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Презентация по английскому языку "Eating in Britain"

Презентация познакомит со всеми аспектами кухни в стране.

Описание разработки

The plan of the lesson.

I. Organization lesson.

II. Phonetic drill.

ІІІ. Checking the homework.

ІV. Introduction of the new lesson.

V. Conclusion.

VI. Home work.

VII. Giving marks.

II. Phonetic drill.

Tea                            Chips 

Apple                          Biscuits

Orange                      Meat

Milk                            Carrots

Презентация по английскому языку Eating in Britain

Bread                          Coffee

Potato                        Chocolate

III. Checking the homework.

Questions for the first group

1. What kind of wild animals do you know?

2. What flower is it? Where does it grow? Does it grow in our town? 

3. How many elephants live on the planet today?

Questions for the first group

1. What kind of domestic animals do you know?

2) What flower is it? Where does it grow? Does it grow in our town?

3) Have you got a pot flower at home?

Содержимое разработки

 Good afternoon

Good afternoon

 The plan of the lesson  I. Organization lesson II. Phonetic drill ІІІ. Checking the homework ІV. Introduction of the new lesson V. Conclusion VI. Home work VII. Giving marks

The plan of the lesson

I. Organization lesson

II. Phonetic drill

ІІІ. Checking the homework

ІV. Introduction of the new lesson

V. Conclusion

VI. Home work

VII. Giving marks

 II. Phonetic drill  Tea Chips  Apple Biscuits  Orange Meat  Milk Carrots  Bread Coffee  Potato Chocolate

II. Phonetic drill

Tea Chips

Apple Biscuits

Orange Meat

Milk Carrots

Bread Coffee

Potato Chocolate

III. Checking the homework  Questions for the first group 1.What kind of wild animals do you know?  2.What flower is it? Where does it grow? Does it grow in our town?  3.How many elephants live on the planet today?  Questions for the first group 1.What kind of domestic animals do you know?  2) What flower is it? Where does it grow? Does it grow in our town?  3) Have you got a pot flower at home?

III. Checking the homework

Questions for the first group

1.What kind of wild animals do you know?

2.What flower is it? Where does it grow? Does it grow in our town?

3.How many elephants live on the planet today?

Questions for the first group

1.What kind of domestic animals do you know?

2) What flower is it? Where does it grow? Does it grow in our town?

3) Have you got a pot flower at home?

   The theme: Eating in Britain

The theme:

Eating in Britain

 New words Bacon – ['beikǝn] ыстылған шошқа төсі Beef – [bi:f] сиыр еті Pork – [pᴐ:k] шошқа еті Mutton – ['mʌt(ǝ)n] қой еті Cuisine – [ kwi:zi:n] ас, тағам Dough – [dǝʊ] қамыр Cornflakes – ['kɔ:nfleiks] қуырылған жүгері Milkshake – ['milkʃeik] сүтті коктейл Yorkshire pudding - [ 'jɔ:kʃiə 'pudiŋ] йоркшир пудингі

New words

Bacon – ['beikǝn] ыстылған шошқа төсі

Beef – [bi:f] сиыр еті

Pork – [pᴐ:k] шошқа еті

Mutton – ['mʌt(ǝ)n] қой еті

Cuisine – [ kwi:zi:n] ас, тағам

Dough – [dǝʊ] қамыр

Cornflakes – ['kɔ:nfleiks] қуырылған жүгері

Milkshake – ['milkʃeik] сүтті коктейл

Yorkshire pudding - [ 'jɔ:kʃiə 'pudiŋ] йоркшир пудингі

baursak  beshbarmak kurt   Traditional Kazakh food kimiz kuyrdak zhal, zhaya kazy




Traditional Kazakh food



zhal, zhaya


Roast-beef Bacon & eggs Roast potatoes  Traditional British food Sausages  Yorkshire pudding Cornflakes Toasts


Bacon & eggs

Roast potatoes

Traditional British food


Yorkshire pudding



Complete the sentences 1.We need _______ oranges to make orange juice. 2.I don’t drink _____ milk -one litre a day. 3.He doesn’t always put _______salt on his food. 4.My car doesn’t use ____ petrol. 5.They haven’t ____ money.They are not rich. 6.There aren’t ____ potatoes in the box.

Complete the sentences

1.We need _______ oranges to make orange juice.

2.I don’t drink _____ milk -one litre a day.

3.He doesn’t always put _______salt on his food.

4.My car doesn’t use ____ petrol.

5.They haven’t ____ money.They are not rich.

6.There aren’t ____ potatoes in the box.

True or false a) British food is very popular in Europe . _____ b) British people eat Yorkshire pudding on Sundays. _____ c) The traditional Kazakh food include roast-beef, roast potatoes. ____ d) The main dishes of Kazakh cuisine are as follows: cooked mutton and horse beef (beshbarmak). ____ e) British people drink a lot of mineral water. ____ f) Kazakh people drink a lot of tea. ____

True or false

a) British food is very popular in Europe . _____

b) British people eat Yorkshire pudding on Sundays. _____

c) The traditional Kazakh food include roast-beef, roast potatoes. ____

d) The main dishes of Kazakh cuisine are as follows: cooked mutton and horse beef (beshbarmak). ____

e) British people drink a lot of mineral water. ____

f) Kazakh people drink a lot of tea. ____

Home work  To read and translate, then retell  the text about British and Kazakh  traditional foods.

Home work

To read and translate, then retell

the text about British and Kazakh

traditional foods.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Профессиональная компетентность педагогов в условиях внедрения ФГОС

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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