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В путь за Рождественской звездой (английский язык)

Материал содержит сценарий утренника, посвященного Рождеству.

Описание разработки

Звучит веселая рождественская мелодия, на сцену выбегают двое ведущих, Мальчик и Девочка, одетые в курточки и красные колпачки. (Стас, Нина)

Вступление (слайды №1,2)

СтасGood day, dear guests, girls and boys.

Нина:  Today you are at our Christmas party. Сегодня у нас большой праздник – Рождество Христово - Christmas.

Стас: Every country and every nation has its own traditions and customs. It’s very important to know traditions and customs of different people. It’ll help you to know more about the history and life of different nations and countries.

Нина: The British celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December. As you know, Christmas is a religious holiday. It is a day on which Christmas celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a happy holiday. Families come together to share their happiness, attend church and exchange gifts.

Стас: В Англии Christmas христиане- католики празднуют 25 декабря перед Новым годом. А мы, православные христиане, радуемся о родившемся Спасителе 7 января.

Нина: Дети и взрослые украшают елку, готовят праздничный обед, встречают гостей и обмениваются подарками. Но самое главное – они ждут рождественского чуда! Everybody is waiting for a Christmas miracle!

Стихотворение о Рождестве читает наизусть ученица 6 класса Вагнер Лидия

It’s Christmas! Merry Christmas!
Yes, It’s merry, merry Christmas!
It’s time for hanging stockings,
It’s time for riding sleighs
It’s time for jolly greetings,
Snow and holly overeating
Oh, I love you, merry Christmas
You are the best of holidays!

Из истории Рождества (презентация)

Звучит мелодия песни Silent Night на английском языке, выходят ребята - ангелы с горящими свечами. (слайды №3,4)

Стас: Mary and Joseph were Christ` s parents. They went to Bethlehem the town of David. Their way was dangerous and very long. It was getting darker and darker. They didn`t where to go. A lot of bright stars appeared in the sky. Suddenly Mary saw a cave. “ Let`s have a sleep in this place”, she said to her husband.

Нина:At last they found a place where Mary gave a birth to her child. He was a boy. A bright star appeared in the sky when Jesus was born.The star showed the way to the place of his birth and a lot of people came to see him. They brought many presents for him.

Флэш-ролик (It is Christmas day)

Символы Рождества в Англии (презентация)

Now listen to some interesting information about symbols of Christmas (слайд№5)


Слайд №6. FATHER CHRISTMAS He is Santa Clause. At night he comes. He has got a big bag of presents for children. He puts the presents into the children's stockings.

Слайд № 7,8. CHRISTMAS TREE. They say the first Xmas tree appeared in Germany in 1521. And it was Prince Albert who brought it to Britain. In 1841 Queen Victoria and Prince Albert had a lighted tree at Windsor Castle. Now People buy a Christmas tree and decorate it with toys, coloured balls and little coloured lights.


Слайд №9 CHRISTMAS STORKING. On Christmas Eve people put their presents under the tree. When children go to bed, they put their stockings near their beds. Why stockings? Согласно рождественской легенде, жил в давние времена один знатный, но очень бедный человек. У него умерла жена, и он остался один с тремя дочерьми. Девушки не могли выйти замуж, поскольку у них не было приданого. Однажды в канун рождества они выстирали чулки и развесили их перед камином. Санта Клаус решил помочь  бесприданницам и бросил в каждый чулок по золотому слитку, чтобы они смогли выйти замуж. С тех пор в рождественскую ночь дети в Англии развешивают чулки перед камином, а утром находят в них подарки.

Слайд № 10. CHRISTMAS CANDLES. Each Xmas people lit candles to memorize the star that was shining when Christ child was born.


 Слайд №11. CHRISTMAS GREENARY – Holly is the flower of the Christmas season. People in Britain like to decorate their houses with this green plant. It is symbol of life.

Слайд № 12. CANDY CANE (Рождественский Леденец) Parents give children candy canes  for Christmas. The candy is made as letter J, because name Jesus starts with this letter.

презентация в путь за рождественской звездой


Слайд №13. CHRISTMAS CAROLS .The first carols came from France. Xmas carols are religious songs and tell the story of Christmas. There is also a custom of singing Xmas carols from door to door. The most famous carol is “Silent Night.”


Стихотворение читает Ульяна

Silent Night, Holy Night!
All is calm, all is bright.
Round the Virgin Mother and Child.
Holy infant so tender and mind,
Sleep in heavenly peace,
Sleep in heavenly peace.


Слайд №14. CHRISTMAS COOKIES. Ginger cookies is traditional food for Christmas. Children put these cookies on the fireplace for Santa Claus.

Слайд №15. CHRISTMAS DINNER. For Christmas dinner people eat turkey, potatoes and green vegetables.  Then they have the  Christmas pudding. At five o'clock it's time for tea and Christmas cake.

Поэтическая вставка

Выходят ребята и рассказывают стихотворения (4 класс)

It is winter, it is Christmas! (Слава )
Look at our Christmas tree!
There are big balls, there are nice dolls,
Many candies you can see.

There are flags, there are ribbons,
Little bells and bright stars, too.
Red and orange, green and yellow,
Pink and purple, violet and blue.

We have a fir-tree in the hall.(Данил)
It is so beautiful and tall!
Around it we dance and play
Because it is a Christmas day.

The Christmas tree so fine and tall
Stands in the centre of the hall.
Its needles are green,
Its toys are bright.

Our Christmas party is tonight (Ира)
Around the fir-tree let us play
Because it is a Christmas day.
What do you see in the fir-tree?
I see a plane, a ship, a car,
A flag, a bird, a tram, a star,
A horse, a cat, a cock, a dog.

I am a little Christmas tree (Витя)
Shining, shining merrily!
A star at my head
Gifts at my feet
And on my branches
Candies so sweet.


Merry Christmas! (хором)

Стас: What about Russia?

(сообщения о рождестве в России, готовят об-ся 5-9 классов)

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