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A technology of developing student interestsinto national sport (on the example of secondary schools)

ABSTRACT The following article deals with the main approaches of improving the management of the physical culture and sports complex of the region. The great importance of issues in the development of physical culture, sports and a healthy lifestyle is noted.

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Rakhmatov Otabek Urinbosarovich*
*Teacher,Department "Inter-Faculty Physical Education",
Physical Education Faculty, Navai State Pedagogical Institute, UZBEKISTAN

The following article deals with the main approaches of improving the management of the physical culture and sports complex of the region. The great importance of issues in the development of physical culture, sports and a healthy lifestyle is noted.

KEYWORDS: Sport, Physical Education, Health, Region, Management
INTRODUCTION In the modern world, we can observe increasing of economic and political functions of the sphere of physical culture and sports along with its social significance. The development of the sport and sport complexes has a positive effect on all spheres of society, increasing human
potential and human creating additional factors for successful socio-economic development. In this regard, it becomes especially important to improve the existing approaches to the management of the sport complexes. There are a number of problems in the development of physical education and sports:
insufficient involvement of the population in systematic physical education;
insufficient development of the material base and infrastructure of physical education and sports, as well as its moral sides;

insufficient number of professional coaching staff;

loss of traditions of popular mass sports;

the absence at the state level of active promotion of physical education and sports as an integral

part of a healthy lifestyle, including concern for the health of the future generation;

gaps in the interaction of executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Republic of Uzbekistan with public sports organizations in the field of physical education and sports. The development of the sphere of physical culture and sports has directions of propaganda. Propaganda is various forms (oral, printed, visual, etc.) of the dissemination and clarification of ideas, teachings, views, theories, affecting the consciousness and mood of a wide range of people.
Advocacy of physical education implies purposeful activities to disseminate knowledge in the field of physical education and sports, as well as familiarizing the population with systematic physical education and sports as maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
An important role in its successful achievement of the main objectives of propaganda is played by the correct formulation of advocacy work.
For this, it is imperative to increase the level of physical education of the population; education of the need for the approval of a healthy lifestyle, the use of physical culture in the mode of work and rest. The expression “Healthy lifestyle” includes conditions such as:

regular physical education (training);

rejection of bad habits and addictions;

balanced nutrition;

compliance with the daily routine;

a rational combination of physical activity with intellectual work;
conducting classes in clean areas (on themountain, park, on the bank of the river, etc.).
In other words, physical education does not guarantee positive results if any of these conditions are not met. Only compliance with an integrated approach to the implementation of all the principles of a healthy lifestyle entails the acquisition of moral and physical comfort. Human health implies a state of his physical, mental and social comfort. Thus, physical education is only one of the sides of the process of education of a harmoniously developed personality, which should occupy a rather significant part in the schedule of the daily routine of a
modern person. An important factor in a healthy lifestyle is the implementation and compliance with medical recommendations for various diseases. A total denial of the achievements of modern medicine and a fascination with the so-called "folk remedies" can cause irreparable harm to the body. In our modern period of time, this problem has become more urgent, as the number of "office"
workers who lead a sedentary lifestyle has increased. These people spend the whole day in a stuffy room and confined space, often in a state of high stress, and also travel by personal or business vehicles (all this contributes to the development of physical inactivity and chronic hypoxia in combination with unstable blood pressure and high liability of the nervous system). Even a passion for fitness and visiting the gym after the end of the working day amid
professional fatigue does not alleviate the problem - such non-systematized loads only aggravate chronic fatigue syndrome, which leads to a negative effect.

Physical education and sport are one of the main areas of satisfying a person’s vital needs in physical activities for ensuring the harmonious formation of personality. The concepts of “Healthy lifestyle” and “Physical culture” are organically united in their humanistic orientation and are focused on the physical development and physical fitness of a particular person. Physical culture creates the necessary requisites and conditions for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, an
essential component of which is the organization of motor activity. Maintaining the body in a constant tone helps to increase working capacity, creative activity, physical improvement, maintaining health and longevity. Many years of experience of conducting socially-targeted actions have shown that to ensure the
effectiveness of ongoing programs for a healthy lifestyle, it is not enough just to organize oneday sports events. It is necessary to involve all levels of working with the population and youth, starting from pre-school and schools ending with the formation of a system of information, scientific and methodological support for activities aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle, physical education and sports.
Such events can solve several problems at the same time - identifying problems in the corresponding direction of work; generalization and discussion of the results of the work done; use of positive experience in the implementation of projects, including pilot ones; identification of ways to increase the effectiveness of promotion of physical education, sports and healthy lifestyles.
The regional information base will allow using the methods of statistical analysis, to carry out mass operational control of the physical condition of the entire student body and, on this basis, using methods of multifactor mathematical modeling and forecasting, to organize effective management of the entire physical training system in the don region:

