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Презентация по английскому языку "В мире профессий"

Материал позволит систематизировать и обобщить знания учащихся (лексика по теме, построение грамматических конструкций в вопросно-ответной форме) по теме «Профессия».

Описание разработки

Образовательная цель: систематизация и обобщение знаний (лексика по теме, построение грамматическихконструкций в вопросно-ответной форме) учащихся по теме «Профессия».

Развивающая цель: развитие коммуникативной компетенции учащихся (умение общаться в группе, осуществлять самопроверку, выделять главную мысль в тексте)

Воспитывающая: формирование интереса у учащихся к изучению иностранного языка, формирование понавательной активности учащихся.

Оборудование: системный блок компьютера, мультимедийный проектор

Ход урока.

1. Организационный момент: 1 мин.

Good afternoon, my dear friends. I am glad to see you. I hope that you are fine today. What date is it today? What day of the week is it today? What is the weather like today?

Today we are going to summarize everything we have learnt about this topic: professions, necessary qualities and ability to tell about a chosen profession. Lets start our lesson with our poem “What are you going to be” . All together in chorus.

1 The first task is called „ In the world of profession”. 1минута

Now, children, tell me, please, what professions can you see on the screen?

What is he or she?

2. Now, children, your task is to match every word and the sentence correctly. 2 минуты

1.a dentist            a) He bakes bread.

2. a teacher          b) He takes care of our teeth

3. a baker             c) He works at a farm.

4. a driver             d) He drives a car.

5. a farmer            e)  She gives pupils homework.                      

Correct the mistakes. Here are the right answers. Who has 5 right answers (4, 3, 2)

1-b; 2-e; 3-a; 4-d; 5-c.

3. Now lets check up our homework. Open your exercise books. Who wants to begin?

And some of you must prepare the dialogues about jobs. So lets see them. (разыгрывание  диалогов) 5 минут

4. Now look at the screen and listen to a song. Be attentive. You should match the people from the song and the job descriptions. You will listen two times. 8 минут

Niger Naylor, a tailor,                               …comes to see you  when it hurts

Penny Proctor, a doctor,                          …has got cows, pigs, and sheep

Peter Palmer, a farmer,                             …makes trousers, suits and shirts

Wendy Witter, a babysitter,                      …call him when you have got a leak

Mabel Meacher, a teacher,                         …keeps your teeth both clean and white

Gary Gummer, a plumber,                          …comes when there is a fire to fight

Patty Prentice, a dentist,                           …minds the kids when they are asleep

Ronnie Ryman, a fireman ,                         …teaches English, French and Greek

5. Проверить умение определять качества характера, которые  нужны людям разных профессий. 5 мин.

All professions require definite traits of character. You’ve been given a list of traits. Which of them are positive? Which are negative?

Traits of character        

На доске правильные ответы в таблице. Самопроверка.

- How many correct answers do you have? Which traits of character are positive?      

Which traits are negative? Name them.

6. Проверить умение составлять рассказ о своей будущей профессии 5 мин.

So, what are you going to be? Why? Tell about the qualities of chosen profession.

7. And now Lets read the text about one famous English writer. Your task is to understand it .

1. Lewis Carrol was the pen name of Charles Dodgson, the man who wrote a famous book for children, “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”. Charles Dodgson was born in England in 1832. When Charles finished school, he became a student at Oxford University, where he studied mathematics. In a few years he began to teach this subject at the university.

2. Charles Dodgson had no family, but he loved children very much. He often visited his friend Henry George Liddell, who had a large family. There were three little girls in the Liddell family. Dodgson liked Alice, who was four years old. He often told her interesting stories which he made up himself. Charles told Alice the adventures of a little girl in Wonderland. Alice liked the stories very much.

3. When Alice Liddell was ten years old, she asked Charles to write down these stories for her and he did so. The name of the little girl in the stories was Alice, too. A friend of the Liddells, who was a writer, read this handwritten book and liked it very much. He said that other children in England must read it, too. Charles Dodgson decided to publish the book and took the pen name of Lewis Carroll  

And now decide whether the sentences are true or false.

1. Charles Dodgson, a real name of  the man who wrote a famous book for children,“Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”.          

2. After finishing Oxford  University Charles was a Maths teacher.

3. He has a big family.

4. Alice Liddell was his sister.

5. A friend of the Liddells, who was a writer, read this handwritten book and liked it very much.

Now lets count your scores, What mark do you give yourself?

What do you know now?

Today we have spoken about different professions. To be a doctor or to be a teacher depends on you. You should choose your profession wisely. Good luck!


Match every word and the sentence

1. a dentist                                   a) He bakes bread.

2. a teacher                                  b) He takes care of our teeth.

Презентация по английскому языку В мире профессий

3. a baker                                    c) He works at a farm.

4. a driver                                    d) He drives a car.

5. a farmer                                   e)  She gives pupils homework.

3. Traits of character    

Оценить качество + (positive)  или – (negative )

4. True (правда) or False (ложь)?

1. Charles Dodgson, a real name of  the man who wrote a famous book for children, “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”.   

2. After finishing Oxford University Charles was a Maths teacher.

3. Charles Dodgson had a big family.

4. Alice Liddell was his sister.

5. A friend of the Liddells, who was a writer, read this handwritten book and liked it very much.

Match the people from the song and the job descriptions.

