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Презентация "Видео на уроках английского языка"

Презентация расскажет, как применять видео на уроках английского языка.

Описание разработки

Video activity  exercises:

1. While working with video we can form groups of 4 or 5.

2. Watching a video or  some episodes /fragments from a film.

3. A teacher should identify the aim of the lesson before watching a video: for example what kind of competences can be formed doing activities from the video.

4. We should also identify what kind of “universal learning abilities can be formed or developed  or perfected.

5.  Some sorts  of activities can be planned, based on the plot of the story: Pre-listening; While- listening and After-listening

6. Different situations can be planned, for example:

1. Exploitation: All the activities can be added , if  the teacher has  more time. There are lots of  techniques in Teaching with video .”

2. Exercises: they should be related to the story of the video, but can be done after the initial exploitation, without access to video equipment.

3. Tell the story. This can be done with the help of a page of photographs  taken from the video. These can be used in a number of ways, from paired retelling of parts of the video during  initial presentation to review and consolidation at the end of the work with each video.

4. Vocabulary.You can use video at any time  on a particular  part of the video for reference  or later as further exercises wit a vocabulary bias.

5. Reference. A complete language summary of each video for reference.

6. Transcript. A complete transcript  can be used after watching. Students can use it for their home assignment or just for revising some points of the characters` dialogues.

Презентация Видео на уроках английского языка

Some more Techniques:

Silent viewing activities means turning off the sound  on the TV or monitor and making  use of the visuals on their own. Silent viewing will be  a PREDICTION technique  when students  are viewing for the first time, and a REPRODUCTION technique when they have already seen  and heard the section being used for silent viewing .

A) PREDICTION . Students can talk about  EVENTS (What`s happening on the section? Or in a dialogue : What are they saying?) They will be able to predict dialogue , i/e/ guess what people are saying , throughout the course.

Содержимое разработки

1.While working with video we can form groups of 4 or 5. 2.Watching a video or some episodes /fragments from a film. 3.A teacher should identify the aim of the lesson before watching a video: for example what kind of competences can be formed doing activities from the video. 4.We should also identify what kind of “universal learning abilities can be formed or developed or perfected. 5. Some sorts of activities can be planned, based on the plot of the story: Pre-listening; While- listening and After-listening 6..Different situations can be planned, for example: 1 .Exploitation : All the activities can be added , if the teacher has more time. There are lots of techniques in Teaching with video .” 2. Exercises: they should be related to the story of the video, but can be done after the initial exploitation, without access to video equipment. 3. Tell the story . This can be done with the help of a page of photographs taken from the video. These can be used in a number of ways, from paired retelling of parts of the video during initial presentation to review and consolidation at the end of the work with each video. 4. Vocabulary. You can use video  at any time on a particular part of the video for reference or later as further exercises wit a vocabulary bias. 5.Reference. A complete language summary of each video for reference . 6. Transcript. A complete transcript can be used after watching. Students can use it for their home assignment or just for revising some points of the characters` dialogues

1.While working with video we can form groups of 4 or 5.

2.Watching a video or some episodes /fragments from a film.

3.A teacher should identify the aim of the lesson before watching a video: for example what kind of competences can be formed doing activities from the video.

4.We should also identify what kind of “universal learning abilities can be formed or developed or perfected.

5. Some sorts of activities can be planned, based on the plot of the story: Pre-listening; While- listening and After-listening

6..Different situations can be planned, for example:

1 .Exploitation : All the activities can be added , if the teacher has more time. There are lots of techniques in Teaching with video .”

2. Exercises: they should be related to the story of the video, but can be done after the initial exploitation, without access to video equipment.

3. Tell the story . This can be done with the help of a page of photographs taken from the video. These can be used in a number of ways, from paired retelling of parts of the video during initial presentation to review and consolidation at the end of the work with each video.

4. Vocabulary. You can use video at any time on a particular part of the video for reference or later as further exercises wit a vocabulary bias.

5.Reference. A complete language summary of each video for reference .

