Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Уроки  /  11 класс  /  Advertising and shopping

Advertising and shopping


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Lesson plan



By Suleymanova Iroda Jabborovna
Advertising and shopping


Date_____ Form_____ Subject: English

Theme: Advertising and shopping


Educational:-to learn about advertising and shopping; types of advertisement

Developing: - to practise listening for the main ideas and for specific information.

-topractisereading and speaking skills

Socio-cultural: -to raise awareness of different cultures

Up bringing: - to enrich pupils’ knowledge of our tradition and nation

Learning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about advertising and shopping; types of advertisement; marketing and economy; use academic vocabulary; understand advertising slogans

Competence: SC1, FLCC, and PC

Type of the lesson: Mixed, group work, pair-work, individual work

Method of the lesson: nontraditional, mixed

Equipment of the lesson:Textbook “English 11”, pictures, internet, computers, projector


Part of the lesson






-to greet pupils.

- to check up the register

5 min


Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. – to ask words from previous lesson

5 min


Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme

20 min


Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme.

10 min



- To mark pupils

5 min



- Giving homework.

Procedure of the lesson:

I. Organizing moment: Motivation,Greeting, checking attendance, season, weather, checking the preparation for the lesson.

- Check for homework given on past lesson.

- Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.

II. Pre-activity:

Activity 1. Complete the table with the words in the box.

Answer key: 1. contrast clause 2. reason clause 3. so that 4. time clause 5. Unless 6.and7. but 8. neither...nor

III. Main part

Activity 2. Rewrite the sentences using coordinative conjunctions.

1. He started his own business because he wanted to earn much more money. (so)

2. Unless you advertise your product, you can’t sell it. (or)

3. Both Radio advertising and Television advertising are effective ways of making your product popular. (and)

4. Although we looked everywhere, we couldn’t fi nd the latest album of that band. (but)

5. He doesn’t like chocolate and ice-cream. (neither/nor)

Answer key: 1. He wanted to earn much money so he started his own business. 2. Advertise your product or you can’t sell it. 3. Radio and TV advertising are effective ways of making your products popular. 4. We looked everywhere, but we couldn't find the latest album of that band. 5. He likes neither chocolate nor ice-cream.

Activity 3 Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.

Dear Gulnoza,

It is good that you emailed me fi rst for consultation about the jobs that you are planning to apply for 1) ............ there are details that might not be included in the advertisements. I have called each of the companies and there are a few additional things you may need to take into consideration. 2) ............ you are interested in being a graphic designer, you have to know how to organise advertising, design television adverts and create posters in order to be eligible for the job. 3) ............ the job can be tiring, you can actually work at home. Working as a chef requires you to work from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., 4) ...........working as a receptionist needs you to work from 8.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Even though both jobs are within office hour, you only need to work from Wednesday to Sunday as a chef and during weekend shifts as a receptionist. If you choose to be a tour guide, you will be able to travel everywhere across the country since you will have to take lots of tourists to visit various tourism spots. Interestingly, you will have flexible working hours as a teacher, 5) ............ you must have a university degree 6) ............ teaching experience in order to be eligible to apply. You should also consider working as a TV host especially when the salary is 15 000 soums per year. I hope this information helps you to decide which you would like to apply for. If there is anything, you can just email me and I will be happy to reply. I wish you all the best.

Kind Regards, Rashid Akromov Employment Agent

Answer key: 1. Because 2. If 3. Although 4.While 5. But 6. And

Activity 4.Word building. Complete the table.

Activity 5 Customer review. Correct the wrong word forms in bold.

Great quality By: Rashid

I had never worn any hiking boots before until two weeks ago when my friends and I decided to climb Mount Kinabalu. I am glad that I bought these boots because they really helped me to climb over 1) rock hills and walk on rough terrain. Although Mountain Hikers are more expensive (110$) than Rain Forest Explorers (95$), the boots are really 2) comfort and water resistant. Rain Forest Explorers are lighter and less expensive. Those who love hiking and jungle-trekking should buy at least one pair of these boots.

Answer key :

1. Rocky 2. Comfortable 3. Resistant 4. Fashionable 5. Quality 6. Stylish

Activity 6. Match the advertising slogans with the photos.

Answer key: l.D 2.B 3.C 4.A

IV. Post-activity

Activity 7. Pairwork. Make a suggestion on one product from exercise 6 that you would recommend for your pair to buy.

e.g. You can use these shoes for any event: formal dinners, sports competitions, parties.

V. Homework

Make a list of vocabulary which you have learned today.Write a review of a product which you have bought recently.

In your review write ...

where you bought a product

when you bought a product

what brand a product was

why you bought it

VI. Evaluation

Giving marks according to pupils participation to the lesson

Deputy director on educational affairs: _________ Signature: __________

Курсы повышения квалификации

Профессиональная компетентность педагогов в условиях внедрения ФГОС

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
1000 руб.
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