Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Уроки  /  11 класс  /  Методическая разработка на тему: "Automobile components"

Методическая разработка на тему: "Automobile components"

Методическая разработка на тему: "Automobile components"

Содержимое разработки


  1. Learn new vocabulary:

primary – основной

transmission – коробка передач, передача, привод

power – мощность, энергия, приводить в действие

running – движение, ход, пробег, рейс, эксплуатация, эксплуатационный

gear - зубчатая передача, шестерня, механизм, приводы устройства, входить в зацепление

chasses – ходовая часть, шасси

ignition – воспламенение, зажигание

lubrication – смазка

starter – стартер

piston – поршень

two-stroke – двухтактный цикл

cycling - чередование, проведение цикла, циклический, периодический

stroke – такт, ход

draw in – всасывать, втягивать, тяга

evacuate – опорожнять, испражнения

intake – впуск, подвод

exhaust – выпуск, выхлоп, отработавшие газы, выпускной трубопровод

valve – клапан

release – размыкание, разъединение

escape – утечка

muffler – глушитель

enlarge - расширять, увеличивать, распространять

duct – канал

plate – пластина, лист

smoothness - гладкость, плавность

bank – группа, набор, ряд, серия

expander – расширитель

2. Learn the expressions.

power plant – двигатель, силовая установка

power transmission – ходовая часть, трансмиссия

running gear – коробка передач

control system – система контроля

starter motor – стартер

four-cycle – четырехцикловой

per cycle – за цикл

downstroke – нижняя инертная точка

upstroke - верхняя инертная точка

piping expanding duct – дырчатая расширительная труба

3. Complete the plural of nouns.

Component, system, car, body, engine, number, cycle, valve, muffler, section, plate, line, bank.


Primary, chasses, mount, ignition, the greatest, the first, combustion, fuel, the second, pressure, they, operation, rush, provide, increase, straight.

5. Complete the verbs in Present Simple ( 3rd singular), read and translate .

Include, use, require, draw, compress, supply, control, evacuate, escape, enlarge, contain, expand, arrage, assemble.

6. Translate the words formed with suffixes.

a) provide, providing, provision;

b) development, developing, developed;

c) operate, operation, operated;

d) transmit, transmission, transmitted;

e) pressed, pressure, pressing.

7. Find the opposites:

  1. впуск – выпуск;

  2. верхняя мертвая точка – нижняя верхняя точка;

  3. всасывать (бензин) – опорожнять (отработанные газы).

8. Translate:

  1. power plant – increase in power;

  2. four – cycle piston – four strokes of the piston per cycle;

  3. it supplies the power – great supplies;

  4. the release of burned gases – the gases are released into the atmosphere;

  5. a further increase in power – to increase in volume;

  6. in the form of a V – to form a circle.

9.Read and translate the text:

Construction of an automobile

The primary components of a car are the power plant, the power transmission, the running gear, and the control system. These constitute the chassis, on which the body is mounted. The power plant includes the engine and its fuel, the carburettor, ignition, lubrication, and cooling systems and the starter motor.

The Engine.

The greatest number of cars use piston engines. The four-cycle piston engine requires four strokes of the piston per cycle. The first downstroke draws in the petrol mixture. The first upstroke compresses it. The second downstroke – the power stroke-following the combustion of the fuel, supplies the power, and the second upstroke evacuates the burned gases. Intake and exhaust valves in the cylinder control the intake of fuel and the release of burned gases. At the end of the power stroke the pressure of the burned gases in the cylinder is 2.8 to 3.5 kg/sq cm. These gases escape with the sudden opening of the exhaust valve. They rush to a silencer (muffler), an enlarged section of piping containing expanding ducts and perforated plates through which the gases expand and are released into the atmosphere. Greater smoothness of operation of the four-cycle engine were provided by the development of the four-cylinder engine, which supplies power from one or another of the cylinder on each stroke of the cycle. A future increase in power and smoothness is obtained in engines of 6, 8, 12 and 16 cylinders, which are arranged. In either a straight line or two banks assembled in the form of a V.

  1. Complete the sentences.

  1. The four – cycle piston engine requires four strokes of the piston …

  2. There gases escape with the sudden …

  3. Intake and exhaust valves in the cylinder…

    1. per two cycles

    2. per cycle

    1. opening of the exhaust valve

    2. shutting of the exhaust valve

  1. correct the intake of fuel

  2. control the intake of fuel

12. Answer the questions.

  1. What are the primary components of a car?

  2. What does the power plant include?

  3. What kind of engines does the greatest number of cars use?

  4. How many strokes of piston per cycle does the four-cycle piston engine require?

  5. How do the two (both) down strokes and the two (both) upstrokes work?

  6. What do intake and exhaust valves in the cylinder control?

  7. What can you say about muffler?

  8. What do you know about the development of the four-cylinder engine?

Курсы повышения квалификации

Система работы с высокомотивированными и одаренными учащимися по учебному предмету

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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