I with my family like to go picnic. At first we choose a route, at second we pack such things as cooking utensils, meals, tent, guitar. We take camera often when we travel on foot. I like to do photos our picturesque countryside. Picnic seems to be the ideal way to see everything with our own eyes, to touch everything. People do not attention to lack of great comfort. It is cheap and you need not special clothes will do. You are the boss, have tremendous mobility. Mobile phone and Internet help us to be informed. Lack of comfort and conveniences help people to check their feeling. Being of picnicking you are among your family, but you have an opportunity to be along in isolation. Of course mosquitoes, dependents of weather, carrying of heavy thing, packing and re - erecting tents. But being in the open air is advantage in itself.
I think picnic is the good spending time for family nowadays. It is a very good thing to be with your family in weekend and an open air.
- Route - маршрут
- Utensils - посуда
- Tent - палатка
- Camera – фотокамера, камера
- Picturesque - живописные
- To lack - нехватка
- Tremendous - огромные
- Conveniences – удобства
- Mosquitoes - комары
- Re - erecting – повторная установка
- Do you like picnicking?
- Whom do you like to go picnic with?
- When do you prefer to go picnic?
Translate into English
- Выбрать маршрут
- Живописная местность
- Прикоснуться ко всему
- Отсутствие комфорта
- Зависимость от погоды
Divide the advantages and disadvantages of picnicking into two columns:
- to do photos our picturesque countryside;
- a lot of mosquitoes;
- to see everything with our own eyes;
- to touch everything;
- dependents of weather;
- to lack of great comfort;
- carrying of heavy thing;
- It is cheap;
- need not special clothes;
- have tremendous mobility;
- you are among your family;
- packing and re - erecting tents.
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