Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Тесты  /  7 класс  /  Итоговая контрольная работа за курс 7 класса. Учебник Английский в фокусе 7.

Итоговая контрольная работа за курс 7 класса. Учебник Английский в фокусе 7.

Итоговая контрольная работа за курс 7 класса. Состоит из 5 заданий на проверку усвоения лексики, антонимов, словообразования и грамматики - правильного употребление изученных настоящих времен, а также есть задания на чтение и письмо, написание небольшого сочинения с приведением аргументов.

Содержимое разработки

Final Test Work 7 grade (Total - 68 points)

Grammar and Vocabulary

1.Open the brackets using correct grammar tenses(8p.)

My little sister 1. ( always take) my books without my permission. Mom 2. ( not allow) her to come into my study but my sister 3. ( be ) too small to understand the rules. She is very naughty and 4. ( never listen) to us carefully. I 5. ( lock) my notebooks since she learned to open doors. She 6. (already tear) some pages. Yesterday I 7. (find) pictures on the covers of my textbooks. I

8. (be) furious.

Final Test Work 7 grade (Total - 68 points)

Grammar and Vocabulary

1.Open the brackets using correct grammar tenses (8p.)

My little sister 1.( always take) my books without my permission. Mom 2.( not allow) her to come into my study but my sister 3.(be) too small to understand the rules. She is very naughty and 4. ( never listen) to us carefully. I 5. ( lock) my notebooks since she learned to open doors. She 6.(already tear) some pages. Yesterday I 7.(find) pictures on the covers of my textbooks. I 8.(be) furious.

2. Match these words with their definitions: (8points)

tiny flood crucial cyclone resident

obesity rubbish dump immigrant

1. A place where waste is kept.

2. A tropical storm with a whirlwind at its centre.

3. A person who arrives to live in another country.

4. Very important.

5. The opposite of ‘enormous’.

6. Another word for inhabitant.

7. The state of being very, very overweight.

8. A situation in which the land is covered by water.

2. Match these words with their definitions: (8points)

tiny flood crucial cyclone resident

obesity rubbish dump immigrant

1. A place where waste is kept.

2. A tropical storm with a whirlwind at its centre.

3. A person who arrives to live in another country.

4. Very important.

5. The opposite of ‘enormous’.

6. Another word for inhabitant.

7. The state of being very, very overweight.

8. A situation in which the land is covered by water.

3. Write the opposites of these words (8p.)

1. passive ____________2. correct_________

3. frequent ____________4. lend ____________

5. increase ____________6. cheap ____________

7. necessary __________8. distant __________

3. Write the opposites of these words (8p.)

1. passive ____________2. correct___________

3. frequent ____________4. lend ____________

5. increase ____________6. cheap ____________

7. necessary __________8. distant __________

4. Word-building. Complete the table (10p.)


1. to behave _________________________

2. to survive _________________________

3. to reduce _________________________

4. to compete _________________________

5. to arrive _________________________

6. to decide _________________________

7. to succeed _________________________

8. to produce _________________________

9. to inform__________________________

10. to perform______________________

4. Word-building. Complete the table (10p.)


1. to behave _________________________

2. to survive _________________________

3. to reduce _________________________

4. to compete _________________________

5. to arrive _________________________

6. to decide _________________________

7. to succeed _________________________

8. to produce _________________________

9. to inform__________________________

10. to perform______________________

5’ Find an odd word (11points)

  1. develop increase reduce improve

  2. similar same identical different

  3. win fail succeed prosper

  4. wise ignorant experienced clever

  5. hard soft gentle light

  6. determined decisive purposeful weak

  7. chandelier mechanic chaos chemist

  8. trip tour guide journey

  9. large massive giant tiny

  10. marvelous beautiful wonderful miraculous

  11. cunning careful attentive thoughtful

5’ Find an odd word (11points)

  1. develop increase reduce improve

  2. similar same identical different

  3. win fail succeed prosper

  4. wise ignorant experienced clever

  5. hard soft gentle light

  6. determined decisive purposeful weak

  7. chandelier mechanic chaos chemist

  8. trip tour guide journey

  9. large massive giant tiny

  10. marvelous beautiful wonderful miraculous

  11. cunning careful attentive thoughtful

Reading (15points)

5. Read the text below and find the word or phrase that means:

1. a person who looks after animals

2. very sad

3. a large zoo in the country

4. protecting animals

5. a person who visits

6. a person who takes care of nature

7. a point of view

6. Match the beginnings of each sentence with the correct ending.

1. Zoos are important……. when they visit zoos.

2. In zoos, people can see animals…… they will die.

3. Children can learn a lot about animals…… people will stop visiting the zoo.

4. If you send animals back to the wild, …… without travelling abroad.

5. If you take away big animals,…… because they help animal conservation.


7. Do you think it is right to keep animals in zoos? Write the answer and give at least 2 supportive arguments

The Future of Zoos

Last month the senior elephant keeper at

London Zoo, Jim Robson, was killed by one

of the elephants he loved. This was a tragic

death, and it could a big problem for the

future of London Zoo - and maybe for all of

Britain's city zoos. Last week the zoo said

that it will move its three elephants to a wild

animal park outside London. The zoo's

director-general, Michael Dixon, said: "We

are sorry that the elephants are leaving; there

have been elephants in London Zoo since


One newspaper criticised the decision. It said

that although many small animals are very

interesting, most people wanted to see big

animals like lions, tigers, gorillas, giraffes,

pandas, rhinos - and most of all elephants.

London Zoo is not only losing its elephants.

The rhinos will also leave soon and most of

the bears have already gone. Outside the

elephant house at London Zoo, a woman

called Mary said: "I'm in favour of zoos. This

is the only way that young people can see

animals without travelling abroad. Their work

is very important." Zoos are not perfect

places for animals, but they can help

conservation. Children can also learn a lot

about animals when they visit zoos.

Another visitor, a man called Alan, was very

angry. "If we send them back to the wild they

will die. The seals have gone; the bears have

gone; the rhinos and now the elephants are

going; the gorilla will go soon. If you take

away the big animals, people will stop visiting

the zoo. The zoo can survive at the moment

but it won't survive in the future."

Mary Rosevear, director of the Federation of

Zoos, believes that city zoos can survive

without their large animals. "A few years ago

Edinburgh Zoo decided they couldn't keep

elephants any more, but the number of

visitors did not fall. People enjoy seeing

smaller animals too. City zoos must survive."

The actress Virginia McKenna, a famous

conservationist, does not agree with

Rosevear's opinion about city zoos. " This

type of zoo is not right - the animals are just

living museum pieces. Zoos should be places

where people can learn about conservation."

But will people want to visit a conservation

centre if the elephants and rhinos are not

there? "People should learn about smaller

animals too" says McKenna. "Beetles, ants

and bees are very interesting if you

understand their lives and customs. We don't

need elephants to help us learn about insects."

The Guardian Weekly 8-11-2001, page 21(edited)

Курсы повышения квалификации

Теоретические и практические основания методической деятельности преподавателя иностранного языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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Итоговая контрольная работа за курс 7 класса. Учебник Английский в фокусе 7. (48.5 KB)

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