Niger Naylor, a tailor,                          

Первый диалог „In a shoe shop“

Salesperson: Can I help you?

Alice: I am looking for a pair of shoes.

S.: What kind of shoes would you like?

A.: The red ones. May I try that pair on, please?

S.: Sure.

A.: Super! How much are they?

S.: Three pounds.

A.: All right. I’ll take them. (gives money) . Here you are. Thank you.

S.: Thank you. Bye!

A.: Bye

Второй диалог „A visit to the doctor“

D.: Are you OK?

P. Oh, no. I’ve cut my hand.

D.: How did it happen?

P.: I was making breakfast and cut my hand. It’s awful.

D: You shouldn’t worry. You should use a plaster. It will help. I hope you will get better soon.

P.: Thank you.

Содержимое разработки

     1.a dentist   a) He bakes bread.     b) He takes care of our teeth. 2. a teacher     c) He works at a farm .  3. a baker    4 . a driver  d) He drives a car.   5.a farmer   e) She gives pupils homework.

1.a dentist a) He bakes bread.

b) He takes care of our teeth.

2. a teacher

c) He works at a farm . 3. a baker

4 . a driver

d) He drives a car.

5.a farmer

e) She gives pupils homework.

 1-b 2-e 3- a 4- d 5- c



3- a

4- d

5- c

Niger Naylor, a tailor, …comes to see you when it hurts Penny Proctor, a doctor, …has got cows, pigs, and sheep Peter Palmer, a farmer, …makes trousers, suits and shirts Wendy Witter, a babysitter, …call him when you have got a leak Mabel Meacher, a teacher, …keeps your teeth both clean and white Gary Gummer, a plumber, …comes when there is a fire to fight Patty Prentice, a dentist, …minds the kids when they are asleep Ronnie Ryman, a fireman , …teaches English, French and Greek

Niger Naylor, a tailor, …comes to see you when it hurts

Penny Proctor, a doctor, …has got cows, pigs, and sheep

Peter Palmer, a farmer, …makes trousers, suits and shirts

Wendy Witter, a babysitter, …call him when you have got a leak

Mabel Meacher, a teacher, …keeps your teeth both clean and white

Gary Gummer, a plumber, …comes when there is a fire to fight

Patty Prentice, a dentist, …minds the kids when they are asleep

Ronnie Ryman, a fireman , …teaches English, French and Greek

    Niger Naylor, a tailor, …comes to see you when it hurts Penny Proctor, a doctor, …has got cows, pigs, and sheep Peter Palmer, a farmer, …makes trousers, suits and shirts Wendy Witter, a babysitter, …call him when you have got a leak Mabel Meacher, a teacher,  …keeps your teeth both clean and white Gary Gummer, a plumber, …comes when there is a fire to fight Patty Prentice, a dentist, …minds the kids when they are asleep Ronnie Ryman, a fireman , …teaches English, French and Greek

Niger Naylor, a tailor, …comes to see you when it hurts

Penny Proctor, a doctor, …has got cows, pigs, and sheep

Peter Palmer, a farmer, …makes trousers, suits and shirts

Wendy Witter, a babysitter, …call him when you have got a leak

Mabel Meacher, a teacher, …keeps your teeth both clean and white

Gary Gummer, a plumber, …comes when there is a fire to fight

Patty Prentice, a dentist, …minds the kids when they are asleep

Ronnie Ryman, a fireman , …teaches English, French and Greek

Критерии оценки 8 scores - Excellent!  7 - 6 scores - Good!  5 - 4 scores - Bad!  less 4 scores - Very bad!

Критерии оценки

8 scores - Excellent! 7 - 6 scores - Good! 5 - 4 scores - Bad! less 4 scores - Very bad!

  Sociable  +  responsible  +  intelligent  +  creative  +  rude  _  kind  +  cruel  _  friendly  +  impolite  _  u n pleasant  _



















u n pleasant


     Критерии оценки  10 scores - Excellent!  9-8 scores - Good!  7-6 scores - Bad!  less 6 scores - Very bad!

Критерии оценки 10 scores - Excellent! 9-8 scores - Good! 7-6 scores - Bad! less 6 scores - Very bad!

Charles Dodgson  Lewis Carrol  Henry George Liddell  “ Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland ”. “

Charles Dodgson

Lewis Carrol

Henry George Liddell

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland ”.

  Is it true or false?  1.Charles Dodgson, a real name of the man who wrote a famous book for children, “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”.   2.After finishing Oxford University Charles was a Maths teacher.  3. He had a big family.  4. Alice Liddell was his sister.  5. A friend of the Liddells, who was a writer, read this handwritten book and liked it very much.

Is it true or false?

1.Charles Dodgson, a real name of the man who wrote a famous book for children, “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”.

2.After finishing Oxford University Charles was a Maths teacher.

3. He had a big family.

4. Alice Liddell was his sister.

5. A friend of the Liddells, who was a writer, read this handwritten book and liked it very much.

1 - T 2- T 3- F 4- F 5- T

1 - T

2- T

3- F

4- F

5- T

Курсы повышения квалификации

Теоретические и практические основания методической деятельности преподавателя иностранного языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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