
Talking about countries. Part 2

Урок 35. Английский язык 4 класс ФГОС

Данный урок познакомит ребят с такими замечательными странами, как Испания, Польша, Португалия и Греция. Также учащиеся повторят слова, которые понадобятся им для понимания информации. Ребята узнают, как выглядит флаг и герб этих стран. Также главные герои расскажут учащимся, чем славится Испания, Польша, Португалия и Греция.
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Конспект урока "Talking about countries. Part 2"

Hello, boys and girls! My name is Bobby.

And my name is Tobby. This is our friend Mobby.

Welcome to our lesson.

Today we have a guest.

It’s Lily.

Hello, everyone! Guys, you know that I like travelling to different countries. Right?

Yes, we know that!

And today I came to you, because…

Wait! Let me guess! You came, because you want to hear about other countries. Am I right?

Ha-ha. Yes, you are absolutely right!

Well, in this case, it’s your lucky day!

Yeah! We are free today, so we can tell you about some countries, which are popular among visitors.

Oh, really?

Yes, of course, Lily!

Oh, I’m so happy! Guys, thank you so much! You are so kind!

Oh, come on, Lily! It’s our pleasure!

All right! Let’s start.

So today in the lesson we will:

learn new words;


talk about countries.

First of all, we have to mention that there are lots of wonderful countries in the world.

Yeah! I totally agree with you!

Great! Now, Lily, look at the pictures!

This will help you to guess what countries we are going to talk about today.

Lily, can you name these countries?

Yes, of course. This is Spain.

Here we see Poland.

On this picture we can see Portugal.

And this is Greece.

Well done! Lily, you are so clever.

Oh, thank you so much.

All right! Now we will tell you more about these four countries.

But before we do that, let’s revise some words.

You will need these words to understand the information.

And the words are:


The translation is “символ”.


The translation is “герб”.


The translation is “флаг”.


The translation is “столица”.


The translation is “площадь”.



The translation is “население”.

Now listen and repeat after me.







Great! Now let’s start.

First of all, we will tell you about the area of these four countries.

Look at the map, please!

Here we can see that Spain has the biggest area among these countries. The total area of Spain is around 506 thousand square kilometers.

The second largest country by area is Poland.

Greece takes the third place.

And the smallest country by area among these countries is Portugal. Its total area is around 92 thousand square kilometers.

Oh, guys, thank you! Now I know about the area of these four countries.

Great! Now we will tell you about their population.

Look at the map again, please!

Here you can see that Spain has the biggest population. Around 47 million people live there.

The second largest country by population among these countries is Poland.

Greece takes the third place.

And the smallest country by population among these countries is Portugal. Its population is around 10 million people.

Cool! This information was so interesting!

We are glad to hear that, Lily!

Guys, could you tell me more about each of these four countries now?

Yes, of course. Let’s start with Spain.

Spain is translated as “Испания”. The capital of Spain is Madrid.

Now look! This is the Spanish flag and emblem.

The emblem of Spain is composed of six other emblems, including those of Aragon, the House of Bourbon, Castile, Granada, Leon and Navarre. There are the Pillars of Hercules on each side of the emblem. And on the top, we can see the royal crown of Spain.

The symbol of Spain is the Spanish bull. The bullfighting is very popular in this country.

The other symbol of Spain is the flamenco. It’s the common name for the dance and the song. Flamenco is sung and played by seated musicians while the dancers move to the rhythm of the guitar.

Now let’s talk about Poland.

Poland is translated as “Польша”. The capital of Poland is Warsaw.

Now look! This is the Polish flag and emblem. On the emblem we can see the white eagle with its wings spread out. This eagle has a golden beak and a crown. And it’s the symbol of the country.

The national animal of Poland is the European bison. The first European bison were released into the wild in Belovezhskaya Pushcha back in 1929. As a result, now the forest is home to these large animals. 

Poland is also known for its delicious food. Polish food is generally rich and meaty, so if you want to enjoy delicious Polish dishes, you should forget about the calories for a moment!

Now we will talk about Greece.

Greece is translated as “Греция”. The capital of Greece is Athens.

Now look at the screen! This is the flag and emblem of Greece. On the emblem we can see the white cross on a blue shield, surrounded by two laurel branches.

The national tree of Greece is the olive tree. These trees serve as an important ingredient of the Greeks’ diet.

The national animal of Greece is the dolphin. It’s considered to be very intelligent creature that’s why killing this animal is highly forbidden.

The national bird of Greece is the owl. In Greek mythology, a little owl traditionally represents Athena – the goddess of wisdom.

And the last country we will talk about today is Portugal.

Portugal is translated as “Португалия”. The capital of Portugal is Lisbon.

Now look! This is the flag and emblem of Portugal. On the emblem we can see the shield which consists of seven golden castles. Behind the shield there is a sphere.

The national flower of Portugal is the Lavender. This flower can be used to treat the bug bites and the minimal burns. Moreover, Lavender is used to treat the depression and insomnia.

The national animal is the Iberian wolf. These wolves are really strong, that’s why long time ago they were used in the wars.

Guys, your lesson was so interesting!

Oh, we are glad to hear that!

Thank you so much!

You’re welcome!

Now I have to go! Bye, boys!

Bye, Lily.

That’s all for today, our dear friends.

See you soon.


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