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Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку " Брейн Ринг и Караоке на английском"

В данном материале представлена игра Брейн Ринг.Включены 70 вопросов по странам изучаемого языка, с целью развития интеллектуальных и страноведческих способностей учащихся, поддерживать уважительное отношение к языку, практиковать аудирование презентованного материала, утверждать умение работать в команде,а также указаны треки популярных групп( Imagin Dragons), которые могут ребята петь с экрана между раундами, как музыкальный брейк.


Содержимое разработки

The Game “Brain- Ring” Teams of the 8-11th years and KARAOKE IN ENGLISH

В рамках недели английского языка

Интеллектуальная игра «Брейн-ринг»

Цели и задачи:


развивать интеллектуальные способности, интерес учащихся к странам изучаемого языка, внимание, память.


поддерживать уважительное отношение учащихся к языку, к англо-говорящего мира;

утверждать умение работать в команде;


Развивать у учащихся навыки говорения и аудирования.

Участники: ведущий, жюри, 30-60 школьников 8– 11 классов.

Реквизит: Вопросы, атрибутика для команд, лампы с кнопкой, музыкальная заставка, караоке с песнями, салют из конфетти, гонг и молоточек.

В просторном помещении располагаются столики и стулья по количеству команд.

Каждая команда состоит из 6 – 8 игроков.

Данная игра состоит из 3-х раундов по 23 вопросов (всего вопросов 70) и музыкальных пауз между ними в форме КАРАОКЕ.

В течение игры команды одновременно аудируют и затем отвечают на вопросы ведущего.

Зал и команды во время брейка поют караоке. ( Заранее определить песни, выучить и петь с экрана всем залом: участниками команд и зрителями)

У каждой команды на столе находится настольная лампа с кнопкой для быстрого ответа, на которую игроки нажимают после озвучивания ведущим вопроса и последующего обсуждения в команде.

Это происходит следующим образом:

  1. Ведущий зачитывает всем командам вопрос на английском. Допускается однократное повторение текста вопроса.

  2. После чтения вопроса ведущий дает команду «Go!»и удар в гонг (имитация), что служит сигналом начала отсчета времени, отведенного игрокам на обсуждение. Совещание по командам проходит в течение одной минуты.

  3. После окончания времени, отведенного командам на обсуждение, игроки нажимают на кнопку лампы на столе.

  4. Чья команда нажимает первой, ответ той команды и заслушивается.

  5. Если ответ у команды неправильный, ведущий объявляет правильный ответ и зачитывает следующий вопрос.

  6. За правильный ответ команда получает один основной бал.

  7. Игра состоит из 3-х раундов по 23 вопроса в каждом и музыкальных пауз между ними в форме КАРАОКЕ.

  8. После каждых 23 проигранных вопросов жюри объявляет предварительные итоги команд.

  9. Победитель определяется по сумме основных балов.

Ход игры:

Speaker - Hello everybody!

We are happy to see you here.

Speaker: –We are playing the game “Brain- Ring” and we are singing “Karaoke in English”

The first thing we’ll do sing a song and enjoy dancing.

Feder feat. Alex Aiono- Lordly

Зал исполняет караоке и поддержка танцевальной группы возможна.

Звучит музыкальная заставка из Телевизионной игры.

Speaker: There are 4 teams today.

The team “ Wow!” the 10th year Come on!

The team “ Well done!” the 11th year Come on!

The team “ Okay!” the 8th year Come on!

The team “ Yes!” the 9th year Come on! Welcome to your seats!

Make yourselves comfortable! Приглашены участники: 4 команды 4 стола с названиями команд.

I’d like to meet you the experts of the game.

Ready! Let’s start the game.

I read the question. You listen to. After gong discuss and answer the question. So PRESS the button of the lamp.

Напоминаем правила игры. Вы слушаете вопрос. После звукового сигнала обсуждаете и если вы готовы с ответом нажимаете на кнопку. Если ответ у команды, нажавшей на кнопку первой, не правильный, ответ озвучивается для всех.

Speaker: Well. Good luck to everybody! GO! GO! GO! GO!

The first round

The 1st question is......

1. It was given to the USA by France. It’s unique. It stands in the harbor of New York City and welcome people to America. (The Statue of Liberty)

2. It is sometimes called an English national game. It is a very long game. International matches last for 5 days. Some people think it’s too boring. What game is it? (Cricket)

3. It’s the Kremlin symbol. It has the main clock of Russia. What tower is it? (Spasskay Tower)

4. Here you can see wax models of famous and infamous people. (Madam Tussaud’s Gallery)

5. The home of the “Beatles” is…… (Liverpool)

6. This city was started as a fortress by Romance 2000 years ago. (London)

7. The continent where the Amazon River flows. (South America)

8. An apple fell down on the head of this scientist and he discovered the law of gravitation. (Newton)

9. The name of Britain’s largest international airport to the west of London. (Heathrow)

10. This city was founded by Peter the Great in 1703. (St. Petersburg)

11. Different parts of Britain have their own emblems. They are plants. In the 15th century there was a series of wars in England. They were between the duke of Lancaster and the duke of York who should be the king. The duke of Lancaster won, so the emblem of England is…… ( a red rose)

