План-конспект открытого урока
в 6-м классе по теме «Home sweet home»
1. Начало урока (Cлайд 1)
Hello, everyone!
I’m glad to see you!
How are you?
Show me your mood, please! (смайлики).
Проверка готовности к работе:
Are you ready to work? So, let’s start.
Речевая разминка (Слайд2)
Answer my questions:
Where do you live?
Is Chistopol a city or a town?
Do you live in a house?
Take off students who live in a house! Touch down!
Is your house big or small?
Is your house comfortable?
Take off students who live in a flat! Touch down!
Is your flat modern?
Do you love nature? Etc.
3. Целеполагание (определение темы урока) (Слайд3)
What is the topic of our lesson today, do you think?
You are right. It is “Home sweet home”.
What are we going to speak about?
Yes, we are going to speak about living in cities and countryside, British and Russian houses and our home.
4. Фонетическая зарядка.
Read the proverbs, guess their Russian equivalents:
(P1, P2): East or West home is best.
(В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше).
There is no place like home.
(Нет лучше места, чем дом).
An Englishman’s home is his castle.
(Мой дом – моя крепость).
Now repeat all together!
5. Закрепление различий в использовании “house” and “home”.
What is the difference between “house”/“home”?
Fill in!
1. Is your … light or dark?
2. Chistopol is my … town.
3. They have a big … in the centre of Moscow.
4. There is no place like … .
6. Выполнение заданий на закрепление лексики по теме (демонстрация предметных картинок на доске)
- Look at the pictures and name the places.
(Сl: pharmacy, library, etc.) Repeat after me all together!
- Let’s play the game “Quiz-quiz-trade”!
Take sheets of paper, write down the definition of the words. You may use ex.76 p.28.
Ready? Come here, find a partner and ask him/her to translate the words.
- Read the phrases and say where you can hear them! Do it yourselves!
1. “Hurray! He is the first!”-_____________________
2. “How much does this dress cost?”- _____________
3. “Don’t forget to bring the book back in 10 days!”- _________
4. “Have you got anything for a sore throat?”- ______________
5. “The book is the oldest in the collection. It’s about 500 years old.”- _________________
6. “Can I change roubles for dollars?”- ____________________
7. “Hush! Be quiet! The performance has already begun!”- _______________________________________________
Are you ready? Now change the sheets of paper with your partner and put down the marks. (Ответы на экране, а также оценочная таблица)
6 right answers | 5 | 4-3 | 3 |
«5» | «4» | «3» | «2» |
7. Закрепление знаний о типах домов в Великобритании.
How many types of houses are there in Great Britain?
What are they?
Read and say which houses these sentences describe.
A large old building or a group of buildings with thick walls and towers.
The official home of a ruler (правитель).
A continuous row of similar (ряд одинаковых) houses joined together in one block.
A tall building with a lift.
A house joined to another house by one shared wall.
A house in which only one family lives.
8. Проверка д/з.
Your homework was ex.78 p.28.
What are Diana and David speaking about?
(P1, P2: They are speaking about living in a city and the countryside.)
Where does Diana (David) live? Does he/she like the countryside/a city?
There is a problem here.
What is the problem in the text?
(Where is it better to live: in a city or in the country?)
9. Заполнение таблицы. Cтруктура “Think, Write, Round Robbin”.
What are advantages and disadvantages of living in cities and the countryside? Work in groups and complete the table!
What group is ready?
What are advantages of cities and towns/the countryside?
What are their disadvantages?
Read, please!
Can you add any advantages/disadvantages?
10. Развитие навыков монологической речи. Структура “Corners”.
Some people love cities, others prefer the countryside. And what about you?
Those who like living in cities and towns, come here, students who like the countryside, go to that corner. Discuss the problem!
Say why you like the countryside/a city/town.
So the answer depends on what you like.
11. Аудирование, ex.88 p.32.
Listen to the three young explorers from different countries. Read and translate the questions they answer.
Work in groups. Speaker 1 is for Group 1, etc.
Complete the table.
Have you understood the details? (Проверка заполнения таблицы, повторное прослушивание)
12. Пауза релаксации.
Are you tired? Who will retell the poem today?
Up, down, up, down!
This is the way we go to town.
Where, where?
Up in the air.
Close your eyes!
And we are here!
13. Диалог-расспрос.
Now imagine you interview your classmate. Make up dialogues! Find out
- where he/she lives;
- if he/she lives in a flat or a house;
- who he/she lives with;
- if he/she has a room of his/her own;
- what is around the place he/she lives in.
Now dramatize the dialogue! (P1-P2)
14. Монологическое высказывание (P1, P2, P3)
Now try and retell about yourself. Use the questions as a plan.
15. Домашнее задание.
Make up a story about your home and tell us about it, use questions of ex.88, 94.
If it is a difficult task, ex.91 p.33 to read and translate.
16. Рефлексия.
Our lesson is nearly over. How are you now? Show me your mood. Has it changed? Let me see. (смайлики)
Now take these sheets of paper.
Здесь вы видите шкалу оценки своей работы на уроке и усвоения новых знаний. Отметьте кружком или точкой тот уровень, на котором вы, по вашему мнению, находитесь сейчас. Подпишите и сдайте листочки.
What was the topic of our lesson today? What have we done?
17*. Проект “My hometown”.
Some time is left. We continue making projects “Wonder of nature”. Today … is ready to present a project about our hometown.
(P1, P2 защищают проект)
18. Заключительный этап (Слайд 10)
Thank you, you worked hard today. … get 5.
Besides, I will check up your tests. I hope they are good.
Now the lesson is over, good-bye!