
Talking about jobs

Урок 9. Английский язык 4 класс ФГОС

В ходе данного урока Бобби, Мобби, Тобби и Меган познакомятся со своими двойниками в параллельном мире. Двойники расскажут главным героям, чем они занимаются и какая у них профессия. Таким образом, с помощью данного видеоурока учащиеся узнают о различных профессиях, а также смогут выучить новые слова, которые сопровождаются яркими примерами для лучшего запоминания.
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Конспект урока "Talking about jobs"

Hello, boys and girls! My name is Bobby.

And my name is Tobby. This is our friend Mobby.

And don’t forget about Megan. She is also here with us today.

Welcome to our lesson.

Today in the lesson we will:

learn new words;


talk about jobs.

Before we start talking about jobs, we would like to tell you about one strange story that happened to us yesterday.

It happened at school.

We met Mrs. Collins during the break. She is our librarian.

Mrs. Collins asked us to help her in the library after the lessons.

Of course, we agreed!

So when the lessons were over, we went straight to the library.

Hello. Is anybody here?

Oh, yes. I’m here! I’m so glad you came.

Mrs. Collins, what kind of help do you need?

Oh, I need to put the books in the alphabetical order. Could you do that for me?

Sure! No problem!

After that Mrs. Collins left the library.

Guys, let’s start with the bookshelves which are in the back.

Sure, Megan. Why not?!

The four of them went straight. Then they decided to turn right.

Guys, look! There is a door in the wall.

How do you think what’s behind this door?

After Megan’s words the door opened.

The four of them went inside. When they did that, they saw a white room with 6 doors of different colours. They came closer to the first door.

Boys, look! There is a riddle on the door.

What does it say?

I mix ingredients and bake bread.

Who am I?

Guys, do you know the answer?

It’s a baker.

Boys, how do you think what’s behind this door?

I don’t know and I’m afraid to go inside.

Yeah, me too.

All right! I’ll go alone.

Bobby went inside and appeared near the bakery.

Oh, hello there!

Hi! Wait! You look just like me. How is that possible?

We are just in the parallel world. Here you are a baker.

Sounds interesting! And what do the bakers do?

A baker is a person who mixes the ingredients to bake bread, cakes, pies, biscuits and so on. After that bakers sell them to different people. The place where they work is called a bakery.

Guys, you won’t believe me, but I saw me in the parallel word. I was a baker there.

No, we don’t believe you. It’s not possible.

Okay, whatever! Let’s see what is written on the second door.

The four of them came closer.

Boys, look! It’s also a riddle!

I sell vegetables and fruit to people.

Who am I?

Do you know the answer?

It’s a greengrocer.

Who wants to walk through this door?

Not me.

And not me.

Okay! I’ll go again!

Bobby went inside the door and appeared near the greengrocer’s.

Hi, Bobby!

Hi. Who are you?

I’m you in the parallel world. And here you are a greengrocer.

And what does a greengrocer do?

A greengrocer is a person who sells vegetables and fruit such as tomatoes, potatoes, bananas, apples and so on. The fruit and vegetables greengrocers sell are always fresh. The place where they work is called a greengrocer’s.

Wow! That is so cool! This time I was a greengrocer.

Bobby, are you serious?

Yes, I am.

Okay. Can I go through the door this time?

Yes, Mobby, of course, but first let’s see what is written on the third door.

Megan and the boys came closer.

Look! There is another riddle!

I fix cars if they are broken.

Who am I?

Do you know the answer?

It’s a mechanic.

All right, Mobby. Go inside and you’ll see that I wasn’t lying.

Mobby went inside the door and appeared near the garage.

Hi, Mobby!

Oh my God! It’s true! You look just like me.

Yes, I am you! In this world you are a mechanic.

And what exactly does a mechanic do?

A mechanic is a person who fixes different automobiles if they are broken. Mechanics also fix big cars such as lorries. The place where they work is called a garage.

Wow! That was so cool! I was a mechanic there.

See? I wasn’t lying to you.

Yes, it’s true! Guys, let’s see what is written on the fourth door.

The boys and Megan came closer.

It’s also a riddle!

I take letters to people’s houses.

Who am I?

Do you know the answer?

It’s a postman.

Okay. Who will go inside this time?

Can I go again?

Sure. Why not?!

Mobby went inside the door and appeared near the post office.

Hi, Mobby!

Hi. Am I a postman here?

That’s right! Do you want to know what postmen do?

Yes, of course.

A postman is a person who carries a big bag full of letters, newspapers and magazines. Postmen usually take them to people’s houses. The place where they work is called a post office.

Tobby, Megan, you have to go inside next time!

All right, but first let’s see what is written on the fifth door.

They came closer to the fifth door.

Look! Another riddle!

I serve food to people.

Who am I?

Guys, do you know the answer?

It’s a waiter.

Tobby, do you want to go inside?

Not really, but okay. I’ll go this time.

Tobby went inside the door and appeared near the restaurant.

Hello, Tobby!

Oh, wow! You look just like me!

Yes, and you are a waiter in this world.

Oh, sounds interesting, but what exactly does a waiter do?

A waiter is a person who serves food and drinks to people. Waiters usually wear a uniform. They work in the restaurants or in the cafes.

Guys, it’s unbelievable. Megan, you have to go inside the last door.

Okay, but first let’s see what is written on it.

The four of them came closer to the last door.

It’s also a riddle.

I help the doctor.

Who am I?

Do you know the answer?

It’s a nurse.

Well, Megan, go inside!

Megan went inside the door and appeared in the hospital.

Hello, Megan!

Oh, I can’t believe that! Let me guess. In this world I’m a nurse. Am I right?

Oh, yes, you are. Do you want to know what nurses usually do?

Yes, I do.

A nurse is a person who helps the doctor to treat sick people. Nurses usually wear a white uniform. They usually work in the hospital.

Guys, it was amazing!

Yeah, I agree! And now we know about six different jobs.

I also liked everything, but we need to go back to the library.

Right! We promised to help Mrs. Collins.

Okay, let’s go.

The four of them left the room and appeared in the library.

They put the books into the right places. After that they left the library and went home.

That’s all for today, boys and girls.

See you soon.


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