Welcome to our
The Flora and fauna of Kazakhstan Grade 8 I. The theme of the lesson: “The Flora and fauna of Kazakhstan” II. The aims of the lesson: 1. Educational: To enrich pupils knowledge, to develop pupils abilities in speaking; to enrich their vocabulary. 2. Developing: To develop pupils’ writing, listening skills and lexical habits. 3. Upbringing: To bring up pupils to save the nature and to foster their love to animals and plants. III.The type of the lesson : Mixed IV. Method: Critical thinking, answer the questions. V . Visual aids: An interactive board, pictures of animals and plants . VI. Connecting with subjects: Kazakh and Biology. Procedure of the lesson I. Organization moment: A ) Greetings --Good morning, students! --Good morning, teacher! --I’m glad to see you again. --We are glad to see you too. C) Checking attendance. --Who is on duty today? --Who is absent in your group? --All are present.
-What date is it today?
Well, children let’s begin our lesson Today we have a new lesson and an interesting lesson, because today we have a lot of guests and First of all I want you to take cards with different coloures .Please, take cards .According colours I want to devide you into two groups.Pupils with red coloures sit here, Your groups name is “Fauna” and the second groups name is “Flora”
III. Warm up.
Phonetic practice:
The Earth is a garden
It’s a beautiful place
For all living creatures
For all the human races
Helping Mother Earth
We can peacefully roam
We all diverse a place
We can call our home
II. Checking the home task: To speak about the ecological problems of Kazakhstan(presentation)
To make Code of Ecological Rules.
Now children let’s make Code of Ecological Rules.
-Don’t break trees.
-Don’t leave litter.
-Keep the country tidy.
-Respect the life and work of the countryside.
-Keep dogs under control.
-Put litter away.
-Grow trees and flowers.
-Don’t frighten birds and animals.
-Don’t cut wild flowers.
-Don’t burn fires.
The main stage .
Look at the inter active board
Dear children, I know you love birds and animals. You take care of them I am shure. You will be glad to speak about the flora and fauna of kazakhstan
There are pictures of animals: name them
There are pictures of plants: name them
Our new theme is “The flora and fauna of Kazakhstan”
I will introduce you with the new words
I’ll give you papers with the texts
Read the text and make a list of species. Learn the new words.read the text very attentivly VI.Making a scheme
Repeat the new words and answer my questions.
How many species of animals does Kazakhstan have?
How many species of birds, reptiles, amphibians, mammals does Kazakhstan have?
How many species of plants does Kazakhstan have?
VІІI. Presentation
We divide these animals into:
Where do they grow? Look at the pictures of flowers and put
Them into the climatic zones:
Now,let’s speak about the red book of Kazakhstan
To protect these animals
In this book there are many animals. There are many fish, birds and animals. They are in danger. We must defend these animals because they are very rare or extinct. We have in our land 9 reserves.
They are: Aksu-Zhabagaly, Almaty, Markhakol, the West Altay, Khorgalzhyn, Nauryzym, Barsakelmes, Usturt, Karatau, Alakol. In these reserves there are many animals and people work with animals all day.
Do the exercize:
- A camel can live without water.
The cleverest animal is a horse
Tigers and lions are the cleverest animals in the world.
A camel lives in the desert. It needs little water.
A tiger is a small cat and it is weak.
Read about the animals match
the pictures with the descriptions
Match the line
A with the line B
Х. Home work
To retell the text “The flora and fauna of Kazakhstan”
ХI. Giving the marks
The lesson is over. Thank you for your attention!
Open lesson
Teacher: A.K.Nurgaliieva
The 8 th form “Ә”
2. Developing:
Bringing up:
To develop pupils logical thinking, reading, speaking, listening, and writing skills;
To teach to
To know about animal world,green world
to protect
speak about animals, plants
tо work with
the text
The type of the lesson: Mixed
The method of the lesson: question-answer, individual work, reading and speaking
The visual of the lesson: the state symbols, the map of the Republic, pictures, the interactive board, computers.
Connection with other subjects: Kazakh, Russian, Geography, Zoology, Mats.
I Team
The fauna of
The flora of
II Team
The 12th of February
Phonetic practice:
The Earth is a garden
It ’ s a beautiful place
For all living creatures
For all the human races
Helping Mother Earth
We can peacefully roam
We all diverse a place
We can call our home
ІІ. Warm-up
Diagram “The world around us ”
The world
around us
ІІ. Warm-up
Diagram “The world around us ”
The world
around us
The sky
The sun
ІІІ. Checing-up the home work
“ Ecological Problems of Kazakhstan”
“ Ecological Problems of Kazakhstan”
Projeck work
Projeck work
Everybody is talking about pollution:
land pollution, water pollution, air pollution.
The things we eat, the place we live in, the air
around us are made dirty and unhealthy by
machines and factories.
Pollution is dangerous for life.
2. Student:
The water of the Aral Sea is polluted and
it became much less than some years ago.