6. Transcript. A complete transcript can be used after watching. Students can use it for their home assignment or just for revising some points of the characters` dialogues

Silent viewing activities means turning off the sound on the TV or monitor and making use of the visuals on their own. Silent viewing will be a PREDICTION technique when students are viewing for the first time, and a REPRODUCTION technique when they have already seen and heard the section being used for silent viewing . A) PREDICTION . Students can talk about EVENTS (What`s happening on the section? Or in a dialogue : What are they saying?) They will be able to predict dialogue , i/e/ guess what people are saying , throughout the course.
  • Silent viewing activities means turning off the sound on the TV or monitor and making use of the visuals on their own. Silent viewing will be a PREDICTION technique when students are viewing for the first time, and a REPRODUCTION technique when they have already seen and heard the section being used for silent viewing .
  • A) PREDICTION . Students can talk about EVENTS (What`s happening on the section? Or in a dialogue : What are they saying?) They will be able to predict dialogue , i/e/ guess what people are saying , throughout the course.
B) Reproduction can also be divided into Reproduction OF DIALOGUE and Reproduction OF EVENTS. Reproduction of dialogue might be most effective where there are useful formulas, fixed expressions and points of intonation or pronunciation. Reproduction of events tends to focus on narrative tenses, and on sequences. C) Next technique can be called Random sound down (Cloze listening).  This may be done at any time (the teacher decides: where, why and what for?), but is particularly suitable when viewing the whole episode again. Turn the sound down at random intervals asking students to fill in the missing dialogue.
  • B) Reproduction can also be divided into Reproduction OF DIALOGUE and Reproduction OF EVENTS. Reproduction of dialogue might be most effective where there are useful formulas, fixed expressions and points of intonation or pronunciation. Reproduction of events tends to focus on narrative tenses, and on sequences.
  • C) Next technique can be called Random sound down (Cloze listening).

This may be done at any time (the teacher decides: where, why and what for?), but is particularly suitable when viewing the whole episode again. Turn the sound down at random intervals asking students to fill in the missing dialogue.

