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Конкурс чтецов на английском языке

Конкурс чтецов проводится на предметной неделе английского языка. Принимают участие учащиеся 2-8 классов. Учащиеся готовят иллюстрации к своим стихотворениям. Во время мероприятия звучит спокойная музыка и демонстрируются слайды с портретами поэтов.

Описание разработки

Цель: совершенствование навыков выразительного рассказывания стихотворений; актуализация лексического и грамматического материала; развитие интереса к поэтическим произведениям стран изучаемого языка.

Оборудование: портреты писателей и поэтов; дипломы для поощрения лучших чтецов.

Ход мероприятия:

Good morning, boys and girls!

Good morning now.

Wake, body, wake, mind!

Work, play, seek, find,

Eat breakfast, dinner too,

Wash, brush, sing, dunce, and do!

Good morning now.

  • We shall recite English poems and find out who can do it very well.
  • It is time to start. Try to recite the poems artistically and in a natural manner. We shall clap our hands after each poem. I hope you will enjoy your English.

The 2nd form


We have four kittens

One kitten has a black nose,

One kitten has a white nose,

One kitten has a pink nose,

One kitten has a grey nose.

At the zoo

I saw, I saw, I saw

A lion at the zoo,

I saw, I saw, I saw

A baby tiger too.

I saw, I saw, I saw

A big grey kangaroo.

I saw, I saw, I saw

I saw them at the zoo.

The 3rd  form

Listen to the rain

Listen! Listen!

Listen to the rain.

Tapping, tapping

One the windowpane.

Listen! Listen!

Listen to the rain.

Pitter-patter, pitter-patter,

One the windowpane.

My dear Mummy

My dear, dear Mummy,

I love you very much.

I want you to be happy

On the Eight of March!

My dear, dear Mummy,

Let me kiss your face,

I want you to be happy

Today and always!

The 4th  form

          The little jumping girls

Jump, jump, jump, jump away

From this town into the next today.

Jump, jump, jump, jump over the moon;

Jump all the morning and all the moon.

Jump, jump, jump, jump all night;

Won’t our mother’s be in a fight?

Jump, jump, jump over the sea;

What wonderful wonders we shall see,

Jump, jump, jump, jump far away;

And all come home some other day.

My dear Mummy

My dear, dear Mummy,

I love you very much.

I want you to be happy

On the Eight of March!

My dear, dear Mummy,

Let me kiss your face,

I want you to be happy

Today and always!

The 5th  form

My dog Jack

I have a dog,

His name is Jack,

His coat is white

With spots of black.

I take him out

Every day,

Such fun we have,

We run and play.

Such clever tricks

My dog can do,

I love my dog,

He loves me, too.

The 6th  form

Round the New Year Tree

New Year Day, happy day,

We are all glad and very gay!

We all dance and sing and say,

“Welcome! Welcome! New Year Day!

Singing, dancing merrily,

Round the New Year Tree,

Merrily, merrily, merrily,

Round the New Year Tree.

Happy New Year, my friends,

Happy New Year today!

Let us dance hands in hands.

I will show you the way.

The 7th  form

          The Monkeys and the Crocodile

Five little monkeys

Sitting in a tree,

Teasing Uncle Crocodile

Merry as can be

Jumping high, jumping low,

“Dear Uncle Crocodile,

Come and take a bite!”

Five little monkeys

Jumping in the air,

Heads up, tails up,

Little do they care.

Jumping far and near:

Poor Uncle Crocodile,

Aren’t you hungry, dear.


My father has a pair of shoes

So beautiful to see!

I want to wear my father’s shoes,

They are too big for me.

My baby’s brother has a pair,

As cunning as can be!

My feet won’t go into that pair,

They are too small for me.

There is only one thing I can do

Till I get small or grown.

If I want to have to wear my own.

          (Tom Robinson)

The 8th  form

     Big Ban

Big Ban is high above the town,

It is a symbol of the Crown.

Its sight is handsome in the noon,

At night, it’s shining like a moon.

It has as many as four faces.

The deep voice’s heard in many places

Its work is industrious, in fact.

It tells the time to everyone,

The job is said to be well-done.

Sometimes its stroke is like a call

Of old Sir Benjamin Hall.

-  So I can see you can recite the poems very well. What poems do you like? Why do you like this poem?

But the best pupil is…

Also we liked the poem of …

Thank you for your work. Our contest is over.

