Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Разное  /  3 класс  /  Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "Animals in our life"

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "Animals in our life"

Внеклассное мероприятие целью которого является закрепление лексики по теме "Животные". В разработке используются разные виды заданий, которые вызывают интерес у учащихся данного возраста.

Описание разработки

Цель: закрепление лексики по теме «Животные»


 - совершенствовать навыки монологической речи;

 - закрепить лексику по теме «Животные»;

 - развивать мышление, память, воображение;

 - развивать интерес к изучению иностранного языка.

Оборудование: карточки с буквами, картинки с животными, картинка со щенком, магнитафон.

Dear boys and girls and there parents. We are glad to see you. We hope you all will enjoy our English party. Divide into three teams, please. Name you teams. This time we are going to talk about animals. What animals do you know?

( дети поднимают руки, встают и называют всех известных им животных)

Teacher:Good of you! Еще с древних времен люди заботились о животных, братьях своих меньших. Существует библейская история о Ное, который во время Всемирного потопа спас животных, взяв их на свой ковчег.

Teacher: That’ll do. You know a lot of animals. Perhaps, you know a few poems about them. What poems do you know?

Pupil1:I love my cat,

  It’ swarm and fat.

  My cat is grey,

  It likes to play.

Pupil 2:My dog is clever, strong and quick,

  Its name is Sport, my name is Nick.

  My dog is nice, my dog is grey,

  We play together every day.

Pupil 3:Do you know my parrot?

  He is talking bird.

  He says ‘Hallo’ to any man,

  Who says ‘Hallo’ to him.

Pupil 4: I love animals,

Dogs and cats and rabbits.

  I love all animals,

  I know their little habits.

Pupil 5:Baa, baa, black sheep,

  Have you any wool?

  Yes, sir, yes, sir,

  Three bags full.

Teacher:Now, I think you can dramatize some poems about animals. Who can?

Выходят две девочки, на одной из них костюм мышки, на другой – костюм кошки.

Cat: Little mouse, little mouse,

 Where is your house?

 Tell me, my sweet!

Mouse: Little cat, little cat,

  Stay in your flat,

  There is nothing here to cat!

Cat: Little mouse, little mouse,

 Where is your house?

 Where do you live?

Mouse: Little cat, little cat,

  Stay in your flat.

  I have nothing to give.

Cat: Little mouse, little mouse,

 Where is your house?

 Come out and talk to me!

Mouse: Little cat, little cat,

  No, no, I won’t do that!

  You want to eat me!

Teacher:Good for you all. I see you really know a lot of poems about birds and animals and now let’s play. На доске расположены слова. Участникам нужно расшифровать слова и записать на листочке. За каждое правильно составленное слово команды получают по одному баллу.

g o d (dog) t a c (cat)

o g r f (frog)  o m u s e (mouse)

o w c (cow) I p g (pig)

s o h r e (horse)  e a r b (bear)

o n I l (lion)

Teacher: Most of children love animals. They have pets at home and take care of them. But some boys and girls give their pets too much food to eat. That’s why their pets become too fat and can’t run and jump well. Lookatthispuppy!

Мальчик показывает рисунок, на котором нарисован толстый щенок и читает стихотворение. Все учащиеся в зале при словах “jump, puppy, jump!” встают и прыгают на месте.

B o y. Sport is plump puppy,

Still he can jump.

Jump, puppy! Jump, puppy, jump!

 If you jump plenty,

You’ll not be so plump!

So, jump, puppy!

Plump puppy, jump!

Jump, puppy, jump!

Teacher: Good for you. Now let’s play the game “puzzle”.

Каждая команда отгадывает по три загадки. За каждый правильный ответ получают по одному баллу.

