Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Презентации  /  5 класс  /  Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Are you good at English?"

Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Are you good at English?"

Презентация поможет закрепить лексические и грамматические навыки по темам: "School subjects", "Animals", "Parts of body", "Numerals".

Описание разработки

Презентация содержит лексику по теме: "School subjects", "Animals", "Parts of body", "Numerals". По грамматике - формы глагола to be.

Презентация поможет провести внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку в 5 классе (УМК Spotlight)

Read and name the subject.

1. In this subject we do sums and write numbers.

2. In this subject we listen to the cassettes or CDs, sing songs, play games, talk to our friends, read texts, write exercises, learn new words and grammar of the foreign language.

3. In this subject we learn about the life of animals and plants. Study our nature.

Презентация по английскому языку на тему Are you good at English?

4. In this subject we draw pictures of our pets, nature, toys.

5. In this subject we run, jump, skip, ski, play football, basketball, volleyball.

IT  Russian PE Geography Biology Math Literature Art  English Music.

Содержимое разработки

Quiz: Are you good at English?                    

Quiz: Are you good at English?


  Read and name the subject.  1. In this subject we do sums and write numbers. 2. In this subject we listen to the cassettes or CDs, sing songs, play games, talk to our friends, read texts, write exercises, learn new words and grammar of the foreign language. 3. In this subject we learn about the life of animals and plants. Study our nature. 4. In this subject we draw pictures of our pets, nature, toys. 5. In this subject we run, jump, skip, ski, play football, basketball, volleyball.   IT Russian PE Geography Biology Math Literature Art English Music                    

Read and name the subject.

1. In this subject we do sums and write numbers.

2. In this subject we listen to the cassettes or CDs, sing songs, play games, talk to our friends, read texts, write exercises, learn new words and grammar of the foreign language.

3. In this subject we learn about the life of animals and plants. Study our nature.

4. In this subject we draw pictures of our pets, nature, toys.

5. In this subject we run, jump, skip, ski, play football, basketball, volleyball.

IT Russian PE Geography Biology Math Literature Art English Music


Timetable 1. Maths 2. English 3. Biology 4. Art 5. PE (Physical Education)


1. Maths

2. English

3. Biology

4. Art

5. PE (Physical Education)

Maths lesson  1. Listen and write the numbers    Seventy-three minus fifty-two equals twenty-one Eighty-four minus twenty-seven equals fifty seven Ninety-two plus thirteen equals one hundred and five Two hundreds and seventy-three minus eighty-one equals one hundred and ninety-two Three hundreds and sixty-two plus twenty-five equals three hundreds and eighty-seven    2. Write in numbers and read

Maths lesson

1. Listen and write the numbers

  • Seventy-three minus fifty-two equals twenty-one
  • Eighty-four minus twenty-seven equals fifty seven
  • Ninety-two plus thirteen equals one hundred and five
  • Two hundreds and seventy-three minus eighty-one equals one hundred and ninety-two
  • Three hundreds and sixty-two plus twenty-five equals three hundreds and eighty-seven

2. Write in numbers and read

1. 30 14 15 60 70 18  2.  73-52=21  84-27=57  92+13=105  273-81=192  362+25=387


  • 30
  • 14
  • 15
  • 60
  • 70
  • 18







The English Lesson Find the opposites:  thin small  yes can’t  mother dog  sister girl  hello black  night brother  white good-ye  cat day  boy no  big thick  can father

The English Lesson

Find the opposites:

thin small

yes can’t

mother dog

sister girl

hello black

night brother

white good-ye

cat day

boy no

big thick

can father

 thin thick  yes no  mother father  sister brother  hello good-bye  night day  white black  cat dog  boy girl  big small  can can’t

thin thick yes no mother father sister brother hello good-bye night day white black cat dog boy girl big small can can’t

Fill in the right form of the verb   to be (am / is / are) I ______ fine. You ______ from England. He _____ strong. She _____ busy. It _____ fat. We _____ big. They _____ clever. Tom and Sam _____ pupils. Our friends _____ good at English. Ann _____ young. All people _____ friends.

Fill in the right form of the verb

to be

(am / is / are)

I ______ fine.

You ______ from England.

He _____ strong.

She _____ busy.

It _____ fat.

We _____ big.

They _____ clever.

Tom and Sam _____ pupils.

Our friends _____ good at English.

Ann _____ young.

All people _____ friends.

I am fine. You are from England. He is strong. She is busy. It is fat. We are big. They are clever. Tom and Sam are pupils. Our friends are good at English. Ann is young. All people are friends.
  • I am fine.
  • You are from England.
  • He is strong.
  • She is busy.
  • It is fat.
  • We are big.
  • They are clever.
  • Tom and Sam are pupils.
  • Our friends are good at English.
  • Ann is young.
  • All people are friends.
Biology Read   the  following  riddles  (puzzles)  and   guess   the   answers. 1. This animal has got a very long neck. 2. It is a very large and strong animal. It’s grey. It lives in Africa. 3. It has got a beautiful fluffy tail. It’s red. It likes chickens. 4. It has no legs but moves very quickly. It swims. 5. Long ears, likes carrots, jumps fast. 6. It’s big and brown, likes honey, sleeps in winter. 7. It’s a funny animal, likes to jump and climb, eats bananas. 8. Lives in the river, it is green, can jump, it is not dangerous. 9. It’s kind and clever, is a pet, can run and jump, says “bark”. 10. On the picture is a .. 11. It’s green, lives in the river, is very dangerous.


  • Read   the  following  riddles  (puzzles)  and   guess   the   answers.

1. This animal has got a very long neck.

2. It is a very large and strong animal. It’s grey. It lives in Africa.

3. It has got a beautiful fluffy tail. It’s red. It likes chickens.

4. It has no legs but moves very quickly. It swims.

5. Long ears, likes carrots, jumps fast.

6. It’s big and brown, likes honey, sleeps in winter.

7. It’s a funny animal, likes to jump and climb, eats bananas.

8. Lives in the river, it is green, can jump, it is not dangerous.

9. It’s kind and clever, is a pet, can run and jump, says “bark”.

10. On the picture is a ..

11. It’s green, lives in the river, is very dangerous.

 1. 1 a giraffe  2 an elephant  3 a fox 4 a fish  5 a rabbit  6 a bear 7 a monkey  8 a frog  9 a dog 10 a cat  11 a crocodile

1. 1 a giraffe

2 an elephant

3 a fox

4 a fish

5 a rabbit

6 a bear

7 a monkey

8 a frog

9 a dog

10 a cat

11 a crocodile

Art Lesson Read and draw a picture of a robot  It’s got a big head. It has got four eyes, one nose, one mouth and three ears. It has got short hair. It has got a big round body. It has got three long arms and small hands. It has got three short legs and three round feet.

Art Lesson

Read and draw a picture of a robot

It’s got a big head. It has got four eyes, one nose, one mouth and three ears. It has got short hair. It has got a big round body. It has got three long arms and small hands. It has got three short legs and three round feet.

PE lesson

PE lesson

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Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Are you good at English?" (1.81 MB)

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Seid, 25.11.2015 21:08
Людмила, 25.11.2015 20:12
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