Содержимое разработки

Конкурс чтецов на английском языке

Учитель английского языка

МОУ «СОШ с. Колояр»

Вольского района Саратовской области

Ларина И.А.

(2-8 классы)

Цель: совершенствование навыков выразительного рассказывания стихотворений; актуализация лексического и грамматического материала; развитие интереса к поэтическим произведениям стран изучаемого языка.

Оборудование: портреты писателей и поэтов; дипломы для поощрения лучших чтецов.

Ход мероприятия:

  • Good morning, boys and girls!

Good morning now.

Wake, body, wake, mind!

Work, play, seek, find,

Eat breakfast, dinner too,

Wash, brush, sing, dunce, and do!

Good morning now.

  • We shall recite English poems and find out who can do it very well.

  • It is time to start. Try to recite the poems artistically and in a natural manner. We shall clap our hands after each poem. I hope you will enjoy your English.

The 2nd form


We have four kittens

One kitten has a black nose,

One kitten has a white nose,

One kitten has a pink nose,

One kitten has a grey nose.

At the zoo

I saw, I saw, I saw

A lion at the zoo,

I saw, I saw, I saw

A baby tiger too.

I saw, I saw, I saw

A big grey kangaroo.

I saw, I saw, I saw

I saw them at the zoo.

The 3rd form

Listen to the rain

Listen! Listen!

Listen to the rain.

Tapping, tapping

One the windowpane.

Listen! Listen!

Listen to the rain.

Pitter-patter, pitter-patter,

One the windowpane.

My dear Mummy

My dear, dear Mummy,

I love you very much.

I want you to be happy

On the Eight of March!

My dear, dear Mummy,

Let me kiss your face,

I want you to be happy

Today and always!

The 4th form

The little jumping girls

Jump, jump, jump, jump away

From this town into the next today.

Jump, jump, jump, jump over the moon;

Jump all the morning and all the moon.

Jump, jump, jump, jump all night;

Won’t our mother’s be in a fight?

Jump, jump, jump over the sea;

What wonderful wonders we shall see,

Jump, jump, jump, jump far away;

And all come home some other day.

My dear Mummy

My dear, dear Mummy,

I love you very much.

I want you to be happy

On the Eight of March!

My dear, dear Mummy,

Let me kiss your face,

I want you to be happy

Today and always!

The 5th form

My dog Jack

I have a dog,

His name is Jack,

His coat is white

With spots of black.

I take him out

Every day,

Such fun we have,

We run and play.

Such clever tricks

My dog can do,

I love my dog,

He loves me, too.

The 6th form

Round the New Year Tree

New Year Day, happy day,

We are all glad and very gay!

We all dance and sing and say,

“Welcome! Welcome! New Year Day!

Singing, dancing merrily,

Round the New Year Tree,

Merrily, merrily, merrily,

Round the New Year Tree.

Happy New Year, my friends,

Happy New Year today!

Let us dance hands in hands.

I will show you the way.

The 7th form

The Monkeys and the Crocodile

Five little monkeys

Sitting in a tree,

Teasing Uncle Crocodile

Merry as can be

Jumping high, jumping low,

“Dear Uncle Crocodile,

Come and take a bite!”

Five little monkeys

Jumping in the air,

Heads up, tails up,

Little do they care.

Jumping far and near:

Poor Uncle Crocodile,

Aren’t you hungry, dear.


My father has a pair of shoes

So beautiful to see!

I want to wear my father’s shoes,

They are too big for me.

My baby’s brother has a pair,

As cunning as can be!

My feet won’t go into that pair,

They are too small for me.

There is only one thing I can do

Till I get small or grown.

If I want to have to wear my own.

(Tom Robinson)

The 8th form

Big Ban

Big Ban is high above the town,

It is a symbol of the Crown.

Its sight is handsome in the noon,

At night, it’s shining like a moon.

It has as many as four faces.

The deep voice’s heard in many places

Its work is industrious, in fact.

It tells the time to everyone,

The job is said to be well-done.

Sometimes its stroke is like a call

Of old Sir Benjamin Hall.

- So I can see you can recite the poems very well. What poems do you like? Why do you like this poem?

But the best pupil is…

Also we liked the poem of …

Thank you for your work. Our contest is over.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Практическая грамматика английского языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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Svetlana, 19.01.2016 16:08