Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Уроки  /  5 класс  /  Конспект урока по теме "My home"

Конспект урока по теме "My home"

Урок по теме "My home" был проведен в 5 классе. Тип урока-повторение и систематизация. Цель урока-повторить лексику и употребление грамматической структуры "there is/there are"/


Содержимое разработки

План-конспект урока

Неделя 6

День 18.02.13

Урок № 12

Название занятия:

Повторение и систематизация лексики по теме «Мой дом».

Общая цель:

Повторить лексику по теме «Мой дом».

Ожидаемый результат:

  1. Повторить предлоги.

  2. Развивать умения и навыки устной монологической речи на основе изученного материала (учить рассказывать о доме (комнате), опираясь на рисунки).

  3. Систематизировать навыки употребления грамматической структуры there is/ there are при составлении предложений.

Тип урока:

Урок повторения и обобщения.


 Фронтальная, индивидуальная, работа по картинке, чтение и перевод текста.

Источники, оснащение и оборудование, ресурсы:

Тематические картинки, видеопроектор, презентация Power Point, музыкальная физминутка.

Ход урока:

Этапы урока

Действия учителя

Действия учеников

Вводная часть

(5 мин)

1. Орг.момент.

2. Беседа с дежурным.

3. Фонетическая зарядка. Отработка звуков.

Let's practice the sounds

  • [u:] – room, bathroom, living room, bedroom

  • [o:]-wall, hall, floor, door

  • [ ʧ]- kitchen, chair

  • [æ]-pantry, flat, has

  • [ә]- there, where, chair, share

Учащиеся приветствуют учителя.

Повторяют звуки.



4. Let's read the rhyme

Little mouse, little mouse,

Where is your house?

Little cat, little cat,

I have no flat.

I'm a poor mouse,

I have no house

Little mouse, little mouse

Come to my house

Little cat, little cat,

I can not do that,

You want to eat me.

5. Повторение предлогов.

 Читают стихотворения

Смотрят на слайды и повторяют

Основная часть

(20 мин)

6. Вставьте предлоги.Упр.1

  • в комнате – … the room

  • на столе – … the table

  • над кроватью – … the bed

  • под диваном – … the sofa

  • между креслами – … the arm-chairs

  • перед телевизором – … of the TV-set

  • за холодильником – … the fridge

  • у окна – … the window

в кухне – … the kitchen

7. Повторение лексики.

8. Повторение структуры there is/ there are.

9. Вставить нужную глагол связку.


10. Чтение и перевод текст.

11. Работа по тексту. Ответить на вопросы.

12. Составить предложения.

Выполняют упражнение

Работа по картинкам.

Подведение итогов

(5 мин)

13. Дом.задание: Выполнить тест на странице133

14. Итог урока, комментирование оценок.

Анализ занятия (самоанализ)

Изменения по уроку

Содержимое разработки

Topic of the lesson: “ A flat”

Topic of the lesson:

A flat”

Let's practice the sounds

Let's practice the sounds

  • [ u: ] – room, bathroom, living room, bedroom
  • [ o: ]-wall, hall, floor, door
  • [ ʧ]- kitchen, chair
  • [ æ ]-pantry, flat, has
  • [ ә ]- there, where, chair, share
Let's read the rhyme Little mouse, little mouse, Where is your house? Little cat, little cat, I have no flat. I'm a poor mouse, I have no house Little mouse, little mouse Come to my house Little cat, little cat, I can not do that, You want to eat me.

Let's read the rhyme

Little mouse, little mouse,

Where is your house?

Little cat, little cat,

I have no flat.

I'm a poor mouse,

I have no house

Little mouse, little mouse

Come to my house

Little cat, little cat,

I can not do that,

You want to eat me.





In Front

In Front











Ex.1. Fill in the right preposition

Ex.1. Fill in the right preposition

  • в комнате – … the room
  • на столе – … the table
  • над кроватью – … the bed
  • под диваном – … the sofa
  • между креслами – … the arm-chairs
  • перед телевизором – … of the TV-set
  • за холодильником – … the fridge
  • у окна – … the window
  • в кухне – … the kitchen
Ex.1. Fill in the right preposition

Ex.1. Fill in the right preposition

  • в комнате – in the room
  • на столе – on the table
  • над кроватью – over the bed
  • под диваном – under the sofa
  • между креслами – between the arm-chairs
  • перед телевизором – in front of the TV-set
  • за холодильником – behind the fridge
  • у окна – by the window
  • в кухне – in the kitchen
Let's repeat words

Let's repeat words

“ there + to be” – имеется  Singular    There is  a table in the room.    Is there a table in the room?    There is  no table in the room. Plural    There are  – book s on the table.    Are there – book s on the table?    There are  no book s on the table.

