Разработки  /  Информатика  /  Уроки  /  6 класс  /  В концепции модернизации современного отечественного образования акцентировано отдельное внимание на использовании ИКТ. Информационная компетентность выделена в качестве одного из основных компонентов качества образовательного процесса.

В концепции модернизации современного отечественного образования акцентировано отдельное внимание на использовании ИКТ. Информационная компетентность выделена в качестве одного из основных компонентов качества образовательного процесса.

Она состоит в формировании навыков в сфере коммуникационных и информационных технологий. Возможность ее формирования связана с систематической деятельностью школьников в информационном компьютерном пространстве.

Применение ИКТ в учебной деятельности считается актуальной проблемой профессионального отечественного образования. Подобные технологии позволяют педагогу находить новые возможности для преподавания своей учебной дисциплины.


Содержимое разработки


The concept of modernization of modern domestic education focuses on the use of ICT. Information competence is highlighted as one of the main components of the quality of the educational process.

It consists in the formation of skills in the field of communication and information technology. The possibility of its formation is associated with the systematic activity of schoolchildren in the information computer space.

The use of ICT in educational activities is considered an urgent problem of professional domestic education. Such technologies allow the teacher to find new opportunities for teaching their academic discipline.

The development of ICT opens up large horizons for schoolchildren. They can reflect on, be included in the educational process, have a positive effect on the formation of cognitive interest in the subject. The inclusion of such technologies in education allows you to increase the effectiveness of the training session, free the teacher from routine activities.

Informatics and ICTs increase the attractiveness of delivering complex material. The teacher carries out the differentiation of tasks, uses a variety of feedback forms.

Currently, ICT is a requirement of time. It is difficult to imagine a high-quality modern lesson without computer presentations. The teacher gets a chance to make positive changes in the planned scheme of classes.

ICT is a way to increase the motivation of the educational process, the possibility of developing a creative personality for both schoolchildren and the teacher. This pedagogical technology contributes to the realization of the main human needs: education, communication, self-realization. Nowadays, ICT is a necessity that is dictated by the modern level of development of society.

Thanks to information technology, you can:

increase the content of educational activities of schoolchildren;

increase the attractiveness of the educational process for modern students;

use visual images to give lessons maximum efficiency;

stimulate the desire to learn;

to bring into the lesson dynamic

ICT is a great option for effective teaching. It is a clear demonstration and synchronous explanation of the educational material in question.

If we use multimedia presentations and software training products as support for integrated and classic lessons, we can significantly deepen and summarize the knowledge and skills of children.

The use of animation in slides helps the teacher to give a detailed idea of ​​the material heard in the lesson. The guys are immersed with great desire in the subject. The variety of forms helps to increase the cognitive activity of motivation, interest and curiosity increase. Working with ICT helps teachers, along with their wards, to enjoy the fascinating process of learning, “go out” beyond the classroom, and immerse themselves in the colorful world of living nature.

Even guys with low motivation with a great desire to work with a computer. Of course, he is not able to replace live communication with teachers and peers, but will certainly increase interest in the study of a particular academic discipline.

ICT classes are equipped with modern technology, which greatly facilitates the process of memorization and awareness of information. Among the many advantages of this method, it is possible to single out the improvement in the quality of ZUN due to the novelty of activity and interest in a computer.

Teachers, preparing for a lesson with the use of information technologies, do not forget to draw up a plan for a class session, to indicate goals and objectives. In the selection of educational material, teachers use the main didactic principles: consistency, systematic, scientific, differentiated approach, accessibility.

Teachers use educational electronic resources: presentations, logic games, test materials.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Система работы с высокомотивированными и одаренными учащимися по учебному предмету

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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В концепции модернизации современного отечественного образования акцентировано отдельное внимание на использовании ИКТ. Информационная компетентность выделена в качестве одного из основных компонентов качества образовательного процесса. (12.08 KB)

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