Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Уроки  /  Прочее  /  Урок развития навыков говорения по теме " Faucets"

Урок развития навыков говорения по теме " Faucets"

Урок с подробным описанием упражнений

Содержимое разработки


Vocabulary: match the words with the translation

bathtub faucet

shower faucet

tub and shower faucet

lavatory faucet



air gap



смеситель для ванной

смеситель для душа

смеситель для ванной и душа

смеситель для унитаза



воздушный зазор



Exercise 1. Read and translate the micro text


New Product Listing: Complete Bathroom Fixture Set $ 300

This fixture set will provide many years of quality service. The lavatory

faucet gives a refreshing cleanse with each use. The combination tub and shower

faucet installs easily. The chrome bathtub faucet gives an even stream of water.

The detachable shower faucet has a flexible chrome handle. An easy-to-turn

diverter switches between faucets quickly and efficiently. This means less water

washed and lower water bills. The shower spout has a multiple-setting swivel


Take care when installing this fixture set. The bathtub faucet and tub should

have a 30-centimeter air gap.

To order this product, please call or complete an order form.

Exercise 2. Answer the questions:

a) What are some common types of faucet?

b) Why should a plumber know about different kinds of faucets?

c) What grammatical phenomena can you analyze in the text?

d) Find in the text the sentence in the Future Simple. Read it and analyze the verbs.

Exercise 3. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F) having read

the product description about a fixture set (ex. 1)

1 – The bathtub and shower faucets are separate units.

2 – The shower faucet can be adjusted to different settings.

3 – There must be at least thirty inches between the bathtub and shower faucet.

Exercise 4. Match the words (1–5) with the definitions (A–E)

1 – diverter

2 – air gap

3 – aerator

4 – spout

5 – handle

A - an attachment to something that can be gripped

B - a fixture which directs the flow of water to and

from the bathtub faucet and the shower faucet

C - the opening of a pipe from which water is


D - part of a faucet which controls how water sprays

out of the faucet

E - a vertical space below a water spout which stops

used water from flowing into the same spout

Exercise 5. Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the

word bank

Word bank: bathtub faucet, shower faucet, tub and shower faucet, lavatory


1 A __________ should be installed about five feet high.

2 I installed a combination __________ in my bathroom.

3 A __________ is only designed for hand washing.

4 A good ___________ can fill a tub in a few minutes.

Exercise 6. Make up a dialogue on the theme «Faucets».

Exercise 7. Look at the pictures and name the main parts of the faucets.

Exercise 8. Retell the text (10–15 sentences).

Курсы профессиональной переподготовке

Учитель, преподаватель английского языка

Продолжительность 300 или 600 часов
Документ: Диплом о профессиональной переподготовке
13800 руб.
от 2760 руб.
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