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Презентация по английскому языку «Mark Twain’s life and creative work»

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«Mark Twain’s life and creative work»

Mark Twain was born in 1835 in the state of Missouri, near the Mississippi River.

Mark Twain is one of America’s most famous authors. The most important influence on Twain and his books was the Mississippi River.

The adventures of Tom Soyer and Huckleberry Finn is about friendship of these two teenagers.The adventures of Tom Soyer and Huckleberry Finn is about friendship of these two teenagers.

Презентация по английскому языку Mark Twain’s life and creative work

Huckleberry Finn liked travelling along Mississippi with negro slave Sam. Huckleberry Finn didn’t go to school while other children attended school. He could swear and went anywhere he liked. He slept in empty barrels. Children liked him very much and wanted to be like him. But all the mothers of the town hated him and didn’t allaw their children to make friends with him.

To our opinion the novel is interesting, exciting, thrilling, descriptive and suspenseful. It is full of Mysterious, adventures, unexpected events.

Содержимое разработки

« Mark Twain’s life and  creative work »  Автор: Дьячкова Ирина Алексеевна учитель английского языка МАОУ СОШ №10 г.Таганрог

« Mark Twain’s life and creative work »

Автор: Дьячкова Ирина Алексеевна

учитель английского языка



Mark Twain  was born in 1835 in the state of Missouri, near the Mississippi River.

Mark Twain was born

in 1835 in the state

of Missouri, near

the Mississippi River.

 Mark Twain is one of America’s most famous authors.  The most important influence on Twain and his books was the Mississippi River.

Mark Twain is one of America’s

most famous authors.

The most important

influence on Twain and

his books was the

Mississippi River.

The adventures of Tom Soyer and Huckleberry Finn is about friendship of these two teenagers.

The adventures of Tom Soyer and

Huckleberry Finn is about

friendship of these

two teenagers.

 Huckleberry Finn liked travelling along Mississippi with negro slave Sam. Huckleberry Finn didn’t go to school while other c hildren attended school. He could swear and went anywhere he liked. He slept in empty barrels.  C hildren liked him very much and wanted to be like him. But all the mothers of the town hated him and didn’t allaw their children to make friends with him.

Huckleberry Finn liked travelling along Mississippi with negro

slave Sam. Huckleberry Finn didn’t go to school while other

c hildren attended school. He could swear and went anywhere

he liked. He slept in empty barrels.

C hildren liked him very much and wanted to be like him. But all

the mothers of the town hated him and didn’t allaw their

children to make friends with him.

 To our opinion the novel is interesting, exciting, thrilling, descriptive and suspenseful. It is full of Mysterious, adventures, unexpected events .

To our opinion the novel is interesting,

exciting, thrilling, descriptive

and suspenseful. It is full of

Mysterious, adventures, unexpected

events .

Thank you for your attention

Thank you for your attention

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Активные и интерактивные методы и формы организации учебной деятельности на уроке иностранного языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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