- a research unit is attracting scientific personnel from the region will provide ample opportunities for the development of innovative technologies in the field of physical health and sports activities of children and youth, and in general in the field of health protection of the younger generation;

- Consultation unit is organizing of a telephone consultation service on issues of physical education, sports and a healthy lifestyle;

- information block is organization and holding of seminars, workshops, conferences, trainings, events, development of the center’s website (which will include promotional videos, information cards, scientific articles on physical education, sports and healthy lifestyles, addresses of sports sections and places of family leisure, announcements and results of events);

- crisis block is the organization of a helpdesk, helpline, counseling psychologist (in particular, for people with all kinds of addictions). We should especially note the promotion of physical education, sports and a healthy lifestyle
among children and adolescents. Children are the future of each country, which is why physical development, physical fitness and the health status of children and adolescents are especially important. They are the most inspired audience, in which life values and attitudes, lifestyle, are only being formed. Every day, every child is permeated with contradictions, he is influenced by peers, friends, the media, parents and preschool and school institutions have a special influence,
since they are the most important institutions of socialization. Children, often in such an environment when they are evaluated only from the point of view of the grades they receive at school are rarely aware of the fact that good health, self-confidence, and the ability to experience failures and determination are very important for self-realization and responsibility for their actions and decisions, and not just knowledge of economics and computer technology. And all
this despite the fact that school grades do not fully reveal the intellectual potential of the child, not to mention the creative and sports potential. It is very important to form the image of a successful person in children - a healthy, physically developed, purposeful, independent, and self-confident. It must be admitted that today in our schools, there is lack of full-fledged lessons in physical education, where physical education of schoolchildren go in parallel and simultaneously. There is physical education, where the efforts of the physical education teacher
are more focused on preparing students for the implementation of certain standards of physical fitness. For example, there are such school risk factors that negatively affect the growth, development and health of children:

1. Stressful teaching practice;

2. The intensification of the educational process;

3. Inconsistency of teaching methods and technologies with the age and functional capabilities of schoolchildren;

4. Premature start of systematic pre-school education;

5. Non-compliance with physiological and hygienic requirements for the organization of the educational process;

6. Functional illiteracy of the teacher in matters of protection and promotion of health;
7. Massive illiteracy of parents in matters of improving children's health;
8. Failures in the existing system of physical education.

In the system of physical education, it is necessary to revise both the structure of the school lesson and the curriculum, giving priority to athletics, swimming, game sports, and fitness. Children will enjoy basketball, volleyball, soccer, aerobics or fitness, hiking, sports dancing and hockey.Today in schools, the number of children exempted from physical education classes at school reaches 40%. Meanwhile, physical education experts believe that there should be no
children exempted from physical education at school - everyone should engage in physical education and sports. Physical education should be appropriate for the age of a human and functional characteristics of students (these include the level of individual health, physical development, physical fitness).
This is especially true for children with poor health. However, school physical education classes give the necessary effect only in the case of three to four times a week per week if the physical education teacher observes an individual approach.
Physical culture and sport, as the institutions of socialization can really have a serious impact on the general process of forming a child as a self-sufficient, independent, athletically educated, holistic, harmonious person with national identity, character and will, with a creative approach and disinterested patriotism.

To preserve and strengthen the health of young people, it is very important to have a medical and pedagogical focus on sports training in school and high school. In this regard, it is necessary to expand the centralized system of continuing sports education, including training and advanced retraining for university trainers, Olympic trainers, sports judges, physical education teachers
who can educate and train competently, and to heal children and adolescents.
So, the promotion of physical, culture, sports and healthy lifestyles must stay in the first place. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the development of mass physical culture, and the sport of higher achievements, and the conduct of socially significant propaganda events. The development and support of mass, accessible sports should be a priority, since mass physical
culture contributes to improving the health of citizens and the quality of life, stabilizing civil society, spiritual and physical recovery of youth, and preventing deviant social behavior. The big sport also has the opportunities for agitation and propaganda that need to be realized: representatives of the highest achievements of sport, who are known not only in their own country, but also abroad, due to the interest in them from the media can influence on the formation of public opinions and to be interested in sport.

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