
Talking about countries. Part 1

Урок 34. Английский язык 4 класс ФГОС

В ходе данного урока ребята узнают о таких чудесных странах, как Турция, Италия, Мексика и Россия. Также учащиеся выучат новые слова, которые понадобятся им для понимания информации. Из этого урока ребята узнают, какая самая маленькая страна по площади и населению среди этих 4 стран, а какая самая большая.
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Конспект урока "Talking about countries. Part 1"

Hello, boys and girls! My name is Bobby.

And my name is Tobby. This is our friend Mobby.

Welcome to our lesson.

Today we have a guest.

It’s Lily.

Hello, everyone!

Lily likes travelling to different countries.

Yes, it’s true! And I’ve already visited all the countries you told me about the previous time.

Oh, that’s great!

We are so happy for you!

Oh, thank you, boys! But now I don’t know where else to go!

Lily, don’t be sad!

Do you want us to tell you about other countries which you can visit?

I do, boys, but if you’re not so busy!

Oh, no! We have a lot of free time today!

That’s right! And we can tell you about some countries which are popular among visitors.

Oh, thank you so much, boys! I can’t wait to hear about them.

All right! Let’s start.

So today in the lesson we will:

learn new words;


talk about countries.

First of all, we should mention that there are lots of beautiful countries in the world.

Now, Lily, look at the pictures, please.

This will help you to guess what countries we are going to talk about today.

Lily, can you name these countries?

Yes, of course. This is Turkey.

Here we see Italy.

On this picture we can see Mexico.

And this is Russia.

Well done! Lily, you are so clever.

Oh, thank you so much.

All right. Now we will tell you about all these countries in detail.

But before that we need to learn some new words and revise the old ones.

You will need these words to understand the information.

And the words are:


The translation is “символ”.


The translation is “герб”.


The translation is “флаг”.


The translation is “столица”.


The translation is “площадь”.


The translation is “население”.

Now listen and repeat after me.







Great! Now let’s start.

First of all, we will tell you about the area of all these countries.

Look at the map, please!

Here we can see that Russia has the biggest area. The total area of this country is around 17 million square kilometers.

The 2nd largest country by area among these countries is Mexico.

The 3rd largest country by area is Turkey.

And the smallest country by area among these countries is Italy. Its total area is around 301 thousand square kilometers.

Oh, guys, thank you! Now I know about the area of all these countries.

Great! Now we will tell you about their population.

Look at the map again, please!

Here you can see that Russia has the biggest population. Around 147 million people live there.

The 2nd largest country by population among these countries is Mexico.

The 3rd largest country by population is Turkey.

And the smallest country by population among these countries is Italy. Its population is around 60 million people.

Cool! This information was so interesting!

We are glad to hear that, Lily!

Guys, could you tell me more about each of these countries, please?

Yes, of course. Let’s start with Russia.

Russia is translated as “Россия”. The capital of Russia is Moscow.

Now look! This is the Russian flag and emblem. On the emblem we can see the double-headed eagle and the rider on the central shield.

The other symbol of this country is the Russian bear. It’s used in different cartoons, articles and dramatic plays.

We also have to tell you about “matryoshka”. This symbol is not official, but the most famous in Russia. Matryoshka is a set of wooden dolls nested into each other. The painted image on them is often a woman wearing traditional Russian costume decorated with flowers and patterns.

Now let’s talk about Mexico.

Mexico is translated as “Мексика”. The capital of Mexico is Mexico City.

Now look! This is the Mexican flag and emblem. On the emblem we can see the eagle holding a snake in its beak. This eagle stands on a nopal. Nopal is a cactus plant. The eagle and the nopal are the symbols of Mexico.

The other symbol of Mexico is the Mexican hat. It’s called a sombrero. This hat has lots of practical uses. One of them is to hide from the sun.

If we talk about the Mexican food, we have to mention that most of the dishes in Mexico are really spicy. It’s because the Mexican people put the chili pepper in most of their dishes.

The following country we will talk about is Turkey.

Turkey is translated as “Турция”. The capital of Turkey is Ankara.

Now look! It’s the flag of Turkey. This country doesn’t have the official national emblem, but the star and crescent are considered to be the semi-official emblem of Turkey and used on passports, driving licences and so on.

The national animal of Turkey is the grey wolf. It’s considered to be the national animal, because it’s just as unique and beautiful as the people of Turkey.

The national bird of Turkey is the Redwing. It’s called so, because it has a red underwing.

And the last country we will talk about today is Italy.

Italy is translated as “Италия”. The capital of Italy is Rome.

Now look! This is the Italian flag and emblem. On the emblem we can see the white five-pointed star standing between an olive branch and an oak branch.

The symbol of Italy is the cockade. It’s the national ornament of this country.

The strawberry tree is also considered to be the symbol of Italy. It’s the national symbol, because this tree has green leaves, white flowers and red berries. And these colors recall the Italian flag.

And don’t forget about the Italian pizzas. There are all kinds of pizzas in Italy and they are so delicious! The Italian pizzas are famous all around the world.

Lily, that’s all for today!

Guys, your lesson was so interesting and useful for me!

Oh, we are glad to hear that!

Thank you, boys.

No problem!

All right! I have to go now! See you, boys!

See you.

That’s all for today, our dear friends.

See you soon.


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