The salt which lies on the depth of a sea
brings harm to people’s health.
3. Student:
I want to speak about problem with the Caspian Sea.
The Caspian Sea becomes smaller too.
The water of the Caspian Sea was polluted by oil.
Fish was dying in the sea and some species were
4. Student:
The nuclear tragedy of Kazakhstan. The Semipalatinsk
testing area was founded on 21-st of August 1947. If to speak
about victims of those nuclear tests, the number of cases
of oncology, leukemia, disorders of the central nervous system
among the population of that region became very frequent.
Now the nuclear weapon testing had stopped, but people
from Semey suffer from radioactivity.
Code of Ecological Rules.
-Don ’ t break trees.
-Don ’ t leave litter.
-Keep the country tidy.
-Respect the life and work of the countryside.
-Keep dogs under control.
-Put litter away.
-Grow trees and flowers.
-Don ’ t frighten birds and animals.
-Don ’ t cut wild flowers.
-Don ’ t burn fires.
IV. Association
There are pictures of animals: name them
The fauna
IV. Association
There are pictures of plants: name them
The flora
The flora and fauna
of Kazakhstan
V.Work with the new words
Species – түрі Mammal – сүтқоректі
Amphibian – қосмекенді Reptile – бауырымен жорғалаушы Moufflon- wild sheep
Glacier – шың, мұздық Falcon – қыран
Extinction – жойылу, өшу Saiga – ақбөкен
Gazelle – қарақұйрық Polecat –күзен
Elk – бұлан Marten – сусар
Deer - елік Wild boar - қабан
Badger – борсық Marmot – суыр
Gopher - саршұнақ Steppes -түз дала
Mountains - таулы
Blue Spruce
The blue Tian Shan spruces are a true decoratiom of the Alatau mountains like candles , they rise upwards reaching heights of 40-50 metrs
Tulips - one of the most beloved and popular bands spring flowering bulbs. Several thousand varieties, 15 classes and many new hybrid varieties of tulips, combines the advantages of different classes - are a great choice.
A rose is a woody perennial of the genus Rosa, within the family Rosaceae. There are over 100 species. They form a group of plants that can be erect shrubs, climbing or trailing with stems that are often armed with sharp prickles.
VI.Making a scheme
- How many species of animals does Kazakhstan have?
- How many species of birds, reptiles, amphibians, mammals does Kazakhstan have?
The fаuna of Kazakstan
VI.Making a scheme
- How many species of piants does Kazakhstan have?
The flora of Kazakstan
VI.Making a scheme
- How many species of animals does Kazakhstan have?
- How many species of birds, reptiles, amphibians, mammals does Kazakhstan have?
19 of species animals
172 species of mammals
Wildife of Kazakstan
150 species of fish
490 species of birds
12 species of amphibians
51 species of reptiles
VI.Making a scheme
- How many species of piants does Kazakhstan have?
6 thousand species of plants
Fodder grass
The flora of Kazakstan
Aquatic vegetation consists of 63 species
250 species
of adapter
VІІI. Presentation
We divide these animals into:
3. Cats
4. Reptiles
Where do they grow? Look at the pictures of flowers and put
Them into the climatic zones:
4. Reptiles
2. Mountains
VІІI. Presentation
We divide these animals into:
3. Cats
4. Reptiles
Where do they grow? Look at the pictures of flowers and put
Them into the climatic zones:
4. Reptiles
2. Mountains
To protect these animals
In this book there are many animals. There are many fish, birds and animals. They are in danger. We must defend these animals because they are very rare or extinct. We have in our land 9 reserves.
They a: Aksu-Zhabagaly, Almaty, Markhakol, the West Altay, Khorgalzhyn, Nauryzym, Barsakelmes, Usturt, Karatau, Alakol. In these reserves there are many animals and people work with animals all day.
Do the exercize:
A camel can live without water.
The cleverest animal is a horse
Tigers and lions are the cleverest animals in the world.
A camel lives in the desert. It needs little water.
A tiger is a small cat and it is weak.
Read about the animals match
the pictures with the descriptions
It lives in the desert. It needs very little water.
It has got long ears. It eats carrots
This animal sleeps all winter
It is a big cat. It lives in the jungle.
This animals looks like a dog but it is wild
It lives in Africa and India. It eats grass, leaves.
Read about the animals match
the pictures with the descriptions
It has got long ears. It eats carrots
It lives in the desert. It needs very little water.
This animal sleeps all winter
It is a big cat. It lives in the jungle.
This animals looks like a dog but it is wild
It lives in Africa and India. It eats grass, leaves.
Match the line
A with the line B
3. Nuts
4. Water
5. Red fur
6. Carrot
7. Fat and oil
8. Horn
Match the line
A with the line B
3. Nuts
4. Water
5. Red fur
6. Carrot
7. Fat and oil
8. Horn
Х. Home work
To retell the text “The flora and fauna of Kazakhstan”
ХI. Giving the marks
Thank you for your attention!