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Поурочный план для 7 класса

Конспект урока по теме "Clothes and Fashion" для 7 класса.


Содержимое разработки

Short Term Plan

7.4B Clothes and Fashion

Lesson 10

School: Zerenda secondary school № 1


Teacher’s name: Baimuhambetova A.K

Grade: 7

Number present:17


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

7.S6 use appropriate subject - specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics and some curricular topics

7.W8 Spell most high-frequency vocabulary accurately for a limited range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics.

7.UE3 use a growing variety of compound adjectives and adjectives as participles

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

-Recognize appropriate subject - specific vocabulary;

- List general vocabulary accurately

-describe clothes using with adjectives

Most learners will be able to:

-Construct sentences into a logical ranged paragraph;

-Use words with correct spelling control;

- Apply variety of compound adjectives

Some learners will be able to:

-Compose and create sentences with adjectives

Assessment criteria

Comments with some flexibility to what others say at sentence and discourse level in pair, group and whole class exchange

Describe with little or no support sentences into coherent paragraphs using a variety of basic connectors

Use a growing variety of compound adjectives

Language objective

-use new active vocabulary and correct grammar constructions in their writing

Value links

Common history, culture and language

Previous learning

Avoiding sports injuries

Cross-Curricular Link

Jobs, Fashion

Use of ICT

Smart Board and projector to present the material

Planned timings

Planned activities



2 min

3 min


3 min

7 min

10 min

10 min

Class routine



(W)Brainstorm the lesson

(W)Warm -up activity: Teacher shows a short video about fashion and clothes. Learners must guess the theme of the lesson according a video

Interaction pattern: T-S

Assessment: "Big thumb''

(W) Team division: «Theme links»

Notes:SS Learners choose pencils from 3 colors and are divided into 3 groups by the colors of the pencils that they chose 1 group- clothes, 2 group- fashion, 3 group- shop

Interaction pattern: S-S


( D) New vocabulary presentation


(W)Teacher explains that learners repeat after video's speaker

*Eliciting. Interaction pattern: T-S

*Drilling. Interaction pattern: T-S,

Note:The new vocabulary is given on the board (supported by pictures).


(W) «Match the phrases with the pictures»

SS should match the phrases in the box with the pictures (a-i).Then check and repeat

a warm jacket fashionable trainers a smart shirt

a buggy jumper tight jeans a plain T-shirt patterned trousers an old-fashionable dress

a casual hoodie


A b

f d e

g h

Assessment by ‘Oral’ (well done, excellent, very good, so so...)

Interaction pattern: S-S, T-S


A learner:

1. reads a vocabulary

2. matches with the pictures

Teacher says that everyone usually has got his own style in choosing clothes.

(W)What is your style this year (2018)?

(I) Describe own styles

Necessary adjectives:

...to feel comfortable, to keep warm, to look very beautiful in, the necessary thing in..., the lovely thing of my friend, my mother suggest me, in my opinion, to my mind, it doesn't matter, I prefer, I believe that


I prefer shirts for my birthday because...


I like to wear T-shirt because ...









After completing the task, learners stand in a circle, teacher gives to one learner a parcel with names of clothes, and turns on the music , when the music stops, whoever has the parcel , gets the word out of the parcel and makes a sentence on it using adjectives

Differentiation by scaffolding

Strategy: Pass the parcel Handout 3

Interaction pattern: S-T,S-S

Assessment by "Gertures"


A Learner:

1. reads adjectives

2.answer the questions

3.Describes own style

(G) 1-group: Teacher gives learners a piece of paper with pictures and names of the clothes, and Adds vowels to the words in order to make adjectives and clothes. Learners should find picture and words which coincide with each other and write them under the correct picture

Strategy: Partners Handout 3

(G) 2- group: Complete the sentences with the correct adjectives from new vocabulary

(G) 3- group: Learners look at the children and their clothes.

They write the description of their clothes below, no more than 2 sentences for each picture.

After, they choose ONE of the images in the pictures they would recommend wearing. One learner to explain their learning in one sentence. The next learner uses a high level connective and adds their own learning to the sentence.They should explain why they have chosen it.

Strategy: Connecting learning Handout 3

Differentiation by difficulties of tasks

Interaction pattern: T-S, S-S

Assessment by smiles


A Learner:

1. Adds vowels to the words

2.Makes adjectives and clothes

3. Completes the sentences

4. Writes the description of clothes

5. Recommends wearing

6. Explains why they have chosen


Picture cuts


pictures PPT


Parcel, tape recorder

Picture cuts

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3


3 min

2 min

Homework:ex.3 p.75 Wb

(W) Plenary "The tree of wishes" Students choose one

Apple- I have known much information

Flower- I have understood much information. It was very useful

Leaf- Today some questions were not clear for me

Self - assessment: Learners writes self-assessment and gives to teacher

1. At English lesson I was .... active/passive

2. The English lesson was .... short/long

3. During the class I was .... tired/ not tired

4. My mood became ..... better/ worse

5. The tasks were .... clear/ not clear

6. I give myself 5 , 4 , 3

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and safety check

ITC links, values links

Less able SS are given tasks with some support, eg. visual aids or easier tasks.

More able SS are given tasks with minimum/no support or complicated ones.

Big thumb, smile, oral/gesture assessment, self-assessment,

Cross curricular links with geography (directions, places)

Health and safety check is provided by physical activity, using active board less

ITC links are provided by using video and presentation

Values links; learners are taught to love nature, to live in harmony and peace (Patriotic Act, Mangilik Yel, #3 Nationality unity, harmony and peace)


Were the lesson/ learning objectives realistic? Lesson/learning objectives were realistic

What did the learners learn today? New words, connected sentences with using

What was the learning atmosphere like? adjectives, speaking about clothes

Did my planned differentiation work well? Atmosphere was good

Did I stick to timings? I stick to timings

What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?



What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?



What have I learnt from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?



Appendix 1


Task 2. Look at these children and their clothes.

Part 1. Write the description of their clothes below, no more than 2 sentences for each picture. Choose ONE of the images in the pictures you would recommend wearing. Explain why you have chosen it. Write 2-3 sentences.

2. 3.

1 2









Appendix 2

Complete the sentences with the correct adjectives from new vocabulary

1) This is a really baggy dress. I think you could get two people in it!

2) You need to take a _______ hoodie. It's going to get cold later.

3) I want to buy some _________ clothes. Everything I have is old - fashioned and boring

4) My granny still wears clothes she bought thirty years ago. They are very _______.

5) My father hates casual clothes. He always wears a ________ jacket even at home.

6) She's wearing a black, green and purple _________ T- shirt with red trousers. It's too much!

7) That restaurant's very smart and fashionable! If you go there wearing _______ clothes, they won't let you in!

8) The shop only sells _______________shirts but they've got about forty different colors!

9) I hate baggy clothes. I always wear ________ jumpers and trousers

Appendix 1

Give each learner a piece of paper with pictures and names, and Adds vowels to the words in order to make adjectives and clothes. Finds picture and words which coincide with each other. Writes them under the correct picture

Tght jns wrm jckt

ld- fshnd drss

Smrt shrt fshnbl trnrs bggy jmpr

Pln T-shrt

Курсы повышения квалификации

Теоретические и практические основания методической деятельности преподавателя иностранного языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
1000 руб.
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