
Adverbs of frequency

Урок 10. Английский язык 4 класс ФГОС

С помощью данного урока ребята узнают о таких наречиях частоты, как всегда, обычно, иногда и никогда. В конце видеоурока учащимся предоставится возможность проверить полученные знания на практике.
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Конспект урока "Adverbs of frequency"

Hello, boys and girls! My name is Bobby.

And my name is Tobby. This is our friend Mobby.

Welcome to our lesson.

Today we have a guest. It’s Alex.

Hello, guys!

Alex wants to tell us about one unusual story that happened to him two days ago.

Listen to the story and you’ll guess the topic of our lesson today.

Well… It was Friday. On that day I had only 5 lessons. When the lessons were over, I went home. I usually walk through the park, but on that day, I decided to walk through the forest. I was going home when suddenly I saw four unknown creatures. At first, I was afraid, but then I decided to talk to them.

Hello, dear friends.





Excuse me, but who are you? Are you cats?

No, we aren’t!

Are you foxes?

No, we aren’t!

Who are you then?

We are adverbs of frequency.

Now I think you understand that today in the lesson we will:

talk about adverbs of frequency;


put the knowledge into practice.

Alex, continue your story, please.


We are adverbs of frequency.

Oh, sounds interesting! But I don’t really understand what that means.

Don’t worry. We will tell you everything.

Adverbs that change the meaning of a sentence by telling us how often something happens are defined as adverbs of frequency.

They are translated as “наречия частоты” or “наречия частотности”.

Adverbs of frequency are used to answer the following questions:

How often?


 How frequently?

(They both are translated as “Как часто? С какой периодичностью?”).

Thank you! Now I know who you are.

We are glad to hear that! But who are you?

Oh, I’m so sorry. I forgot to introduce myself to you. My name is Alex. And what are your names?

My name is Always. I’m translated as “всегда”.

My name is Usually. I’m translated as “обычно”.

My name is Sometimes. I’m translated as “иногда”.

And my name is Never. I’m translated as “никогда”.

Wow! Your names are so unusual! Why do you have such names?

Well… My name is Always because…

I always watch TV in the evening.

Я всегда смотрю телевизор по вечерам.

I always drink coffee in the morning.

Я всегда пью кофе по утрам.

I always get up at 7 o’clock.

Я всегда встаю в 7 часов.


I always eat soup for lunch.

Я всегда ем суп на обед.

Oh, I see. What about you, Usually? Why do you have such an unusual name?

Well… My name is Usually because…

I usually watch TV in the evening but not always.

Я обычно смотрю телевизор по вечерам, но не всегда.

I usually drink coffee in the morning.

Я обычно пью кофе по утрам.

I usually get up at 7 o’clock.

Я обычно встаю в 7 часов.


I usually eat soup for lunch.

Я обычно ем суп на обед.

Oh, now I understand! What about you, Sometimes? Why do you have such a name?

Well… My name is Sometimes because…

I sometimes watch TV in the evening.

Я иногда смотрю телевизор по вечерам.

I sometimes drink coffee in the morning when I need to wake up quickly.

Я иногда пью кофе по утрам, когда мне нужно быстро проснуться.

I sometimes get up at 7 o’clock, but it’s not easy for me to do that every day.

Я иногда встаю в 7 часов, но мне нелегко делать это каждый день.


I sometimes eat soup for lunch.

Я иногда ем суп на обед.

Oh, I see. And what about you, Never? Why do you have such an unusual name?

Well… My name is Never because…

I never watch TV in the evening, because it’s bad for my eyes.

Я никогда не смотрю телевизор по вечерам, потому что это вредно для моих глаз.

I never drink coffee in the morning, because I like drinking tea at this time of the day.

Я никогда не пью кофе утром, потому что я люблю пить чай в это время суток.

I never get up at 7 o’clock, because it’s too early for me.

Я никогда не встаю в 7 часов, потому что для меня это слишком рано.


I never eat soup for lunch.

Я никогда не ем суп на обед.

Thank you, guys. Now I know why you have such unusual names.

You’re welcome.

By the way, I’m glad to meet all of you!

We are glad to meet you too, Alex!

Boys and girls, now you know about such adverbs of frequency as always, usually, sometimes and never.

But do you know where we need to put them in the sentences?

If you don’t know, don’t worry. We will tell you!

When we form sentences, we usually put the adverbs of frequency in the middle of the sentence, between the subject and the main verb.

For example:

Archie always sleeps at night.

Coco usually does his homework after the lessons.

Marry sometimes goes to the cinema.


Oscar never reads historical books with his brothers.

Guys, we’ve told you everything about the adverbs of frequency.

Now we would like to check your knowledge.

Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

Felix and Tyler … late on Sundays.

And the variants are:

get up usually

get usually up

usually get up

Let’s check.

The right answer is c.

Mike is … late for work.

And the variants are:





Check yourselves.

The right answer is a.

Nick … listens to classical music, but he likes rock music more.

And the variants are:





Let’s check.

The right answer is d.

Mrs. Philips … smiles.

And the variants are:





Check yourselves.

The right answer is b.


Megan … drinks orange juice.

And the variants are:





Let’s check.

The right answer is d.

Well done, boys and girls!

That’s all for today.

See you soon.


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