
George Washington

Поурочное планирование по английскому языку для 6 класса по теме "George Washington"


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Қарағанды облысы білім басқармасы

«Қарағанды облыстық тірек-қимыл аппараты зақымдалған балаларға арналған мектеп-интернаты» КММ

Ағылшын тілі

Капарова К.М.

Сабақ жоспары

6 сынып

Тақырып: George Washington

Мақсаты: оқушыларды ағылшын тілінде АҚШтың бірінші президентімен таныстыру; The Past Simple Tense шағын бекіту


білімділік – оқушыларды ағылшын тілінде талдау жасап әңгіме құрастыру үйрету; The Past Simple Tense шағын пайдалана отырып сөйлемдерді құрастыруға үйрету

дамытушылық – оқушылардың сөйлеу,тыңдау, жазу және оқу қабілеттерін дамыту

тәрбиелік – сөйлеу мәдениетін тәрбиелеу, білім алу ынтасын тәрбиелеу

түзету-дамытушылық – оқушылардың ұсақ моториканы, ойлау кабілетін және ықыластылығын дамыту

Сабақтың түрі: жаңа тақырып, бекіту

Әдіс-тәсілдер: 6 сынып оқулығы (Т. Аяпова, З. Әбілдаева), қосымша парақ тапсырмалары, флипчарт, видео



2.Амандасу: Standup! Good afternoon! How are you? Who is duty? Who is absent? What was the home task?

3. Үй тапсырмасын тексеру: learn the words, finish exercise (write), retell one of the texts from copy (orally)

4. Қайталау: The Past Simple Tense

5. Exercise 1: Джордж Вашингтон туралы видео көру: кейін видео бойынша The Past Simple Tense пайдалана отырып сөйлемдерді толтыру (флипчарт және жұмыс дәптерлерінде)

6.Физикалық жаттығу: Jump, jump up high

Lift your hands to the sky

Touch your head and knees and toes

Roll your shoulders right round

Roll your hands and to the ground

Clap, clap, clap

And shout “hurray”

6. Exercise 2 (Джордж Вашингтон туралы видео бойынша диалог құрастыру: оқушылар бір біріне сұрақтар қояды)

7. Exercise 3 (Джордж Вашингтон туралы видео бойынша оқушылар мұғалімнің сұрақтарына жауап береді)

8.Бағалау: оқушылар бір біріне баға қояды

8.Vocabulary: chop down, surveyor, measure, mark off, war, form, tribute, peace, countrymen


10.Үй тапсырмасы: learn the words, Exercise 5-7 pages 78-79 (read, write)

11. Stand up! Lesson is over! Good bye!

The story of George Washington (Every February twenty-second we remember the birthday of George Washington. We call him the father of our country. George Washington was born on a farm in Virginia in 1732. There is a story that young George chopped down a cherry tree. He said to his father I cannot tell a lie. I chopped down your cherry tree. George liked math and numbers. He became a surveyor. He measured farms and marked off roads. George also was a farmer. He had five farms. Each day he visited his farms. During the Revolutionary War George was the leader of America’s army. He won the war at Yorktown Virginia. After the war George and other men wrote a US Constitution. The Constitution formed our country. George Washington was the first president of the United States. His wife Martha was the first lady.George was a good president for eight years. Then George said I'm tired I want to go home. George and Martha went home to Mount Vernon. They lived there for the rest of their life. To honor George Washington: the capital of the United States is named Washington DC the Washington. Monument is a tribute to him. His face is on our quarters and one dollar bills. George Washington was first in war, first in peace and first in a heart of his countrymen.

  1. George Washington ____ (to be) the first president of the United States

  2. George Washington ____ (to be) born on a farm in Virginia in 1732

  3. George ___ (like) math and numbers

  4. He ___ (become) a surveyor

  5. He ___(measure) farms and marked off roads

  6. George also ____ (to be) a farmer

  7. He ___ (have) five farms

  8. He ___ (win) the war at Yorktown Virginia

  9. After the war George and other men ____ (write) a US Constitution

  10. His wife Martha ____ (to be) the first lady

  11. George ___ (say) I'm tired I want to go home

  12. George and Martha ___ (go) home to Mount Vernon

  13. They ___ (live) there for the rest of their life

1.Who was George Washington?

2.Where was he born?

3.When was he born?

4.What is the name of his wife?

5.How long George Washington was a president of the USA?

6.What did he write for the USA?

7.Which thing did form the USA?
8.Today where do we can see him?

9.After being the President where did he and his wife go?

10.What is the name of the War where George Washington won?


  1. They ____ (love) going skiing.

  2. We ___ (become) friends.

  3. He ____ (not/buy) a computer.

  4. ______ she _____ (learn) English at school?

  5. I _____ (want) to have a holiday last June.

  6. Where ____ he ____ (go) last night?

  7. The train ____ (not/move) until 2 o’clock.

  8. She ____ (leave) the book on the table.

  9. When ____ you _____ (do) your homework?

  10. I _____ (study) Italian in Rome.


  1. She worked at school.

She _____ (not/work ) at school.

____ she ___ (work) at school?

  1. You bought a computer.

You ____ (not/buy) a computer.

____ you ____ (buy) a computer?

  1. They went to the cinema.

They ____ (go) to the cinema.

____ they ____ (go) to the cinema?


  1. We worked/works in Madrid last month.

  2. Did he lived /live with his parents in 2010?

  3. She goes/ went to the cinema last weekend.

  4. We didn’t met/meet them at the station.

  5. Did they came/ come on Sunday?

  6. I didn’t moved/ move to Astana with him.

  7. They did have/ had a good time.

  8. It be/was hot yesterday.

  9. We be/were at the cinema last Saturday.

  10. Be /Was Ann at the school?

1.Who was George Washington?

2.Where was he born?

3.When was he born?

4.What is the name of his wife?

5.How long George Washington was a president of the USA?

6.What did he write for the USA?

7.Which thing did form the USA?

8.Today where do we can see him?

9.After being the President where did he and his wife go?

10.What is the name of the War where George Washington won?

Курсы повышения квалификации

Организация и сопровождение олимпиадной деятельности учащихся

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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