [ˈvenərəbl] преподобный
abbot, n. [ˈabət] игумен
humility, n. [hjuˈmɪlətɪ] смирение
fast, v. [faːst] постовать, поститься
hut, n. [hʌt] хижина
want, n. нужда
wander, v. [ˈwɔndəʳ] бродить
share, v. [ʃeəʳ] делиться
survive, v. [səˈvaɪv] выживать, выжить
settle, v. [ˈsetl] селиться, поселяться
gift of working wonders [′wǝ: kɪŋ ˈwʌndəʳs] дар чудотворца
wonderworker, n. [′wʌndəʳ ˈwǝ: kə] чудотворец
the Most-Holy Virgin [ˈvəːdʒɪn] Пресвятая Дева
holy [ˈhəʊlɪ]-святая
Sergius of Radonezh, “the Abbot of the Russian Land,” is one
of our most beloved saints. His life is an example of great humility,
love for God and service to people.
Saint Sergius was born Bartholomew to a devout couple.
Словарь к тексту
In his
childhood Bartholomew was different from other boys.
He was very quiet and thoughtful, and spent most of his time praying and fasting.
He took care of his old parents until they died, then gave all his
possessions to his younger brother, and left home. Bartholomew
looked for a place where he could be alone and pray.
Bartholomew from an early age knew that he would become a monk.
Far from Radonezh, in the forest, the young man found the place that would become his home.
On a hill, he built a hut and a church of the Holy Trinity. In 1342 Bartholomew took monastic vows and was given the name Sergius.
For many years Saint Sergius lived alone.
He experienced much hardship: hunger and want
in everything.
Very often, wild animals wandered to his hut, and Sergius shared his last piece of bread with them. Constant prayer and hard work helped him survive.
Later, other monks came, built their huts and settled there. They asked Sergius to become the abbot of their monastery.
Although an abbot, Venerable Sergius worked as a simple monk: he baked bread, made shoes and clothes, carried water, grew a garden and chopped wood.
Once, the Most-Holy Virgin, together
with the apostles Peter and John, visited Sergius in the church when he was praying.
For his faith in God and love for people, the Lord gave Sergius the gift of (working wonders. творящих чудеса)
The saint healed people and brought a dead boy back to life.
People heard about the miracles of Saint Sergius and often came to him for advice and prayer.
Prince Dmitry received a blessing from Venerable Sergius before the battle on the Don River. In the most difficult times for Rus, the saint came to help.
Venerable Sergius continues praying for us now, and will always be our holy helper and
protector. Our Church commemorates Holy and Venerable Sergius on October 8th (new calendar).
Bartholomew [ba: ′θͻ lǝm ju:]
A. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующим словосочетаниям.
1. игумен земли Русской
2. великое смирение
3. благочестивая чета
4. спокойный и вдумчивый
5. проводил время в посте и молитве
6. нужда во всём
7. непрерывная молитва
8. стать настоятелем монастыря
9. дар чудотворца
10. приходили к нему за советом и молитвой
11. получил благословение от преподобного Сергия
12. наш святой помощник и покровитель
B. Ответьте
B. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту, используя слова в скобках.
1. How was Bartholomew different from other boys? (quiet and thoughtful)
2. What did Bartholomew do before he left life in (took care)
the world?
3. What happened in 1342? (monastic vows)
4. What can you say about the life of Saint Sergius (hardship, want)
in the forest?
5. What kind of work did Abbot Sergius do? (baked, grew, chopped)
6. Why did people come to see Saint Sergius? (prayer, healing)
7. When did Prince Dmitry come to see Venerable (before the battle, blessing)
Sergius? Why?
8. What miracle once happened when Venerable (the Most-Holy Virgin)
Sergius prayed?
9. Why do we love Sergius of Radonezh so much? (humility, faith)
D. Впишите в кроссворд слова, которые подойдут по смыслу в следующих
monk, delay, worship, prayer, settle, wander
1. Early Christians refused to idols and pagan gods, very
often at the cost of their lives.
2. When Bartholomew was very young, he already knew he would become a
3. Many people who heard about Sergius came to the forest, built their huts and d there.
4. The forest was full of wild animals. Very often they ed to
the hut of Saint Sergius.
5. Our faith in the Lord and heartfelt (сердечная, искренняя)
can do miracles.
6. When the time came to protect Rus, Prince Alexander acted withoutчудеса%20сергия%20радонежского%20в%20картинках&lr=11302&p=1&pos=59&rpt=simage&