12. The author of “The adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn”. (Mark Twain)

13. The official residence of the Queen in London is…. .(Buckingham Palace)

14. What do Americans do with trash, packaging, cans, plastic bottles and plastic containers? (Recycle)

15. The London Underground is the oldest and the busiest in the world. There is another popular name of it. It is….. (The” tube”)

16. It’s an international environmental organization, started in Canada in 1960-s.It stands for peace and nature protection. (“Greenpeace”)

17. It’s a church. British monarchs are crowned in it. (Westminster Abbey)

18. He is a British filmmaker who made the first horror films. (Alfred Hitchcock)

19. What do people in Scotland bring home for good luck in the New Year? (a piece of coal)

20. The famous Russian writer, travelling to Sakhalin he visited our town Nikolaevsk on Amur (Chekhov)

21. The poetic name of the country Great Britain. (Albion)

22. It’s the biggest and most prestigious tournament in the world which is played on the grass. It is the best Centre Court, Tennis Court near London. (Wimbledon)

23. The most famous detective. (Sherlock Homes)

Music for All Команды и зрители исполняют караоке.

Believer- Karaoke HD ( in the style of Imagine Dragons)


The second round

24. The main square of our country. (Red Square)

25. He is a famous Russian physicist. He fought against atomic war. He won the Nobel Prize in 1975. He wrote several books on progress and freedom. (Andrew Sakharov)

26. Unhealthy food like popcorn, chips, hamburgers. (Junk- food/ fast food)

27. When we burn oil and gas for energy we cause …. (Air pollution)

28. He is an English politician. He was the Prime Minister of Great Britain during the World War II. He made the V-sign, meaning VICTORY. (Winston Churchill)

29. It’s a process when many people leave their own country because of poor c living conditions to another richer country. (Migration)

30. What is business and cultural centre of New York City? (Manhattan)

31. In what country there is a funny tradition when children eat chocolate Easter eggs? (England)

32. A type of football played with an oval ball. This is the kind of football in which players may run with the ball in their hands. (Rugby)

33. They are sporting events. They were first held in 776 BC in Greece. They were held every four years in honor of the God Zeus. (The Olympic Games)

34. This holiday celebrates the end of the Great Patriotic War. It showed the greatest patriotism of Russian people. What holiday is it? (Victory Day)

35. He wrote the famous “The Lord of the Rings” (Tolkien)

36. The ocean between Africa and Australia. (The Indian ocean)

37. English and French are two official languages in this country. (Canada)

38. The country which is situated in Europe and Asia as well.( Russia)

39. The official head of the UK. (The monarch)

40. Non – native language taught at school. (A foreign language)

41. Pilgrims were the first to celebrate it. Turkey and pumpkin pie is the most popular dish on that day. (Thanksgiving Day)

42. They gave this sea the name “Black Sea”. (The Greeks)

43. The country where the deepest lake of fresh water is located. (Russia)

44. A British popular music singer with the group “Queen”. (Freddy Mercury)

45. The residence of the US President? (The White House)

46. With this phrase we addressing good wishes to each other and raising glasses with champagne. What phrase is it? (“Happy New Year”)

47. A place which is known as a centre of American film industry? (Hollywood)

Music for All

Karaoke Summertime Sadness-Lana Del Rey


( использовать фонарики гаджетов) Зал исполняет караоке.

The third round

48. How many stars does the flag of the USA combine? (50)

49. A very large magical park in the US where children and their parents are entertained by cartoon’s characters. (Disney land)

50. It’s an Art Gallery in Moscow and one of the greatest museums in the world. It has a large collection of Russian art that was started by Pavel as a private collection. (The State Tretyakov Gallery)

51. A person who knows many languages. (A polyglot)

52. What is the nickname of the British flag? (Union Jack)

53. Double- Decker is a…….. (Bus)

54. What color do people wear on St. Patrick’s Day? (Green)

55. The longest street in the world in Manhattan New York. It is famous for its theatres. (Broadway)

56. He is the eldest son of Queen Elisabeth II. (Prince Charles)

57. He was a Swedish engineer and chemist who invented dynamite. He established the Prize which is given to people for important work in science, medicine, economics, and literature and world peace. (Alfred Nobel)

58. Sometimes it is called “the Lucky country” ( Australia)

59. Russian naval officer and sea traveler. He founded our town. (Nevelskoy)

60. The maple leaf is the emblem of this country. (Canada)

61. The second language in the USA is……( Spanish)

62. Many sport games were born in England, but this one was born in the USA.( Basketball)

63. The Hero of the Soviet Union. The school №5 in our town is called to honor his name. (Popov)

64. The English scientist wrote the theory of evolution. (Darwin)

65. The capital of this country is Canberra. (Australia)

66. The book about the adventures of a little girl in an unreal country. (“Alice in Wonderland”)

67. The dividing line between Europe and Asia. (The Urals)

68. The national currency (money) in our country. (Rubles)

69. Two oldest universities in England. (Oxford and Cambridge)

70. In the North of Scotland there is a very famous lake. Water in it is dark and cold. People say a mysterious monster lives there. (Loch Ness)

Awarding. We’d to know how many points each team has. Вручение грамот.

Music for All Зал исполняет караоке.

Radioactive-Karaoke HD ( in the style of Imagine Dragons)


Final! Fireworks! ( использовать салют из хлопушек с конфетти)

Подведение итогов. Награждение команд. Фейерверк из хлопушек с конфетти.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Система работы с высокомотивированными и одаренными учащимися по учебному предмету

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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