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Великие люди Великобритании

В учебнике есть некоторый материал о знаменитостях страны изучаемого языка, но явно недостаточный. Эта презентация помогает ликвидировать этот недостаток.

Описание разработки

Когда мы стали знакомиться с великими людьми страны изучаемого языка, я поняла, как мало дети знают по этой теме.

Портреты писателей, поэтов, политических лидеров, изобретателей, актеров в моей презентации помогли  ученикам зрительно запомнить великих людей, а хоть и краткая информация об их деятельности расширила кругозор ребят.

Хорошо прошла работа по ней и в 11 классе на повторение.

Презентация Великие люди Великобритании

William Shakespeare was born in April 1564.

 In 1587 Shakespeare went to work in London. Some years later Shakespeare began to write plays. 

By 1592 Shakespeare was an important member of well-known company.

 In 1599 the famous Globe Theatre was built on the south bank of the river Thames. In that theatre most of his plays were performed.

 By 1603 Shakespeare was the leading poet and dramatist of his time. He continued to write for the next ten years.

 In 1613 he finally stopped writing and went to live in Stratford where he died in 1616. He is buried in Stratford-on-Avon.

Isaac Newton was born in 1642 in   England.

  He studied Maths at Cambridge university.

  He made 3 discoveries:

 - differential  calculations

 - the nature of white light

 - the Law of gravitation.

  He died at the age of 84.

  His monument is at Westminster Abbey.

Содержимое разработки

Great people of Great Britain To create or not to create Chistotkina Galina,Mordino,Komi

Great people of Great Britain

To create or not to create

Chistotkina Galina,Mordino,Komi

William Shakespeare William Shakespeare was born in April 1564.  In 1587 Shakespeare went to work in London. Some years later Shakespeare began to write plays. By 1592 Shakespeare was an important member of well-known company.  In 1599 the famous Globe Theatre was built on the south bank of the river Thames. In that theatre most of his plays were performed.  By 1603 Shakespeare was the leading poet and dramatist of his time. He continued to write for the next ten years.  In 1613 he finally stopped writing and went to live in Stratford where he died in 1616. He is buried in Stratford-on-Avon.

William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare was born in April 1564.

In 1587 Shakespeare went to work in London. Some years later Shakespeare began to write plays.

By 1592 Shakespeare was an important member of well-known company.

In 1599 the famous Globe Theatre was built on the south bank of the river Thames. In that theatre most of his plays were performed.

By 1603 Shakespeare was the leading poet and dramatist of his time. He continued to write for the next ten years.

In 1613 he finally stopped writing and went to live in Stratford where he died in 1616. He is buried in Stratford-on-Avon.

His theatre GLOBE

His theatre GLOBE

Elizabeth the Second

Elizabeth the Second

Alexander Bell Born March 3, 1847  Edinburgh, Scotland, UK Died August 2, 1922 (aged 75)  Beinn Bhreagh, Nova Scotia, Canada Cause of death Complications from diabetes Education University of Edinburgh  University College London Occupation Inventor  Scientist  Engineer  Professor (Boston University)  Teacher of the deaf Known for Inventing the Telephone

Alexander Bell


March 3, 1847 Edinburgh, Scotland, UK


August 2, 1922 (aged 75) Beinn Bhreagh, Nova Scotia, Canada

Cause of death

Complications from diabetes


University of Edinburgh University College London


Inventor Scientist Engineer Professor (Boston University) Teacher of the deaf

Known for

Inventing the Telephone

Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton

Henry Cavendish

Henry Cavendish

Alexander Fleming

Alexander Fleming

Ian Lancaster Fleming

Ian Lancaster Fleming

Admiral Nelson

Admiral Nelson

Charlie Chaplin 1889-1977

Charlie Chaplin 1889-1977

Margaret Thatcher 1925-

Margaret Thatcher 1925-

The Beatles

The Beatles

Charles Mackintosh

Charles Mackintosh

John Bowler

John Bowler

Charles Rolls

Charles Rolls

Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin

Arthur Conan Doyle

Arthur Conan Doyle

Michael Faraday

Michael Faraday

George Stephenson 1781-1848  Stephenson was a great  English constructor and  inventor.  He made a revolution in  steam transport.  He invented the first steam.  His steam ROCKET is in  London museum now.  He built steel rails.  The fist railroad was from  Manchester to Liverpool.  It was 40 kms.

George Stephenson 1781-1848

Stephenson was a great

English constructor and


He made a revolution in

steam transport.

He invented the first steam.

His steam ROCKET is in

London museum now.

He built steel rails.

The fist railroad was from

Manchester to Liverpool.

It was 40 kms.

Lady Diana

Lady Diana

Charlotte Bronte 1816-1855 A great English poet  and novelist. She wrote a popular novel “ Jane Eyre”

Charlotte Bronte 1816-1855

A great English poet

and novelist.

She wrote a popular novel

“ Jane Eyre”

Курсы повышения квалификации

Теоретические и практические основания методической деятельности преподавателя иностранного языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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