It lives in the house. It likes fish and meat. (a cat)

It lives in the forest. It likes bananas. (a monkey)

It is very big and grey. (an elephant)

This animal likes grass. It gives us milk. (a cow)

This animal lives at home or in the street. It is a man’s friend. (a dog)

It is green and big. It likes meat. It lives in the river. (a crocodile)

This animal is small, it lives in the forest, and runs very fast. It is afraid of everything. What animal is it? (a hare)

I’m grey and I’m very big. I live in jungle, but you can also find at the Zoo or in the circus. I like vegetables, grass and fruit. (an elephant)

I’m red and I have a fine bushy tail. I hunt and eat small animals. (a fox)

Teacher: Now we’ll see who the best in saying these tongue - twisters is.

Pat’s black cat is Pat’s black hat.

The girl sees six big grey geese.

Snow is so snowy when it is snowing.

A cup of nice coffee in a nice coffee - cup.

Teacher:Now I want to see how you draw well. One pupil from each team will come up to the blackboard and draw an animal (a pig, a cat, a lion).

(Выходят по одному участнику из каждой команды. Нужно нарисовать животное с закрытыми глазами. У кого получится тот и выиграл. )

Teacher: let’sdescribetheseanimals. Each of you will make a sentence about it. All your sentences must be without mistakes and in logical order.

Teacher: Наш праздник подходит к концу. Какая же команда победила? Well, boysandgirls. It’s a very good that you know so much about animals, that you have pets at home, that you take care of them. Never forget that animals and birds are our friends. Адавайтенапоследокспоемпесенку «OldMcDonald’sFarm».

Old McDonald has four ducks.

One duck, two ducks, three ducks, four.

Old McDonald has four ducks.

Old McDonald has four cows.

One cow, two cows, three cows, four.

Old McDonald has four cows.

Old McDonald has four dogs.

One dog, two dogs, three dogs, four.

Old McDonald has four dogs.

Old McDonald has four frogs.

One frog, two frogs, thee frogs, four.

Old McDonald has four frogs.

Old McDonald has four chickens.

One chicken, two chickens, three chickens, four.

Old McDonald has four chickens.

The end!

Содержимое разработки

Праздник «Animals in our life»

Цель: закрепление лексики по теме «Животные»


- совершенствовать навыки монологической речи;

- закрепить лексику по теме «Животные»;

- развивать мышление, память, воображение;

- развивать интерес к изучению иностранного языка.

Оборудование: карточки с буквами, картинки с животными, картинка со щенком, магнитафон.

Dear boys and girls and there parents. We are glad to see you. We hope you all will enjoy our English party. Divide into three teams, please. Name you teams. This time we are going to talk about animals. What animals do you know?

( дети поднимают руки, встают и называют всех известных им животных)

Teacher:Good of you! Еще с древних времен люди заботились о животных, братьях своих меньших. Существует библейская история о Ное, который во время Всемирного потопа спас животных, взяв их на свой ковчег.

Teacher: That’ll do. You know a lot of animals. Perhaps, you know a few poems about them. What poems do you know?

Pupil1:I love my cat,

It’ swarm and fat.

My cat is grey,

It likes to play.

Pupil 2:My dog is clever, strong and quick,

Its name is Sport, my name is Nick.

My dog is nice, my dog is grey,

We play together every day.

Pupil 3:Do you know my parrot?

He is talking bird.

He says ‘Hallo’ to any man,

Who says ‘Hallo’ to him.

Pupil 4: I love animals,

Dogs and cats and rabbits.

I love all animals,

I know their little habits.

Pupil 5:Baa,baa, black sheep,

Have you any wool?

Yes, sir, yes, sir,

Three bags full.

Teacher:Now, I think you can dramatize some poems about animals. Who can?

Выходят две девочки, на одной из них костюм мышки, на другой – костюм кошки.

Cat: Little mouse, little mouse,

Where is your house?

Tell me, my sweet!

Mouse: Little cat, little cat,

Stay in your flat,

There is nothing here to cat!

Cat: Little mouse, little mouse,

Where is your house?

Where do you live?