You can play the section of one of the videos with the picture turned off so that they hear the dialogue but are unable to see the action. Thias can be done by using the brightness controls on the television, by unplugging the picture (BNC) lead on sets where sound and picture have separate leads , or most simply by placing something in front of the screen, such as a jacket or a sheet of a cardboard. Students can be asked either to predict what is happening visually , or to use the dialogue as a memory spur to recall what happened visually. (with the sound down).
  • You can play the section of one of the videos with the picture turned off so that they hear the dialogue but are unable to see the action. Thias can be done by using the brightness controls on the television, by unplugging the picture (BNC) lead on sets where sound and picture have separate leads , or most simply by placing something in front of the screen, such as a jacket or a sheet of a cardboard. Students can be asked either to predict what is happening visually , or to use the dialogue as a memory spur to recall what happened visually. (with the sound down).
IUsing Freeze Framing, the teacher can ask his|her students to look out for names… Some VCRs may wobble and have white lines to do the activity. " width="640"
  • Freeze Framing means stopping the picture, using the Freeze Frame , (Still or Pause II orI
  • Using Freeze Framing, the teacher can ask his|her students to look out for names… Some VCRs may wobble and have white lines to do the activity.
Frame Advance or Still advance is a very useful control found on some modern machine, moving the still picture forward one frame at a time. This can be used to explore the nuance of an event or of a facial reaction. Jog ?shuttle can be found on some of the VCRs and is a rotary control which enables you to move the picture forwards or backwards by hand at various speeds. Next activity can be called Prediction (What next?). Prediction occurs when freeze framing is used during the initial viewing of a section. The teacher can freeze frame and ask about either EVENTS (What`s going to happen? Or Dialogues “What are they saying?/ What are they going to say next?)
  • Frame Advance or Still advance is a very useful control found on some modern machine, moving the still picture forward one frame at a time. This can be used to explore the nuance of an event or of a facial reaction. Jog ?shuttle can be found on some of the VCRs and is a rotary control which enables you to move the picture forwards or backwards by hand at various speeds.
  • Next activity can be called Prediction (What next?). Prediction occurs when freeze framing is used during the initial viewing of a section. The teacher can freeze frame and ask about either EVENTS (What`s going to happen? Or Dialogues “What are they saying?/ What are they going to say next?)
When students have already seen a section, they will be using memory to reproduce either what is being said, or to describe what is happening, or what has just happened. They can use their imagination and ability to guess
  • When students have already seen a section, they will be using memory to reproduce either what is being said, or to describe what is happening, or what has just happened. They can use their imagination and ability to guess
Video contains 25 pictures per second and there is a wealth of detail in the background of pictures, which can be exploited by freeze framing. Teachers can often find something new even when they have done a particular lesson many times. The background also gives access material about British life and culture. (To see difference between the British and,for example, Russian houses, weddings, etc). So, the teacher can widely explore and exploit the background details for the classroom activities.
  • Video contains 25 pictures per second and there is a wealth of detail in the background of pictures, which can be exploited by freeze framing. Teachers can often find something new even when they have done a particular lesson many times. The background also gives access material about British life and culture. (To see difference between the British and,for example, Russian houses, weddings, etc). So, the teacher can widely explore and exploit the background details for the classroom activities.
Video gives us an additional dimension of information about the characters ` body language, facial expressions, gestures stance, reaction, and response. This information can be exploited in the classroom. This can also involve the judgment on whether characters are telling the truth or not. In some activities we ask students to deduce further information about the characters, based on what they have picked up from the video, but requiring the use of their imagination.
  • Video gives us an additional dimension of information about the characters ` body language, facial expressions, gestures stance, reaction, and response. This information can be exploited in the classroom. This can also involve the judgment on whether characters are telling the truth or not. In some activities we ask students to deduce further information about the characters, based on what they have picked up from the video, but requiring the use of their imagination.
Paired activities take more effort in setting up, but the results justify the trouble. A) Description. In this activity one student in each pair turns their back to the screen. The other student faces the screen and the video is played silently. The student, who can see the screen, describes what they can see to their partner. (Ex: Dennis is going to the airport….). Both students will wish to hear the dialogue later. The “passive” student in each pair will be motivated to see what they have missed as well. It`s worth making sure that the partners swop roles, or that the activity is done twice, with different section, so that each partner gets chance to perform the “active” role.
  • Paired activities take more effort in setting up, but the results justify the trouble.
  • A) Description. In this activity one student in each pair turns their back to the screen. The other student faces the screen and the video is played silently. The student, who can see the screen, describes what they can see to their partner. (Ex: Dennis is going to the airport….). Both students will wish to hear the dialogue later. The “passive” student in each pair will be motivated to see what they have missed as well. It`s worth making sure that the partners swop roles, or that the activity is done twice, with different section, so that each partner gets chance to perform the “active” role.
This is more difficult to organize, as it involves sending half the class out of the room while the remaining half watch a section of the video. When they return , they are told about the video in pairs by those who saw it. At school situations , this can be done by team teaching and working with two parallel classes at the same time. c ) Split class: Description, Narration. Half of the class is sent out. The remainder watch a section silently. Then the two halves swop places. The ones that were outside, now listen to the same section with the picture covered. Then they are paired off. One student in each pair has seen the section, but hasn't heard the dialogue. The other student has only heard the dialogue .They work together in pairs to piece the story
  • This is more difficult to organize, as it involves sending half the class out of the room while the remaining half watch a section of the video. When they return , they are told about the video in pairs by those who saw it. At school situations , this can be done by team teaching and working with two parallel classes at the same time.

c ) Split class: Description, Narration. Half of the class is sent out. The remainder watch a section silently. Then the two halves swop places. The ones that were outside, now listen to the same section with the picture covered. Then they are paired off. One student in each pair has seen the section, but hasn't heard the dialogue. The other student has only heard the dialogue .They work together in pairs to piece the story

Students can be asked to role play sequences they have seen in the video, organize the situations within the video. Students can also guess something about the plot of the video (things they have seen or heard). Sometimes the teacher can work out the simulated situations, dialogues, role plays or role situations.
  • Students can be asked to role play sequences they have seen in the video, organize the situations within the video. Students can also guess something about the plot of the video (things they have seen or heard).
  • Sometimes the teacher can work out the simulated situations, dialogues, role plays or role situations.
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