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Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку для 5 «а» класса. “The 8 of March”


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Внеклассное мероприятие

по английскому языку

для 5 «а» класса.

The 8 of March”

ФИО учителя: Оганнисян Н.Г

Предмет: английский язык

Класс: 5

Дата: 27.02.2023

УМК: “RainbowEnglish” (5 класс) Авторы: О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева

Тема: Празднование 8 марта в английском стиле.

Цель: повышение интереса учащихся к изучению английского языка и к стране изучаемого языка

1. Образовательные:
- расширить лингвистический кругозор и эрудицию учащихся;

2. Практические:
- активизировать и закрепить лексику по темам “School”, “Home”, “Animals”, “Professions”,“Seasons”;
- повторить грамматический материал Present Continuous;

- повысить интерес учащихся к изучению английского языка;
3. Развивающие:

- развитие устной речи учащихся;
- развивать языковую догадку, внимание и логическое мышление;
4. Воспитательные:
- воспитывать умение работать в команде;
- воспитывать чувство взаимопомощи и уважительного отношения к соперникам;

карточки с заданиями, карточки для конкурсов , музыкальное сопровождение, оценочный лист, классная доска.

Ход мероприятия

  • Организационный момент

T: Good morning, dear pupils!

P-s: Good morning, dear teacher!

T: Sit down, please

T: How are you?

P-s: We are fine, and you?

T: I am OK, thanks.

T: What date is it today?

P-s: Today is the 25th of February, Tuesday.

T: What's the weather like?

P-s: It's cold, but sunny. It is not cloudy. …

Spring is coming soon and the spring holiday is on March 8. Women’s Day in Russia is celebrated on March 8th and is also celebrated in many other countries of the world. International Women’s Day has been a national holiday in Russia since 1918. It became a non-labor day in 1965. The holiday of March 8th is often celebrated among family or friends with a festive meal. It is a wonderful day of womanhood, love and flowers.


Children, please answer these questions

Why do we love our mothers?

Who wants you to be happy?

Who wakes you up and kisses you?

Who cooks you breakfast, dinner and supper?

Who helps you?

Who is the best for you?

T: Of course, our mothers! 

2 . Дорогие учителя, наши дети подготовили для вас сценку. Предлагаю насладиться просмотром данного мини-спектакля)

Play (мини-спектакль) Ученики 5 класса.


Ведущий: The hedgehog lived in the forest. Every winter it slept in the hole with his mother. And in spring he woke up and was glad to see the sun.

Ёжик выходит на полянку.

Ёжик: Hello sun! Hello sky! Hello flowers!


Заяц.: Hello hedgehog!

Ёжик:: Hello hare! What is this? (показывает на руки)

Hare: This is the fresh plant for my mother.

Hedgehog: Is it your mother’s birthday today?

Hare: Oh, no. Today it’s mother’s day.

Hedgehog: And what is this -“Mother’s day?”

Hare: This is holiday for all mothers and grandmothers of all universe. And this plant is for her. And what gift will  you present for your mother?

Hedgehog: Oh, I don’t know. I have not any gift.

Hare: Think about it, but I must go, Good bye Hedgehog.

Ведущий: Suddenly, the Hedgehog sees the flowers.(выходятцветы)

Hedgehog: Who are you?

Snowdrop: I am a nice little flower in a white dress. I have no smell. I am a snowdrop.

Hedgehog: And who are you?

Bluebell: I am blue like the sky, and my dress like a bell. I like the sun. I am a bluebell.

Hedgehog: And who are you?

Sunflower: Look at me please. I am like the sun. Me color is yellow, I make the fields yellow.I am very nice as you see.

Flowers: We are nice flowers.

Snowdrop: Who are you?

Hedgehog: I am a hedgehog.

Bluebell: What are you doing here?

Hedgehog: I am looking for the gift for my mother. Today it’s Mother’s day.

Sunflower: Sisters, let’s help him.

(Цветы дают по одному цветку для ежика)

Hedgehog: Thank you, flowers. You are so kind. Now I have the gift for my mother too.

Good bye dear guests!

3.Teacher-  Poems(Дети читают стихи)

 Now our children want to recite poems

P1-Лицо моей мамы

I know a face, a lovely face
As full of beauty as of grace,
A face of pleasure and of smile.
In darkness it gives the light.
A face that is itself like joy,
To see it I’m a happy boy.
And I have a joy that have no other.
This lovely woman is my mother! 

P2-твоя и моя мамы

That is your mother,
I agree, she is fine.
You love your mother,
And I love mine!

P3-Самая лучшая мама

Mom is such a special word

The loveliest I've ever heard

These words to you, above all the rest,

Mom, you're so special,

You are simply the best!

P4-Run little Sun, run
Run to my mum’s arm
Be with my mum, please
Tell her about my love, please.

P5- I wish you a happy

And wonderful day

And tell you my Mommy

Happy mother's day!

4. Teacher  - Задание "Волшебный цветок "- "А magic flower"

На доске для примера нарисован большой цветок с яркими лепестками, на каждом из которых написаны хорошие слова о маме (pretty, kind, smart, beautiful, loving, merry, etc.). Дути, вы уже умеете читать и переводить по – английски.Что зашифровано на лнпестках этой рамашки?

Дети читают и переводят английские описательные прилагательные: beautiful, nice, clever, pretty, kind, smart, loving. Затем составляют с ними короткие предложения о своих мамах. 

P1-My mummy is loving.

P2-My mummy is smart.

P3-My mummy is kind.

P4-My mummy is beautiful.

P5-My mummy is merry.

P6-My mummy is pretty.

5- Текст песни. Пусть всегда будет солнце"на английском языке “May there always be sunshine”.

May there always be sunshine
Bright blue the sky.
Sun up on high—

That was the little boy's picture
He drew for you
Wrote for you, too
Just to make clear what he drew.

May there always be sunshine,
May there always be blue skies,
May there always be mummy,
May there always be me!

My little friend,
Listen, my friend,
Peace is the dream of the people
Hearts old and young
Never have done
Singing the song you have sung.

May there always be sunshine,
May there always be blue skies,
May there always be mummy,
May there always be me!

6. Загадки

1. I am first to appear. I come out when the snow is on the ground. I have a white or blue dress. ( A snowdrop)

2. I come next to snowdrop. I don't like snow. I like warm days. My dress is violet. (A violet)

3. It runs and runs

But it'll never run out.

It flows. Who knows

What I'm talking about?(A river)

4.I am big

I am in the sky

I give light

What am I?(The sun)

5. I come from the sky.

I wash the grass.

And over the road

You may hear me pass.(Rain)

6-Teacher-  Poems(Дети читают стихи)

P1-On Women’s day I want to say,

Be always beautiful, don’t lose your charm,

Stay hopeful healthy anyway,

keep your heart warm.


P2-This March bright shining sun

Gives all sweet women fun.

And I wish you much love,

Hugging you now so tough

P3-Let your life be bright,

Live wonderful and light.

Be happy, lucky and clever.

Be beautiful forever

P4-8th of March is a Women’s Day.

We will celebrate today.

I wish you to be in a perfect mood,

And everything will be good.

7-  Завершение мероприятия

Teacher- Dear women, I just wanted to say thank you for being so amazing !You are beautiful, successful,brave, and charming. You are wonderful, you should never cry and be sad, never lose your smile, because that is your best gift and best weapon . Happy women`s day.

 Учителя и учащиеся прощаются на английском и русском языках.
- Good bye!
- Good luck!

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Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
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