Mouse: Little cat, little cat,

Stay in your flat.

I have nothing to give.

Cat: Little mouse, little mouse,

Where is your house?

Come out and talk to me!

Mouse: Little cat, little cat,

No, no, I won’t do that!

You want to eat me!

Teacher:Good for you all. I see you really know a lot of poems about birds and animals and now let’s play. На доске расположены слова. Участникам нужно расшифровать слова и записать на листочке. За каждое правильно составленное слово команды получают по одному баллу.

g o d (dog) t a c (cat)

o g r f (frog) o m u s e (mouse)

o w c (cow) I p g (pig)

s o h r e (horse) e a r b (bear)

o n I l (lion)

Teacher: Most of children love animals. They have pets at home and take care of them. But some boys and girls give their pets too much food to eat. That’s why their pets become too fat and can’t run and jump well. Lookatthispuppy!

Мальчик показывает рисунок, на котором нарисован толстый щенок и читает стихотворение. Все учащиеся в зале при словах “jump,puppy,jump!” встают и прыгают на месте.

B o y. Sport is plump puppy,

Still he can jump.

Jump, puppy! Jump, puppy, jump!

If you jump plenty,

You’ll not be so plump!

So, jump, puppy!

Plump puppy, jump!

Jump, puppy, jump!

Teacher: Good for you. Now let’s play the game “puzzle”.

Каждая команда отгадывает по три загадки. За каждый правильный ответ получают по одному баллу.

  1. It lives in the house. It likes fish and meat. (a cat)

  2. It lives in the forest. It likes bananas. (a monkey)

  3. It is very big and grey. (an elephant)

  4. This animal likes grass. It gives us milk. (a cow)

  5. This animal lives at home or in the street. It is a man’s friend.(a dog)

  6. It is green and big. It likes meat. It lives in the river.(a crocodile)

  7. This animal is small, it lives in the forest, and runs very fast. It is afraid of everything. What animal is it? (a hare)

  8. I’m grey and I’m very big. I live in jungle, but you can also find at the Zoo or in the circus. I like vegetables, grass and fruit. (an elephant)

  9. I’m red and I have a fine bushy tail. I hunt and eat small animals. (a fox)

Teacher: Now we’ll see who the best in saying these tongue-twisters is.

  1. Pat’s black cat is Pat’s black hat.

  2. The girl sees six big grey geese.

  3. Snow is so snowy when it is snowing.

  4. A cup of nice coffee in a nice coffee-cup.

Teacher:Now I want to see how you draw well. One pupil from each team will come up to the blackboard and draw an animal (a pig, a cat, a lion).

(Выходят по одному участнику из каждой команды. Нужно нарисовать животное с закрытыми глазами. У кого получится тот и выиграл.)

Teacher: let’sdescribetheseanimals. Each of you will make a sentence about it. All your sentences must be without mistakes and in logical order.

Teacher: Наш праздник подходит к концу. Какая же команда победила? Well, boysandgirls. It’s a very good that you know so much about animals, that you have pets at home, that you take care of them. Never forget that animals and birds are our friends.Адавайтенапоследокспоемпесенку «OldMcDonald’sFarm».

Old McDonald has four ducks.

One duck, two ducks, three ducks, four.

Old McDonald has four ducks.

Old McDonald has four cows.

One cow, two cows, three cows, four.

Old McDonald has four cows.

Old McDonald has four dogs.

One dog, two dogs, three dogs, four.

Old McDonald has four dogs.

Old McDonald has four frogs.

One frog, two frogs, thee frogs, four.

Old McDonald has four frogs.

Old McDonald has four chickens.

One chicken, two chickens, three chickens, four.

Old McDonald has four chickens.

The end!

Курсы повышения квалификации

Профессиональная компетентность педагогов в условиях внедрения ФГОС

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "Animals in our life" (19.82 КB)

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Ирина, 14.12.2015 22:13
Good job!