“ there + to be” – имеется

  • Singular

There is a table in the room.

Is there a table in the room?

There is no table in the room.

  • Plural

There are – book s on the table.

Are there – book s on the table?

There are no book s on the table.

Ex.2. Insert “ is ” or “ are ”.  1) There … a big sofa in the room. 2)There … a little brown coffee-table in front of the sofa. 3)There … a thick carpet on the floor in my mother’s room. 4)There … a thick red carpet in my room. 5)There … white curtains on the windows. 6)There … small tables near the beds. 7)There ... a chair at the table. 8)There … a sofa in the corner of the room. 9)There … books on the shelf.

Ex.2. Insert “ is ” or “ are ”.

1) There … a big sofa in the room. 2)There … a little brown coffee-table in front of the sofa. 3)There … a thick carpet on the floor in my mother’s room. 4)There … a thick red carpet in my room. 5)There … white curtains on the windows. 6)There … small tables near the beds. 7)There ... a chair at the table. 8)There … a sofa in the corner of the room. 9)There … books on the shelf.

Ex.2. Insert “ is ” or “ are ”.  1)There is  a big sofa in the room. 2)There is  a little brown coffee-table in front of the sofa. 3)There is  a thick carpet on the floor in my mother’s room. 4)There is  a thick red carpet in my room. 5)There are  – white curtains on the windows. 6)There are  – small tables near the beds. 7)There is  a chair at the table. 8)There is  a sofa in the corner of the room. 9)There are  – books on the shelf.

Ex.2. Insert “ is ” or “ are ”.

1)There is a big sofa in the room. 2)There is a little brown coffee-table in front of the sofa. 3)There is a thick carpet on the floor in my mother’s room. 4)There is a thick red carpet in my room. 5)There are – white curtains on the windows. 6)There are – small tables near the beds. 7)There is a chair at the table. 8)There is a sofa in the corner of the room. 9)There are – books on the shelf.

Let's have a rest!

Let's have a rest!

Let's read the text My room . Read and translate the text.  I have a room in our flat. It isn’t large. There is one window in it. Near the window there is a table where I do my homework. There is a lamp on the table. There are two chairs at the table. There is a bed near the wall. There is a bookcase near the bed. There are many books in it. I have a nice picture on the wall. There is a piano in the room. I like to play the piano.  I clean my room every day. I like my room. It’s nice.

Let's read the text

My room .

Read and translate the text.

I have a room in our flat. It isn’t large. There is one window in it. Near the window there is a table where I do my homework. There is a lamp on the table. There are two chairs at the table. There is a bed near the wall. There is a bookcase near the bed. There are many books in it. I have a nice picture on the wall. There is a piano in the room. I like to play the piano.

I clean my room every day. I like my room. It’s nice.

Answer the following questions. 1. Is the room large? 2. How many windows are there in the room? 3. Is there a lamp in the room? 4. How many chairs are there in the room? 5. Where are the books?

Answer the following questions.

1. Is the room large?

2. How many windows are there in the room?

3. Is there a lamp in the room?

4. How many chairs are there in the room?

5. Where are the books?

Ex.3. Make up a sentence. There is a  in the room.

Ex.3. Make up a sentence.

There is a

in the room.

Ex.3. Make up a sentence. There is a in the flat.

Ex.3. Make up a sentence.

There is a

in the flat.

Ex.3. Make up a sentence. There are  by the table.

Ex.3. Make up a sentence.

There are

by the table.

Ex.3. Make up a sentence. There are  in the room.

Ex.3. Make up a sentence.

There are

in the room.

Ex.3. Make up a sentence. There is a  in the corner.

Ex.3. Make up a sentence.

There is a

in the corner.

Ex.3. Make up a sentence. There are in the flat.

Ex.3. Make up a sentence.

There are

in the flat.

Ex.3. Make up a sentence. There is a in the sitting room.

Ex.3. Make up a sentence.

There is a

in the

sitting room.

Ex.3. Make up a sentence. There is a  in the flat.

Ex.3. Make up a sentence.

There is a

in the flat.

Ex.3. Make up a sentence. There are   over the bed.

Ex.3. Make up a sentence.

There are

over the bed.

Ex.3. Make up a sentence. There is a  in front of the sofa.

Ex.3. Make up a sentence.

There is a

in front of

the sofa.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Активные и интерактивные методы и формы организации учебной деятельности на уроке иностранного языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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