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1) The continental U. S. is divided into how many time zones? (four)
2) Which American state was the last to acquire "state" status? (Hawaii)
3) Which city in the state of Florida has the same name as a Russian city? (St. Petersburg)
4) In which city and state is Disney World located? (in Orlando, Florida)
5) Name the lowest spot in the continental U. S. (Death Valley, California)
1) Who were the "Blues" and who were the "Greys" during the American Civil War? (the "Blues" were the North (Union), the "Greys" were the South (Confederacy)
2) What is the name of the American naval base that the Japanese attacked on December 7, 1941? In which state is it located? (Pearl Harbor, Hawaii)
3) Which American President attended the Potsdam Conference? (Harry Truman)
4) Which American astronaut first stepped on the surface of the Moon and what was the year? What was the name of his spaceship? (Neil Armstrong; 1969; Apollo 11)
5) Which country presented the U.S. with the Statue of Liberty? What was the occasion? (France; the 100-year anniversary of the Franco-American alliance during the American War of Independence)
1) Which 19th-century American writer is said to be the founder of the detective genre? (Edgar A. Poe)
2) What is the name of the awards given to the best movie actors and actresses each year in the U. S.? (Oscars, or Academy Awards)
3) During which periods in American history was the novel "Gone with the Wind" set? (the Civil War and Reconstruction)
4) Which famous American document begins with the words, "We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union..."? (the Constitution of the United States)
5) Name the largest library in the U. S. (the Library of Congress)
1) In which famous place do people in New York City celebrate New Year's Day? (in Times Square)
2) What are the ingredients of a traditional American Thanksgiving dinner? (turkey, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie)
3) Which American rock-and-roll star lived in Memphis, Tennessee? (Elvis Presley)
4) Which American silent-movie star is called the "Little Tramp"? (Charlie Chaplin)
5) What monument in Washington, D. C., dedicated to an American President, is nicknamed "The Pencil"? (Washington Monument)
1) Which sport is considered to be the national pastime of America? (baseball)
2) In 1932 the first International organization of this kind of sport (FIBA) was formed in the USA. Now it has more than 18 countries-members. (basketball)
3) His words “Float (fly) like a butterfly, sting like a bee” were mentioned in numerous films. This sportsman was the most famous American boxer of the 1960s-1970s. (Muhammad Ali)
4) He is the best basketball player of all time, and his impact on the Chicago Bulls during the 1990s tells the story. (Michael Jordan)
5) This famous Russian sportsman was born in Minsk, but he played 12 seasons in NHL and has a nickname “Russian rocket”. (Pavel Bure)
Guess the person.
Right order.
1. Put all these English-speaking countries from the smallest to the largest one:
a) Canada;
a) Great Britain;
b) Australia;
c) The USA.
2. Put these presidents in order according to their periods of ruling beginning with the earliest one:
a) Bill Clinton;
a) Ronald Reagan;
b) George Washington;
c) Abraham Lincoln.
3. Put these American states in order according to their territory beginning with the smallest one:
a) Texas;
a) Alaska;
b) Rhode Island;
c) Georgia.
4. Name the famous actors who played in these films: “Titanic”, “Gone with the wind”, “Terminator”, “The bodyguard”.
a) Kevin Costner;
a) Arnold Schwarzenneger;
b) Leonardo di Caprio;
c) Clark Gable.
5. Put these the USA rivers in order from the longest to the shortest one.
a) Yukon;
b) Missouri;
c) Rio Grande;
d) Mississippi.
1. b) Great Britain, c) Australia, d) the USA, a) Canada
2. c) George Washington, d) Abraham Lincoln, b) Ronald Reagan, a) Bill Clinton.
3. c) Rhode Island, d) Georgia, a) Texas, b) Alaska.
4. c) Leonardo di Caprio, d) Clark Gable, b) Arnold Schwarzenneger, a) Kevin Costner.
a) Missouri; b) Mississippi; c) Yukon; d) Rio Grande